Chapter 55 It seems that he can only be used as nourishment... (4042 words)

The light in the bank's lounge was yellowish.

The black market is an independent space beyond reality, so the sky in the black market always remains dark.

The dark crowd, like devout believers, surrounded the leader who was speaking.

Jiang Qiao's goal in coming here is very clear, which is to find an insider who can tell him more information about the Demon Sect.

According to Li Wentian's diary, this is probably a stronghold of the Demon Sect in the black market.

Most of the people here are gamblers. If they are gamblers, they will definitely be short of money. If they can exchange money for information, it is also possible.

Jiang Qiao came to this place for the first time and had no clue. Since Li Wentian knew the identity of the succubus, it meant that the matter was definitely not that simple.

He is likely to stay in the bank for a long time, and he must not let Mu Chenyuan wait too long.

So he flew out a thousand paper cranes and sent the message to Mu Chenyuan. Jiang Qiao didn't want to, and he shouldn't keep Mu Chenyuan waiting.

Outside the bank, Mu Chenyuan stood outside looking at the black market. The stone bridge in the black market is obscured by the black shadow of the nearby bamboo forest, but from a distance it still looks so continuous.

She has been traveling in the black market for a long time, but this is the first time she has been waiting for someone quietly like this.

She heard others say that the longer she could wait for someone, the higher the status of that person in her mind.

Mu Chenyuan didn't know how long she would wait for Jiang Qiao, but how long she was willing to wait for Jiang Qiao.

Mu Chenyuan was standing outside the bank. He really had nothing to do, so he pulled branches from the tree and made a circle of leaves.

A paper crane sent by Jiang Qiao slowly flew over and landed steadily on Mu Chenyuan's shoulder.

Mu Chenyuan noticed it and placed the leaf circle on the ground. Just as she was about to open the contents of the paper crane, the moment she opened the letter, she didn't even have time to react. A sword blade flashed past, creating a bloody arc of light in the air.

The originally white paper crane was stained with blood. Then, the paper with the paper crane's creases gradually fell to the ground.

Fellow Taoists, don't worry, your investment will bear fruit soon.

Jiang Qiao heard from the voice of the person that she was probably a girl. Her voice was charming and seemed to arouse people's inner desires.

Everyone is wearing black robes, but the girl's black robe has a red button, which vaguely reveals her exquisite figure.

But not everyone who spoke around the girl believed what the girl said.

Really or not, we people have been supporting this business every year or every month, but now the profits are delayed again and again, nm is losing money!!!

That's right, the money was promised, and now it's here again!!!

Jiang Qiao learned about the process of Li Wentian entering the bank to invest money from the diary contents of Li Wentian (probably Feng Cheng who replaced Li Wentian).

Although the writing in Li Wentian's diary is brief, it mostly contains the process of being deceived.

The first time Li Wentian was deceived was because the bank clerk told him that if he invested 100 spiritual stones first, he would receive a profit of 200 spiritual stones in seven days.

He thought it was only 100 spirit stones, so he put the money in without any hesitation. After that, he received 200 spirit stones on the seventh day.

Li Wentian was overjoyed. Faced with the banker's second lie, he did not hesitate to invest a second time, 1,000 spiritual stones. Seven days later, another income of 2,000 spirit stones was obtained.

After that, starting from the third time, you must attract enough people and develop enough downlines to gain profits.

Immediately afterwards, Li Wentian voted for the fourth and fifth times.

On the fifth time, Li Wentian invested all his money, a total of 100,000 spirit stones.

But from that day on, the larger the amount, the more downlines Li Wentian needs to develop, and the level of investment by downlines can determine Li Wentian's income.

Jiang Qiao sat on the table and felt that the scene in front of him was chaotic.

Can he get information about the Demon Sect from it? What will be the consequences of asking rashly?

It's normal for people at the scene to have doubts. Such a scam will only be successful if you don't question it.

The girl with red buttons was calm and said calmly:

When the Demon Sect rises, as a contributor to the Demon Sect's revitalization, of course all your rewards will be conveyed to the sect master.

Not only will you get a large amount of spiritual stones, but your cultivation level will also be greatly increased in one fell swoop, saving you from the long cultivation time of decades to tens of millions of years.

Of course this is not empty talk. Haven't everyone here witnessed the true strength of the sect master a few days ago?

All my current cultivation levels are all given by the sect master. The sect master transferred his cultivation base to me by relying on his skills. As long as the Demon Sect is revitalized, everyone here will be a hero.

Jiang Qiao fell into deep thought as he listened to the red button girl's words. It seemed that the situation of the Demon Sect was more complicated than he thought, but these few words could not convince Jiang Qiao.

However, has anyone here actually seen the Demon Sect Master with their own eyes, and seen the ability to transfer cultivation with their own eyes?

If this were not the case, how could the Demon Sect be credible?

The red-buttoned girl waved her hand to the other guys in the lounge, each of whom had a pot of wine in their hands.

Let's try this thousand-year-old peach blossom wine first, and then we can chat slowly.

Jiang Qiao also had a small cup of peach blossom wine in his hand, but the wine sent by the bank must be treated with caution.

He tried to analyze the composition of the wine using the poison-fighting magic he was rewarded when killing Mu Qinggan, and the results showed that it was not poisonous.

But his current Poison Control Technique only reaches the third level, and he can only simply analyze ordinary poisons and is not affected by ordinary poisons.

This glass of wine looks a little weird in terms of color, but the mellow aroma of the wine is much stronger than ordinary wine, and it is a light pink color.

Some people angrily said: What's the use of drinking? Can you return the money to us just by drinking? Pay back the money?!

Ten people rushed forward and attacked the girl.

They are all my distinguished guests, why should they be like this?

There was some annoyance and confusion in the girl's tone, but there was no panic at all.

Do you think you can still control everything here? Do you think no one will come to deal with you? The leader of the ten people shouted at the top of his lungs.

The girl and the ten people were fighting together, while the others were watching the show quietly.

Jiang Qiao was also watching. The huge fluctuations in spiritual power during their fight were obviously beyond what Jiang Qiao could handle. There was no need to help anyone, and there was no point in messing around.

Halfway through the fight, the girl had easily dispatched three of the ten people. Then, she took off her mask, revealing a flawless and breathtaking face.

The moment Jiang Qiao met her eyes, he felt a huge mental pressure. I had a hunch, was it a high-level succubus?

His hands began to tremble, and the wine in the glass sloshed.

He didn't dare to drink it, but the waiter who handed him the wine cast a burning gaze: Fellow Taoist, is this peach blossom wine not to your liking? Drink it and you will get better.

Under this huge pressure, Jiang Qiao felt dizzy and his heart felt like it was about to burst.

If he persisted, he would be in danger of exploding and dying.

It seems that you have to drink this peach blossom wine. If you drink it, you can at least survive now. If you don't drink it, you will die now.

Jiang Qiao drank the wine, and the intense physical pressure he felt just now disappeared without a trace. When the wine entered the mouth, it had a sweet and sour feeling, but it was lighter than other wines Jiang Qiao had drunk before.

But, after drinking wine, will everything get better?

Jiang Qiao raised his eyes tiredly and continued to watch the drama not far away.

The girl with the red button seems to have the upper hand in this contest, but there seems to be someone immune to the girl's coercion.

They fought back and forth several more times.

The girl's body was finally penetrated by the sword.

Don't slack off, don't look into her eyes, you must hit her true body! It's the black shadow underneath, use Jade Qionglu!

As expected, consistent with Jiang Qiao's guess, the girl with the red button was indeed a succubus.

Only Jiangqiao could tell that this girl was more capable than Wenyu.

However, Jiang Qiao at least heard a key word, Yu Qionglu?

Could it be said that the succubus can be truly eliminated with jade dew? He learned a new piece of information by accident.

A dark shadow moved across the lounge floor, soon possessing another person.

If you want to spread Jade Qionglu, your movements are too slow. Judging from your moves, you must be from the Demon Slayer Group of Lingxiao Sect.

The girl's smile was sinister, and after re-possessing her, she quickly killed the people of Lingxiao Sect.

After Jiang Qiao drank the peach blossom wine, a strange power coursed through his body.

Now I can indeed look directly into the girl's blood-red, yet breathtakingly beautiful eyes.

At any rate, Jiang Qiao heard the key word, Lingxiao Sect. Could it be that Lingxiao Sect also has people who specialize in investigating the Demon Sect?

At present, he already knows the information that breaks the situation, Lingxiao Sect, Yu Qionglu.

But how to obtain this key information...

Jiang Qiao found that he no longer had the time to think about this. He didn't feel much when the peach blossom wine first entered his throat.

But later, Jiang Qiao found that a strange desire surged in his heart.

He doesn't want to practice anymore, not at all, screw his practice!

He wants to get rich! ! ! He wants to reach the sky in one step! ! !

The yandere heroine is nothing. Once he meets the master of the Demon Sect, everything will be solved.

The girl with red buttons possessed a man, and she spat: Hey, I'm really not used to men's bodies.

But it's okay, everyone~

For a better tomorrow for the Demon Sect, give everything you have, including your beliefs, your future, and your flesh and blood~

The days of cultivation must be very bitter. Those bastards who ruined your cultivation, will always trample you under their feet, despise you, and ignore you, they should all die.

Everything that was deprived by those righteous paths back then will one day be repaid by the Demon Sect for you.

Jiang Qiao's thoughts were confused. It seemed that as time passed, everything he had originally planned was gradually falling apart.

He held his head with his hands, his head was spinning, and some crazy words came from his ears:

We are willing to risk everything for the sake of the bank!

We are willing to risk everything for the sake of the bank!

Ah, something is wrong with someone here. He drank too much peach blossom stuffing all at once...

Hey, wake up...

It seems that he can only be used as nourishment...

At the same time, the treasure will be painted inside the boat.

Bai Rulian sighed softly. After carefully grinding the ink block, she dipped the ink in with a wolf brush and hurriedly wrote in a scrawled handwriting: It's time to change the secret order.

After writing on the paper, Bai Rulian lit a brazier engraved with dragon patterns and threw the paper into the brazier to be burned.

Hehehehe, all this can no longer be stopped.

Snow day.

Canglan Sect's swallow-wing-like eaves tilt upward, and the tiles are covered with thick snow.

Mu Chenyuan found Jiang Qiao falling to the ground with a thud, and immediately helped Jiang Qiao up, Jiang Qiao, are you okay?

It's okay, I'm just a little dizzy.

Jiang Qiao took a look at the surrounding situation, and it seemed that he had returned to the previous save point.

He himself didn't understand how he died. He stood up in a panic. Apart from feeling that his head was filled with lead water, there was no severe pain in his body.

It seems that there is definitely something wrong with the cup of peach blossom stuffed wine just now.

Could this be the secret of bank brainwashing and control? But how they can permanently control believers is a problem.

Moreover, anyone who distrusts the bank or tries to resist will be eradicated one by one.

But there is indeed something here that Jiang Qiao still cannot understand. Maybe Qianzhuang should explore it next time.

Jade Qionglu, Lingxiao Sect...

It seems that Jiang Qiao needs to understand the situation of Lingxiao Sect with Jiang Dong.

The Lingxiao Sect is the head of the four major sects. Although he was talented, his acquired talent was insufficient, and his love of showing off made him can only be admitted to the Canglan Sect.

Therefore, Jiang Qiao didn't know anything about the Lingxiao Sect, but his elder brother Jiang Dong belonged to the Lingxiao Sect. According to the last reincarnation, the Demon Slayer Group among the Lingxiao Sect's disciples probably possessed Yu Qionglu.

After Jiang Qiao thought calmly, he sent a paper crane to Jiang Dong.

The content is as follows:

[Brother, is there a demon-killing group in your sect? They should be holding Jade Qionglu. Does this group usually act independently of the sect, or does it carry out elimination operations under the sect's plan? Is it possible to invite them to Canglan Sect? ]

At the same time, Jiang Qiao still planned to go to the sect master's mansion. The sect master was the sect master after all, and maybe he could go to Yuqionglu with her. Although the hope was slim, it was always okay to give it a try.

Jiang Qiao said to Mu Chenyuan: I want to go to the sect master's mansion first, instead of going to the dining hall. Do you want to go with me?

Jiang Qiao only felt it was amazing. Before, he entered the sect master's mansion because he wanted the sect master to accept him as his disciple, but he was rejected. But now he did it because of Yu Qionglu.

If everything goes well, can we use the resources of the entire sect to obtain Jade Qionglu?

Mu Chenyuan thought for a while in Jiang Qiao and the dining hall, and finally chose to follow Jiang Qiao.

Between food and Jiang Qiao, the former should be chosen every day, but Mu Chenyuan understood that she obviously wanted to choose the latter.

Okay, okay. The girl nodded obediently.

grateful! So many recommendation votes! Thanks to Banye Zheqiu, book friend 20231110093855809, book friend 20210205205831192, and Hongchensheng for voting in January! ! !

[I ate crabs, curry chicken, and dumplings today. They were really delicious. I love hairy crabs the most. Add some cooking wine. The meat is still white and sweet. Let the water do its talking.]

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