Today I just want to post with the little junior sister who is passing by

Chapter 28 “Because you look safe.” (4109 words)

You actually came here. It's raining so heavily. You can't come here to buy clothes.

Although she said so, she really wasn't used to it if Jiang Qiao didn't come.

The person who obviously needs to be by your side for a while every day suddenly disappears. Mu Chenyuan is worried whether this person is sick or has something to do and cannot come.

Thinking about this, thinking about that, I fell into a strange anxiety.

Fortunately, Jiang Qiao is still here.

However, even if it rains so heavily, Jiang Qiao must come. Why? Is it because Jiang Qiao is interested in him?

Probably not, I'm probably just over-interpreting it myself.

The most taboo thing about people is making random guesses about other people's thoughts.

Mu Chenyuan has always thought that she was an inconspicuous existence since she could remember. She obviously tried to blend in and be lively and cheerful, but the effect seemed to be lacking.

He is often ostracized by others just because he has a pair of bloody eyes, which is considered a symbol of bad luck.

Mingming had also tested his bloodline, which proved that he was innocent and had nothing to do with the demon sect that was so domineering a hundred years ago and plunged the world of immortality into darkness.

But the people around him were so stubborn and talked about him behind his back.

This little guy has demon blood in her body, don't play with her.

I told you not to get close to her. She might even eat you one day...

Just looking into her eyes was scary enough.

Hush, it is said that she is a picked-up child. Who knows her true identity.

She was tired after explaining for a long time. Whether it was a child picked up from unknown origins or a terrifying descendant of the Demon Sect, she just had to keep silent about these titles.

Fortunately, there is still a Canglan Sect in this world.

The academic philosophy of the Canglan Sect is to never give up any good students regardless of their status.

The Lingxiao Sect was unwilling to accept him because of the groundless rumors, but the Canglan Sect was.

In Canglan Sect, she received some preferential treatment and joined the Treasure Society. Although she was just a handyman in the Treasure Society, handling some various affairs, she was already very satisfied.

Even though the president may not be sincere towards her, and even though others say that the president is using her endlessly to do all kinds of things, Mu Chenyuan doesn't care.

However, it's strange. It seems that even though he is trying to blend in, there is always something controlling him not to blend in.

It was as if those rumors had never disappeared. Every time she saw those people gathering together and laughing, with their eyes occasionally focusing on her, she would immediately think of those terrible rumors.

In the end, Mu Chenyuan would rather quietly find the most remote place in the canteen. She would rather stay alone in the corner and eat whatever she wants.

But Jiang Qiao seemed to be different. Ever since Mu Chenyuan met Jiang Qiao, Jiang Qiao had greeted Mu Chenyuan every day and talked to him no matter what happened.

Even Mu Chenyuan herself found it unbelievable why she and Jiang Qiao got along so smoothly, even though it was often boring to talk about these trivial daily matters.

Either talking about what they learned today, what they ate, or asking themselves about the black market, which store sells good spells, and what secret operations are involved in the auction.

But Mu Chenyuan always felt that for Jiang Qiao, these were just drunkenness.

She always thought that Jiang Qiao was just looking for something to talk about, and he would say whatever he wanted. As for why he always looked for her, she didn't know it at first.

If all this is because of love, everything seems to be a lot more reasonable.

Inside the clothing store.

Jiang Qiao held a folded oil-paper umbrella in his hand. The water on the umbrella fell to the ground drop by drop, leaving a water mark.

Due to the heavy rain, the rainwater also penetrated into the outer fibers of his clothes. His back, which could not be held by the umbrella, was also wet, making him look a little embarrassed.

The front part of her body was a little wet, and some abdominal muscles were vaguely exposed through the material.

Mu Chenyuan looked a little dazed.

As Jiang Qiao spoke, water dripped from his hair: I'm late. It may take you a little time. I just want to ask you something.

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Qiao yawned.

Maybe it was because the wind was too strong and he had been exposed to the rain for too long. The few strands of hair beside Jiang Qiao's ears stuck together, forming a round shape that stuck to his face.

Mu Chenyuan couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Uh, why are you laughing? Jiang Qiao tilted his head in confusion.

As soon as he finished speaking, Mu Chenyuan dried Jiang Qiao's clothes with fire.

Jiang Qiao was shocked when he saw Mu Chenyuan perform this technique: It turns out that fire technique has such a wonderful effect.

Previously, Jiang Qiao only thought that fire was needed for burning, but the fire just now was warm but not harmful, and did not hurt his body at all.

I usually have a reckless energy, but it is not easy to unleash such a fire technique. It seemed that Mu Chenyuan was stronger than she thought.

At the same time, Mu Chenyuan also breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that Jiang Qiao's hair had returned to its fluffy state.

Tell me, what do you want from me?

She lay back on the rocking chair, looking at the mortise and tenon structure of the beams on the roof, smiling slightly.

Is there anyone in our sect who is proficient in animal language?

After Jiang Qiao heard his father talk about the secret realm, he understood that the secret realm bird and beast was the key to killing Mu Qinggan. When he went to the secret realm, he could make a plan and use the characteristics of the bird and beast to kill Mu Qinggan. Kill Mu Qinggan first. Qing Gan, if there is enough time, we can also kill Wen Yu, the hidden danger.

This time, Jiang Qiao planned to take a preemptive strike, and at first he had strong confidence that he could learn animal language well. However, he had already read the bestiality book today, and the astronomical characters in it directly dissuaded him, giving him a sense of Sanskrit from his past life.

His father also told him that it would take a long time to learn bestiality and he should not be impatient. But how can we not be impatient? Now that we have found a way to crack it, why not give it a try?

Now that he had finally gained hope, how could he stop moving forward because of this?

Jiang Qiao thought that he had no talent at all in the practice of animal language. In this case, it is better to find someone who can speak bestiality and form a team with you to enter the secret realm. At this point, perhaps the contacts in the Jumbo Club would be helpful.

But Mu Chenyuan thought that Jiang Qiao meant something. There was no one in the entire sect who could speak animal language. She knew this very well. The only person who could speak animal language was Mu Chenyuan himself.

She wondered if Jiang Qiao had known that she knew the language of beasts for a long time, so he came here deliberately to test her and asked if anyone in the sect knew the language of beasts. In fact, just to see her attitude.

However, in Mu Chenyuan's eyes, Jiang Qiao should not be like this, otherwise Jiang Qiao's previous contact with him would not have been innocent.

Mu Chenyuan's father once told her, Don't tell anyone about your ability to speak animal language, otherwise, no one can protect you.

Therefore, Mu Chenyuan pursed her lips and gave Jiang Qiao a vague answer: As far as I know, this does not exist. What's wrong?

That's it, forget it.

When Jiang Qiao heard that there was no one who was proficient in animal language, he sighed. He planned to find someone else to ask. If there was none, he would have to rely on himself to learn animal language.

Bestiality is so difficult, it’s just a blessing to be able to learn it.

But in order to kill Mu Qinggan, it doesn't matter if he gives it a try.

Communicate with the birds and beasts in Fangyuan Valley through animal language. If the communication is proper, they can be used to temporarily block and block the spiritual power of the target person, but the premise is that the target person can only be at least one level higher than the birds and beasts.

But if you can't learn bestiality, things will become difficult.

Sneeze! Jiang Qiao still sneezed, and the body that had just been hit by the rain still collapsed. It can only be said that the original owner's body was too weak and could not withstand a little wind and rain.

Seeing this, Mu Chenyuan took out a pill from the drawer and said, Stretch out your hand.

When Mu Chenyuan put the medicine in Jiang Qiao's hand, their hands touched each other.

[System prompt: Lucky value +0.1]

[The current luck value has reached 1.5. From tomorrow onwards, the daily upper limit of the luck value for the host will be 2, and a single touch will increase the luck value by 2 points]

[At the same time, unlock Mu Chenyuan’s new skill: when you are around her, the probability of the yandere heroine appearing will be reduced by 50%]

These words suddenly popped up in the system, and Jiang Qiao's mind was shut down for a moment. If he had unlocked this skill earlier, everything he had done before would have been much easier.

It seems that Duoduo Mu and Shen Yuan must stay together in the future.

But it's not too late now. If you increase your luck by 2 points every day, you will be able to complete one hundred in fifty days.

Besides, I really don’t know Wenyu’s rules now, and I don’t know how far Wenyu can wield a sword.

Looking for an opportunity, Jiang Qiao wants to be with Duoduo and Mu Chenyuan.

Let's teach together, eat together, practice together, and... hiss.

That's 50%, which is not a small amount.

Jiang Qiao asked the system in his heart: [Is there a possibility that this percentage will increase in the future?]

[System: Yes, as long as the host checks in from time to time, this value will likely increase, and can rise to 100%]

Jiang Qiao had actually seen a promotional advertisement for this galgame game, with a total of five yandere heroine silhouettes.

That is to say, there are still three heroines that I don't know about. Theoretically, as long as these three heroines are not encountered by me, this reduces the probability by 50% and can completely extend the time to meet them.

Perhaps, one day in the future, this 50% probability will rise to 100%, and it will not be impossible to survive.

If you go to the secret realm and add Mu Chenyuan, the possibility of Wenyu improving his favorability level before reaching Fangyuan Canyon will also decrease, and it will be much safer.

The only drawback is that if Mu Chenyuan joins Jiang Qiao and Li Wentian's team, it will lower the overall strength of the team. Mu Chenyuan is only in his Qi training period now.

Jiang Qiao thought for a while and finally asked: Can I join a team with you to participate in the secret realm?

Li Wentian mentioned before that there are still two people missing in the team. Li Wentian will pull one and Jiang Qiao will pull one. Ask first, maybe the other party has already formed a team with someone else, so take him down.

why me?

Because you look safe.


Words used to describe a person are used to be safe and what does it mean.

Mu Chenyuan was stunned, and her eyebrows furrowed slightly. She had no idea about forming a team, and she didn't really want to improve her abilities. Her family said that as long as she did well in the sect, it didn't matter even if she was at the bottom.

So after entering the secret realm, just picking medicinal materials and wool in a safe area is enough.

As for other training materials or going to the Sword Tomb to find a good sword, she has no need.

Furthermore, Mu Chenyuan's family is not willing to let her enter the secret realm. Previously, Mu Chenyuan and her family entered the secret realm to explore, but as a result, she had a nightmare for three days and three nights.

Did you enter the secret realm to leave the protected area and search for resources?

Indeed, that's what we plan to do.

Jiang Qiao didn't want to tell Mu Chenyuan about his plan to kill Mu Qinggan. After all, Mu Chenyuan hadn't agreed to team up with him yet.

Then I won't join. I just want to team up with people who don't take any risks. I don't want any extra burden.

Ah, why don't you join? That would be a pity. Originally, I wanted to say that those who join the team can get an additional grant.

? Mu Chenyuan said as if he didn't expect to have money, But if you leave the secret protection zone, the situation will be very dangerous. I'll think about it.

Jiang Qiao said: Don't worry, I will protect you.

Jiang Qiaoxin said that he and Li Wentian were two people after all, and it would be okay to bring one more person to protect Mu Chenyuan. Basically, they would not go to the Sword Tomb where the crowds were the densest.

The route my father gave me took a long time, but was relatively safe.

Apart from them, no one would go to Fangyuan Valley. It was basically safe. What Jiang Qiao was afraid of now was going to the secret realm to unlock other yandere heroines. Mu Chenyuan should be there to help him reduce the chance.

So basically he doesn't need much protection, but Jiang Qiao needs Mu Chenyuan's protection.

And what echoed in Mu Chenyuan's mind was:

Don't worry, I will protect you.

Don't worry, I will protect you.

Don't worry, I will protect you.

rest assured.

I repeated it many times, as if there were echoes in my mind.

Mu Chenyuan clearly knows that this sentence is very common and ordinary. If you become a member of the team, you should help each other and protect each other.

She replied in a low voice: I'll think about it again.

But she couldn't help but add a beautiful color to these words in her heart. In other words, if he enters the secret realm and encounters danger, will Jiang Qiao come out to protect himself?

Junior Sister Mu, why are you suddenly in a daze and blushing? Jiang Qiao waved his hand in front of Mu Chenyuan's eyes.

Mu Chenyuan was freed from her thoughts and looked up at Jiang Qiao.

Jiang Qiao's eyes were fixed on the tip of Mu Chenyuan's nose, because a piece of hair fell on it.

From Mu Chenyuan's perspective, Jiang Qiao's gaze was non-aggressive and gentle, as if he could see through him.

Junior Sister Mu, don't you feel that the tip of your nose is itchy?

Such a beautiful atmosphere was struck accurately by Jiang Qiao.

Ah? Mu Chenyuan touched it and pinched a long hair in his hand, but what on earth is worth mentioning...

Mu Chenyuan thought again that Jiang Qiao had gone on a blind date not long ago. She didn't know what the result would be. People like Jiang Qiao must be very popular.

Thinking about this, she felt her sourness getting stronger, and it felt like the sourness of jealousy.

After Jiang Qiao left the clothing store, Mu Chenyuan took out the dictionary and looked up the meaning of jealousy.

[Jealousy: a metaphor for jealousy, mostly referring to the relationship between men and women. ]

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Thanks to the second boss for the 500 starting coins! The boss is awesome!

In fact, now that I have written it, I know what problems I have encountered and where I deviated. Now I am trying hard to pull back and insist that I can’t cut it. This is my second book and my first attempt at plot flow. It is very green. Anyway, it still works. Be sure to have a beginning and an end, write to the end, and then summarize.

Thank you to the book friends who are still persisting in reading and voting for recommendations, and also to the book friends who have provided pertinent opinions.

I roughly know where the problem is, but I haven’t read the comments recently. I’ll wait until I post a 100,000-word smart recommendation before reading it, and then I’ll summarize and thank you for the recommendation votes.

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