Today I just want to post with the little junior sister who is passing by

Chapter 27 “Brother, do you want to join us? Let’s compete with who can play more games” (4199 words

Chapter 27 Brother, do you want to join us? Let's compete with who can play more games~ (4199 words)

Jiang Qiao has just finished reading The Compendium of Warm Incense and has a general understanding of the knowledge of incense.

He only read half of Titian's Smelting Book and discovered a detail in the content.

Wenyu wrote in the book:

[My entire inspiration for making fragrances comes from my innate special ability, which cannot be replicated by ordinary people.

[I can smell the breath of people's souls. Some people's souls are clean and pure, and some exude a slightly unique fragrance, while a few people exude a fermented and sour smell. The aura exuded by the soul can always be easily captured by me and completely cover up the aura from other sources. ]

So that's it.

Only then did Jiang Qiao understand that no wonder Wen Yu said he smelled good, but he didn't smell anything. It seems that he cannot smell her dimension.

The two of them are not on the same frequency at all.

Since her dimension cannot be touched, how to improve her favorability is a real headache.

At the same time, the system once again broke his thoughts.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the host, Mu Qinggan has successfully transferred the target. The current target is Jiang Dong, and the current favorability is 5]

ah? ? ?

After finally cheering up, the system gave me another blow.


It could be anyone, just a passerby, but why is it his brother...

I just got a small breakthrough, and I thought I could finally think about Wenyu's plot line and rules. Why, my brother?

Jiang Qiao had never felt the care of his relatives in his previous life. Jiang Dong's demeanor was interesting and easy for people to get close to.

Now the system told him that Mu Qinggan's next target was Jiang Dong.

With 5 favorability points, the superposition of 5 favorability points, my brother can live up to seventeen days...

Suddenly a devil appeared in his heart and whispered softly in Jiang Qiao's ear: My brother is in danger, what can I do? You can't save me. My brother is a little stronger than you, although he is not Mu Qinggan's opponent.

[Brother or sister, it’s just a game. When the game is over, they have nothing to do with you. You can be more ruthless and don’t care about them at all]

Jiang Qiao put down the book, feeling empty inside.

Furthermore, the original owner's time growing up with his brothers and sisters was also tugging at his emotions.

If it weren't for their own weakness, they would all be fine.

Just watch him die in silence now.

Obviously, from the holiday to now, I have only spent four short days with them. Why, when that hand wants to take away all those beautiful memories, I am not willing at all.

Although they are just paper figures in the game, they are somewhat fleshy and alive. The memory of the original owner is deeply engraved in his heart, as if he has actually experienced every scene. Those warmth, those laughter, those...

No, you should be more indifferent. What do these things have to do with you? All you can do is done.

Those memories have nothing to do with you.

He walked out of the room like a zombie and saw in the courtyard, his sister had just put away the kite string and was taking turns kicking the shuttlecock with Jiang's father.

Brother, do you want to join us? Let's compete with who can play more games~

Jiang Qiao smiled sadly, shook his head, and then lowered his head, letting his long hair cover up his unhappiness.

Suddenly, he thought of something.

My father is in the Nascent Soul stage. If you tell him, everything will be solved, right?

Ha ha ha ha ha……

He immediately asked the system, but got a negative answer from the system.

[System: In addition to Li Wentian and others acting as guides and giving tips to players in the game, asking for help from others will cause plot killing. 】

Isn't this just like the previous rounds when I wrote Qian Zhihe to tell my brother about Mu Qinggan's series of evil deeds, but my brother didn't believe it at all and thought he was trying to make a fool of himself.

It is also the same as the previous rounds when I tried to escape from the sect, but was killed by Mu Qinggan.

Moving his father to kill Mu Qinggan will also produce a certain butterfly effect, and there will be a damn plot killing.

In the end, there is still a death.

Without evidence and empty words, no one will believe me. My abilities are too weak, not even a killer can be hired.

Sure enough, he was still too weak.

No evidence can be found, and no strength can be shown.

If he becomes stronger quickly and increases the power of the Luo Yuejiang clan, all of this can be solved.

He is still not strong enough, can't do anything, and is still wasting time. If he practices seamlessly, he has to eat faster and sleep faster to save time, practice, practice, practice...

It's obviously because he's not strong enough, yet he still drags other innocent people down and makes excuses to give up. He's a waste.

He is a waste, he is a waste...

I can only watch them die, sorry.

At this moment, a strong hand patted Jiang Qiao's shoulder.

Aqiao, what's wrong with you? You look so bad. What happened? Are you willing to tell me?

Jiang Qiao turned his head, his lips and teeth trembled for a long time, but in the end he just shouted hoarsely: Father, I...

Then he was silent for a long time.

The father sighed and patted Jiang Qiao's back again, You have grown up as expected. Now I don't want to talk about anything that is on my mind.

Your handsome face has returned to normal, but it's still far from what I used to be.

His father stretched out his hands and rubbed Jiang Qiao's face with the Rasengan. Jiang Qiao originally wanted his tears to dry naturally and didn't want his father to see them. But now, the tears were squeezed out.

Two lines of tears fell, and they were wiped away by my father.

Well... Jiang Qiao's face was rubbed into an octopus mouth, The heart of the pot is not a book bear (Father, I am not a child anymore).

Tsk, you kid, come to my room and I'll make you a good tea. The scented tea I just bought. By the way, tell me about the interesting things that happened to you in the sect this month. I want to be young again occasionally. son.

After speaking, his father patted Jiang Qiao's back again.

Jiang Qiao didn't want to go at first, but his father's hands were rough and warm, so he couldn't help but follow his father's steps.

Plantains were planted in a corner of his father's courtyard. Jiang Qiao was sitting in the house, and soon it began to drizzle. The banana leaves were soaked by the drizzle, but they were still strong.

Lighting a fire to make tea, the warmth of the fire became stronger, making Jiang Qiao's cheeks slightly red.

The fire was sizzling and sparks were emitting. Listening to such comfortable white noise, Jiang Qiao's originally restless mood indeed calmed down a lot.

He still hasn't let go of his worries about his brother's safety, but now, in this room, he doesn't think about it carefully for the time being.

It's also good to just drink a cup of tea. After drinking the tea, he can think about his crisis carefully.

Don't think about it now, Jiang Qiao sat quietly, waiting to drink tea.

Jiang Qiao didn't say anything, and his father just muttered a few words, This tea is good. Your sister hasn't even had a chance to taste it, so I'll drink it for you first.

Water and dried flowers rolled in the pot, making a beeping sound.

Speaking of which, you don't know, Elder Jinshi from Zhaixingya is an old friend of mine. I always ask him how you are doing in the sect when I have something to do, and he annoys me even when I ask him.

When you first started, I was worried that you wouldn't be able to keep up with your practice. Jin Shi also told me that you always fell asleep in lectures. However, later on, you seemed to have changed and you knew your intentions.

I was thinking at that time, maybe you were stimulated by something...

Jiang Qiao had just stopped crying. His eyes were a little dry and his head was dizzy. He wanted to tell everything right now, but this was considered a plot glitch.

Or, he should say it out and give it a try, no matter what, he will die.

Elder Jinshi also said that they had talked to you several times and were a little surprised by your sudden change. Did you push yourself too hard?

Father, if I want to kill someone, but I'm troubled because I can't do it now...

While speaking, Jiang Qiao spread his hands and looked at his palm prints, feeling confused.

Ah, it's because of this. I was like this back then. I was very hot-blooded and always competed with others. Later, I really became enemies with a bully.

The guy in the sect who bullies others is so cruel, I really can't stand it.

After his father finished speaking, Yun Danfeng took a sip of tea and said, I was not willing to swallow my anger when I was bullied. I had conflicts with him several times. However, the sect's rules stated that no one could kill anyone in the sect. Later, I killed him when I entered the secret realm. killed.

? Can you ignore the rules in the secret realm? Jiang Qiao frowned in confusion.

Of course, it's a secret realm. All the major sects compete together. It's normal to fight to the death. After his father said that, the tea leaves in the pot were brewed.

The tea was slowly poured into the cup. Jiang Qiao took a sip and suddenly thought that although his brother had become Mu Qinggan's new target, he did not only have seventeen days left to live.

My brother must have met Mu Qinggan and was favored by Mu Qinggan, so he became Mu Qinggan's new target. However, the ten-day holiday was coming to an end soon, and Mu Qinggan had to return to the sect. During this period, basically He will not leave the sect unless the sect leader assigns a task.

Mu Qinggan's mission is usually to be sent to the black market to perform tasks. As long as his brother does not go to the black market, he will be safe until the next ten-day holiday.

It seems that some things can only be understood after calming down.

After drinking a cup of tea, Jiang Qiao felt that his whole body became lighter.

Are you going to start exploring the secret realm recently?


Have you signed up?


Then have you found any good brothers to form a team with you? It is very dangerous to explore the secret realm alone.

The father said in his heart that Jiang Qiao was originally a child with poor communication skills. He was usually taciturn and slow-tempered, and it would be difficult for him to get along with other people all of a sudden.

He actually didn't want Jiang Qiao to enter the secret realm so early.

I found one, but he's not a good brother.

Jiang Qiao thought that Li Wentian could only temporarily share the same goal with him.

Did you ask him to form a team, or did he find you?

His father poured Jiang Qiao another cup of tea. This was the first time he heard Jiang Qiao talk about things in the sect. Jiang Qiao rarely talked about these things.

He came for me.

That's it, that's good. That kid should be cheerful. It would be good for you to interact with him more.

By the way, will the person you want to kill join the secret realm this time? Father made a rough guess about the person Jiang Qiao wanted to kill. Is this person particularly annoying? He doesn't do other people's business and always makes trouble for you. Do it to him? That’s it!

Jiang Qiao was stunned. This was indeed the case to some extent. He nodded.

How does his level compare to yours?

I'm weaker.

My father told you about a good thing in the secret realm. Basically, only I know about it. Even if the difference is huge, it can still kill people.


Have you seen the secret map?

not yet.

...Son, since we are going to the secret realm, how can we not be familiar with the map of the secret realm?

Jiang Qiao had been focusing on cultivation recently, and the matter of going to the secret realm was completely forgotten. If Li Wentian hadn't mentioned it at that time, he would have almost forgotten it.

I'll go look for it for you. I should have it here. My father got up and went to get the map. It took him a while to dust it off with his hands.

Look, this area to the west is the protected area for the sect to explore the secret realm. It is a small circle as big as a palm. Generally speaking, disciples participating in the secret realm assessment cannot theoretically go out of the circled area in the west.

Fighting is not allowed in the sect's protected area. Once you leave the west area, the secret realm resources are more abundant. But the problem is, if you leave the west area, basically no one will come to collect your body if you die.

The location close to the east of the protective circle, the Ten Thousand Stones Sword Tomb, is where disciples select spiritual swords. They can fight to the death for a good sword. There are many people here, and there are spiritual beasts guarding the spiritual swords.

There is no need to enter the Ten Thousand Stones Sword Tomb. There is an underground passage in the middle of the three stone piles at the edge of the Ten Thousand Stones Sword Tomb. After entering, there will be many forks in the road. Just choose the middle road every time and be patient until you reach the end.

“We ended up in Square Canyon, a safer place I had discovered in my youth.

The birds and beasts there can temporarily block the spiritual power of people or animals that are one level higher than themselves, so that the spiritual power cannot be radiated. They can be tamed and will die if taken out of the secret realm.

Jiang Qiao suddenly became energetic.

But the premise is that you must learn the complicated and difficult animal language, otherwise it will be difficult to catch. Also, bring some food.

The rain is getting heavier.

There was thunder in the sky. Inside the house, Mu Chenyuan was arranging her clothes. She took a look at the weather outside.

I guess Jiang Qiao won't be here today.

A few days ago, he would always come here after dinner in the evening to chat with himself.

He suddenly didn't come, but instead...

I can’t tell you what it feels like. If I had to sum it up, it might be, feeling lost?

But why is she lost?

He's obviously not a familiar person, at best he's someone he sees once a day lately?

It's quite abnormal to suddenly stop coming, but it's a bit out of habit.

She was lying on the chair, her whole body in a limp posture. The weather was bad, so there was no business in the clothing store.

Since there was no one, she could be as lazy as she wanted. She lay down on the rocking chair and looked at the sky.

Won't you come today?

I am bored……

However, after the ten-day holiday, the sect will start exploring the secret realm. She has not formed a team yet, but it is not a big problem. She wants to automatically fill in the missing people in any team.

Anyway, I just want to play in the protected area for a round.

She was not curious about the various aspects of the secret realm. Regardless of rankings or results, the main thing was participation.

Mu Chenyuan swayed on the rocking chair and even hummed a little tune~

Hey, did you really not hear the sound of the doorbell ringing when the guests came in?

The sudden voice startled Mu Chenyuan. She instantly sat up from the rocking chair and shouted: Sir, I'm sorry, I just...

After seeing the person, her words stopped abruptly.

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