black market? Jiang Qiao was shocked. This was the place he wanted to go, but he had never found the entrance to the black market.

I want you to go to the black market with me. I will rely on you to do something. It will cost you 20,000 spirit stones at most, but that's not too much.

How do I know if you are lying to me?

Li Wentian was instantly irritated, Since you don't believe me, don't go.

Jiang Qiao frowned and thought. The guy named Li Wentian in front of him gave him an unreliable feeling. If he followed Li Wentian, he felt that he would be at risk of being cheated.

But if I don’t go, I feel like I’ve missed an opportunity.

Li Wentian also noticed Jiang Qiao's hesitant expression, so naturally he didn't want to miss a big fish that was about to take the bait, so he said:

Hey, forget it, it seems you don't care much, you still don't understand how powerful that woman Mu Qinggan is.

You are her new Taoist companion, so it is normal for you to be temporarily blinded by love when she brings you food.

But she is not my Taoist companion. Jiang Qiao said helplessly.

Oh, the male disciples who are close friends with Mu Qinggan always disappear within half a month. It's very strange. Mu Qinggan and I were brothers and sisters in the same discipline for a while. If you don't believe it, you can go there yourself. You can tell by looking through the sect’s books.”

You really know something. Jiang Qiao thought thoughtfully.

He had also tested other disciples before, but no one thought there was anything unusual about Mu Qinggan, but this Li Wentian was indeed different, and even told about the disappearance case that he didn't know about.

It seems that the other treasures Mu Qinggan talked about when he killed him should be...

After thinking for a while, Jiang Qiao made a decision, In this case, when we went to the black market, we concluded a symbiosis contract for two hours, and it will be lifted when the time is up.

Symbiotic contract, we are not brothers, do we need to play so big?!

The symbiosis contract allows both parties to the contract to share all damage from the outside world, which means they will be poisoned together, bleed together, and die together.

Jiang Qiao crossed his arms, If I lose my arms or die, I will definitely drag you into the water. I'm just in the Qi training period. You Jindan, you just have to say whether you agree or not.

If Li Wentian doesn't agree, then he won't be able to go to the black market.

Okay, okay, I said I would rely on your money to do things, I didn't say I would kill you.

Li Wentian nodded. After all, he just wanted to make money from the beginning.

Mu Qinggan walked out of the confinement building and walked towards the sect leader's mansion.

She took a deep breath, opened the door with a serious look, and came to the sect leader's living room.

The sect master was still eating grapes at this moment. She crossed her legs and overlapped her delicate white bare feet, as if applying a layer of gray shadow to her skin.

Seeing Mu Qinggan coming, the sect leader immediately spat out the grape skins gracefully, picked up the tea cup and took a few sips, then leaned back on the couch and asked, Did you go to the confinement building today?

Yes. Mu Qinggan had nothing to hide from the sect master. Even if she was hiding it, the sect master knew her whereabouts very well.

That disciple's name is Jiang Qiao, right? There are some things that I don't want to interfere with you as a teacher. The male disciple who disappeared before, you said it had nothing to do with you. You spent time investigating, but there is no evidence. I naturally believe you. It is good.

It's just that how can you keep putting off the tasks you are asked to do!? You even violated the rules this time and entered the confinement building privately!!!

After saying the second half of the sentence, the tea cup hit the table with a bang, and water splashed to the floor.

This pressure immediately made Mu Qinggan breathless. She knelt down and said: Master...Master, what you told me is that the disciple has slacked off.

If you don't forget your original intention and you have such good qualifications, it's okay to work hard and fall down. It's not that you are cut off from love. It's just that you are too emotional. After all, it is your weakness. You are not allowed to visit the confinement building for any reason in the future.

The sect leader didn't say anything further. She took a long breath and collapsed on the couch exhaustedly.

Yes, I will obey my master's teachings.

Also, for this mission, you will sneak into the black market to obtain information. You must come back within five days and not be exposed.

At night, the moon and stars are sparse.

There is an extra person in the confinement building who cannot sleep.

Jiang Qiao didn't dare to sleep at all. He wanted to face Mu Qinggan in a sober state.

Since Mu Qinggan said she was coming, how to deal with it then was still a big problem. He didn't want his favorability level to increase without realizing it in his sleep.

He can simulate a rough situation, [System prompt: # Junior brother’s sleeping face is so beautiful # Mu Qinggan’s favorability +5]

Although this increase in favorability was inevitable, he still couldn't sleep. Jiang Qiao felt horrified at the thought that the person who had killed him would visit him at night while he was sleeping.

Although he was reading the exercise book with the light on, his mind was not on these words at all.

Stop reading. It's already this hour. Mu Qinggan won't come. There's also a curfew in the confinement building. You won't really love her to the core. You have to wait until she does.

? Jiang Qiao could only admire that the world could have such an outrageous idea.

I've told you before, Mu Qinggan is weird, even if he is a fool, he won't just stick to him.

I will be able to leave the confinement building tomorrow, and you will only be detained for three days. When you get out, we will rush to the black market.


However, three days later, Jiang Qiao left the confinement building and did not see Mu Qinggan. In such a safe situation, he could only think that his action in entering the library this time was extremely correct.

Could it be that this time, the solution to the galgame game was finally cracked by me?

He still has room to increase his favorability by 35 points.

After forming a symbiosis contract with Li Wentian, Jiang Qiao and Li Wentian arrived at a remote corner of the Zongmen Water Pool.

Is the black market here?

Yes, but you need a secret order to enter. Anyone with a secret order can only bring one additional person into the black market at a time. Come on, put this on.

Li Wentian took out a black robe and mask from the storage ring and gave them to Jiang Qiao, When you go to the black market, you must remember to conceal your identity at all times.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Wentian dressed himself neatly, and then muttered something. The water curtain gradually rose, and a vortex gradually became clearer in the field of vision of the two people.

go in.

It was obviously a space door made of water. When Jiang Qiao walked in, his clothes were neat and there was no cold feeling from being soaked in water.

After entering the door to the black market, it was dark at first, and then I saw the whole black market.

The sky in the black market is dark, and it seems that the sun is never seen. Jiangqiao stands on a stone bridge, and the vendors set up their business on both sides of the bridge aisle.

Naturally, those businessmen do not show their true colors to others. They are also wearing masks and black robes.

Jiang Qiao looked back at Li Wentian and said, Tell me the secret order to the black market.

Pull it down, brother, this is the foundation of my livelihood. I tell you, how can I make money in the future?

Okay, so, can we hire a powerful killer here?

Huh, do you want to kill someone? When hiring a killer in the black market, in addition to recognizing wealth, you also pay more attention to power. Otherwise, you will not have anyone to rely on to kill, and sooner or later you will be exposed. With your current conditions, you can at most hire a few guys with three-legged cat kung fu.

Look, I'm also short of money, but I don't dare to take the job of killing people. If I have money but no life to spend it, it will be miserable.

Jiang Qiao nodded. He wanted to find someone from another sect to kill Mu Qinggan before, but the other party refused. As expected, his own strength was still limited.

Even if your family is rich, you will still be limited if your status is not high.

Although Li Wentian was talking to Jiang Qiao, his eyes were always looking around, as if he was waiting for someone.

After you finish your work with me, you can browse the black market as you please, as long as you don't cause trouble, and the symbiosis contract is still there. I don't want to get injured for no reason, let alone seek death.

Jiang Qiao nodded and followed Li Wentian forward. Unexpectedly, there were many people in the black market, and he bumped into someone as he walked forward.

Immediately, a string of beads came off the thread, fell to the ground, and rolled to the ground, exuding fluorescence like pomegranate seeds.

Jiang Qiao's waist hurt a little, and naturally Li Wentian, who was walking in front, also felt pain because of the symbiosis contract.

[System prompt: Lucky value +0.1]

? Jiang Qiao thought he was hallucinating, and what was the lucky value? In a panic, he did not call up the system in time to check, but said to the person he bumped into: Sorry, sorry, I'll follow you. Pick it up.”

The man just glanced at Jiang Qiao, took a lot of effort to collect the beads, and left in a hurry. Before leaving, he murmured: It's done, there should be twenty-four, but now there are only twenty-three, which is still less. Got one.

Looking at the man's back, Jiang Qiao was a little dazed. When they were picking up beads together, he clearly realized that the man's eyes were familiar, and the voice suggested that he was a girl.

Opening the system panel, I found that I didn't know when the lucky value column was added. The current lucky value is 0.1.

Brother, why are you in such a daze? Let's go. Fortunately, we just bumped into someone. Li Wentian greeted Jiang Qiao and walked forward. He looked excited, as if there was some great happy event.

The bridge in the black market is very long, and each shop is lit with a few orange oil lamps, which makes the gloomy atmosphere of the black market a bit more solemn. The sounds of bargaining are mixed and mixed, making it seem noisy.

The black market is a mixed bag. Li Wentian said that people from the Zhengdao Demon Sect are all hanging out here. If a seller and a buyer quarrel, it is very likely that they will turn against each other.

Along the way, Jiang Qiao had seen many dilapidated stalls and sawdust falling on the ground. He stepped on the bridge and carefully avoided these fights.

We're here, please do me this favor first. Li Wentian pointed to a large turntable next to him.

A seller came to Jiang Qiao and introduced him earnestly: Sir, we are doing an event here. New customers have a chance to win the grand prize of 10,000 spiritual stones. As long as they put in a little spiritual power and inhale this teapot, they can spin the wheel~

Ten thousand spirit stones are not that exciting to Jiang Qiao, after all, he is not short of money.

The awards displayed on the turntable are 10,000 spirit stones, 9,999 spirit stones, 999 spirit stones, and 99 spirit stones. Logically speaking, the probability of winning is only one in four.

Is this what you asked me to help you with? Jiang Qiao looked at Li Wentian expressionlessly.

Li Wentian scratched his head in embarrassment, Actually, this is just a favor I asked you to help me by the way. The real help I asked you to do is yet to come. For the sake of our friends, let's do this small favor first.

This sentence was unreliable both inside and outside. Jiang Qiao was very resistant to agreeing to it. However, before Jiang Qiao could react, the seller put the teapot close to his hand and sucked in a thin stream of spiritual power.

Jiang Qiao did not release his spiritual power spontaneously, but that ray of spiritual power seemed to have a natural attraction to the teapot.

Before agreeing, he collected his own spiritual power, which made Jiang Qiao feel a little resentful, as he seemed to be buying and selling by force.

And Li Wentian dragged him to the carousel, You just put in a little spiritual power, and you can get 99 spiritual stones guaranteed. It's very safe. Try to draw the carousel quickly.

Jiang Qiao couldn't help complaining in his heart, this is not cost-effective at all, okay? He suppressed his anger and turned randomly, and the pointer of the turntable finally stopped at 9999 spirit stones.

Guest, 9999 spiritual stones is also a grand prize, but our store stipulates that only when 10,000 spiritual stones are collected can the spiritual stones be awarded to you. If you invite a friend over, you can draw another ingot. 10,000 ingots can be exchanged for 1 spirit stone. Oh, you can take home 10,000 spiritual stones soon.

Jiang Qiao immediately understood why Li Wentian would bring him along.

The seller took out another turntable, which was 10,000 Yuanbao, 9,999 Yuanbao, 999 Yuanbao, and 99 Yuanbao.

Forget it, I won't invite you. Just end it.

The appearance of Jiang Qiao's vision always gives people the complicated emotions of being cut off by a knife on a certain night.

But Li Wentian's eyes shone and he said, I've invited someone. I'll give you one more chance to draw a lottery. Let me give it a try.

Jiang Qiao's face was gloomy, ready to explode at any time.

At the same time, at another stall not far from the carousel stall, Mu Qinggan had just left the stall. She was humming a song and placed the pearl hairpins and jade hairpins she wanted to sell on the stall.

After Li Wentian spun the carousel once and returned with no results, Jiang Qiao insisted: It's okay to let me help, but don't cheat me. This kind of carousel is bluffing at first glance. What do you mean by dragging me on board? Hurry up, I have my own things to do later.

Jiang Qiao also wanted to find a place for custom-made elixirs, but he had never visited the black market. It was indeed a lot more convenient to have Li Wentian, a regular customer, by his side.

It's just that Li Wentian repeatedly mentioned that he must do things on his own first. If he procrastinates any longer, his patience will be completely worn out.

Hey, brother, don't you just want to know Mu Qinggan's secret? I'll tell you after I finish my work.

Li Wentian walked a little unsteadily, and when he said Mu Qinggan, his words were too clear and his voice was too loud. Mu Qinggan, who was selling hairpins, soon heard him.

Mu Qinggan was immediately confused. She was very confident that she had heard it right. Secret, what secret did she have, unless...

She instantly became alert, hid the knife in her cuff, and approached Li Wentian who had just spoken.

Her cheeks were red and her Adam's apple was tight. What secrets could she have, except that one thing.

It is better to kill a thousand by mistake than to have one fish caught in the trap.

You can't help but hesitate in the slightest when it comes to things that affect your future. Maybe the guy who just spoke saw you kill someone back then, or maybe he has some evidence in his hand!

Countless episodes flashed through Mu Qinggan's mind. She was not accepted by many sects because she was an illegitimate daughter, and was kicked out. She went around and around until she was finally accepted as a disciple by the sect master.

If all the glory she gained was lost just because she killed a few people, she wouldn't be willing to do it!

There was a heavy flow of people on the bridge, and Mu Qinggan stared at Li Wentian as if he was tracking a prey, walking quickly to gradually close the distance between them.

Jiang Qiao and Li Wentian were not aware of the approaching danger.

If you take me to an unreliable place again, I will use the symbiosis contract to do things that harm others and myself. At worst, we will hurt each other.

Jiang Qiao couldn't defeat Li Wentian anyway, and the two-hour symbiosis was his only protection.

If used well, this period of time will be relatively peaceful.

Now in terms of cultivation, he is really not as good as Li Wentian, a veteran of the sect.

Brother, don't be too crazy. Do you think I'm the crooked person? Li Wentian bent down and waved his hands to invite Jiang Qiao aside, No, let's get off the bridge here. auction.

You originally wanted me to go to the auction house to buy something for you?

Smart, that's what I thought.

Then how do you make sure that thing only costs 20,000 spiritual stones.

The market price of that thing does not exceed 20,000, and it has not broken the record of 20,000 these days. It is quite worth using your money to buy Mu Qinggan's secret.

The layers of stone steps are rough in texture and full of bumps and bumps. After just a few steps on Jiangqiao, you can feel signs of looseness in some of the stone bricks.

At this moment, the distance between Mu Qinggan and Li Wentian was very close. Mu Qinggan made a quick decision, and the short knife from his cuff instantly slipped out and stabbed straight towards Li Wentian's neck.

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