When Jiang Qiao turned to talk to Li Wentian, he suddenly felt a slight cooling sensation on his neck, like willow leaves gently scratching his skin.

Within sight, the blade drew a bright arc in the air.


Jiang Qiao shouted heartbreakingly.

Li Wentian also felt something strange on his neck, but before he had time to turn around and think about it, the potholes on the stone floor caused him to stumble, and he fell towards the bottom of the bridge, just in time to lightly brush against the blade.

Thin blood oozes from the skin.

He staggered, his teeth hit the stone slab, and his gums were bleeding. He quickly stood up, touched the strangeness on his neck, and saw the masked man with fierce eyes standing in front of him with a knife drawn out.

Holy shit! Li Wentian exclaimed. He boasted that he had never flipped over a car in the black market, so why did someone take revenge on him today?

In the black market, he has never offended anyone. At most, he deceived individual customers who had no status. As for the big guys in the black market, he usually manages them well and it is impossible to make enemies.

Run, run quickly! If you don't leave, it will be too late!

Jiang Qiao thought that the black market would be extremely dangerous, but he didn't expect that such a difficult situation would arise soon after entering.

This roar made Mu Qinggan freeze on the spot.

This voice was a bit familiar. Although the person just spoke very hurriedly, she always felt that the background of that person's daily speech should be that it was like a clear spring pouring out from the cracks in the rocks, clear and yet magnetic.

She sensed the location of Jiang Qiao's waist badge. When he first started, he added tracking runes to Jiang Qiao's waistband, so he could sense it no matter where Jiang Qiao was.

Mu Qinggan closed his eyes and felt it, and sure enough, he found that his junior brother was beside him, and he actually came to the black market...

He has always been a good boy and followed the rules. Why is he here now! Why come! ? Someone was going to tell him a secret about something?

Mu Qinggan suddenly began to feel guilty and her shoulders were shaking violently. She wanted her junior brother to love her wholeheartedly. If she knew her dirty and pitiable past, his junior brother would definitely despise her.

Many times, she couldn't help but want to hurt the people she loved, but for Jiang Qiao, she secretly vowed that there would be a bright future.

But all this is based on Jiang Qiao not knowing his past story.

It seemed that she had to kill the person who wanted to leak the secret. The knife in her hand was held more firmly, and a slender vine suddenly grew out of her hand, firmly grasping Li Wentian's leg, and the barbs on the vine penetrated deeply into the flesh.

Jiang Qiao's legs and feet were also painful and heavy, unable to move at all. However, if he doesn’t save others, he will die too. He never wanted to experience a cold death again, this time he wanted to live well.

The first step in living is to ignore the physical pain. If he wants to make the best solution at the moment, he must grit his teeth and persist.

Every cell seemed to be screaming in pain. Jiang Qiao stepped forward and blocked the oncoming knife that was only a few inches away from Li Wentian. He activated the first level of the Stone Body Curse, although this spell could only last for three days. It takes about a second, but it's better than nothing.

It proved to be very effective, and the knife could not penetrate Jiang Qiao's body.

And when the enemy saw Jiang Qiao approaching, they were stunned for a few seconds.

The blade clinked as it fell to the ground.

Mu Qinggan collapsed.

She thought of the other junior brothers she had killed. Each one of them begged her before they died, not to kill them because they did not want to die.

How could she care so much when she was so excited? She would kill herself when she was deeply in love. This was a habit she had retained over the years.

When they were killing people, they were lying on the ground, gasping for breath when they were about to suffocate, that kind of last struggle when they might die at any time, she loved it so much.

Storing their skin and flesh and watching them forever means that they will always be with you.

However, Jiang Qiao is different.

Mu Qinggan even planned a bright future with him. She originally just wanted to be infinitely nice to Jiang Qiao, so that Jiang Qiao would also like her.

But now, she almost killed Jiang Qiao and almost shattered the future in her fantasy with her own hands.

If Jiang Qiao hadn't activated some spell just now to stop her from cutting, allowing her to react and stop her hand in time, her knife would have penetrated Jiang Qiao's heart, causing blood to scatter everywhere, irreversibly.

She doesn't want this at all...

Eventually, she abandoned the knife and ran away.

On Jiang Qiao's side, the crisis had just disappeared, but he was a little out of breath due to the excessive consumption of the Stone Body Curse.

Li Wentian was also puzzled by the killer's various behaviors, Since that person's target was me, how could he just leave? It's so weird, I can't figure it out at all.

I don't need you to save me. The man just now can beat me to an equal level with his skills. Just fight and run away. I didn't have time to launch an attack just now, and you rushed up.

Your strength, real or fake... Anyway, I saved you.

Jiang Qiao was exhausted and collapsed on the stone pole of the bridge, his mind suddenly spinning.

Li Wentian used a healing spell to heal the place where he was injured by the vines, and then Jiang Qiao's injuries also healed.

This is the first time I've seen the Stone Body Curse activated. Hey, just think you saved me.

Is it so reluctant?

After Li Wentian finished speaking, he picked up the knife from the ground. He selfishly did not want to recognize this savior. However, it seemed that the child Jiang Qiao was quite innocent by nature. Such a person should be slaughtered slowly to obtain the highest benefit. .

Since I'm the savior, take me to the most famous elixir shop in the black market first, and then do your thing.

Okay, my savior, I see that you are not a bad person, so I will lead you to the most famous elixir shop.

You help me go, I have no strength now.

Jiang Qiao discovered that in addition to Mu Qinggan's attacks on him, unexpected crises would always be triggered in other places, and these crises came too quickly, catching him off guard.

But things still have to be solved step by step, there is no rush.

After getting off the bridge from the elixir shop, we walked a few steps into the dark alley and arrived at the place.

The bitterness of the herbal medicine emanates from the shop, and the smell is indeed very similar to the smell of Chinese medicine.

Oh, we have a visitor. Just tell me what kind of medicine you want.

The landlady slowly walked out of the pharmacy, her voice gentle and charming.

I heard that you can customize elixirs here, right?

If you want to customize it, you can, but I don't offer price bargaining here. All prices are fixed prices, which are a bit expensive. What medicine do you want to order?

An elixir that can transform a person into another person.

Ah, this kind of elixir is very difficult to make and the cost is very high. It has been lost now. However, I do have similar medicines, such as the medicine that makes people beautiful. I am very good at making this, so I came to buy it. There are many people, but they all have a certain time limit and cannot be permanent.

Appearance is innate, and changing it requires paying a certain price, right?

Jiang Qiao thought for a while and finally said, Is there any medicine that can make people look ugly?

Ah? The landlady was a little surprised.

The effect of the medicine doesn't need to last too long. Half an hour is enough. Let's make twenty of them first and see. Jiang Qiao explained his request carefully.

Okay, I understand. It's an ugly pill that lasts for half an hour, right? Is there anything else I need to add?

No, that's all.

Okay, 4361 spirit stones, come here to pick up the medicine in ten days.

Jiang Qiao:?

How could he wait for ten days? How could he not die within ten days?

The time should be shorter. I really can't wait so long.

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