In the lord's mansion.

Jiang Qiao knocked on the door gently and entered the hall. The sect leader's mansion was still as empty and quiet as Jiang Qiao had seen at that time.

The sect leader was immersed in dealing with a mountain of affairs at that time. After she raised her head and glanced at Jiang Qiao, she continued to raise her brush to draw.

It's Jiang Qiao, why did you come to see me?

The sect leader's hands were still turning over the sect's affairs.

Sect Master, I would like to ask, is there Jade Qionglu in the sect?

Jade Qionglu? After hearing this, the sect leader seemed stunned. The pen in her hand hovered in the air for a long time before she put it down and replied in a low voice.

There is no such thing in the sect. The preparation conditions are very harsh and require complex refining of Tianshan Snow Lotus and Yangdao Golden Flower. However, the raw materials alone are already difficult to obtain. What's wrong? Have you discovered anything recently? ?”

Sect Master, people from the Demon Sect have recently been discovered in the sect.

Jiang Qiao, please tell me in detail...

The sect leader was about to speak, but her throat was suddenly strangled and she couldn't speak. Finally, she coughed several times, and her voice suddenly became sharp, Stop talking! Get out!!!

Ah? Jiang Qiao didn't understand. He clearly felt that the sect master had something to say just now, so why did the topic suddenly change, Sect master, you clearly wanted me to say it just now, why...

No! That's enough! Shut up!!! The sect leader suddenly dropped the pen on the ground, and the ink formed strange lines on the wooden board.

The originally gentle tone of the conversation between Jiang Qiao and the sect leader suddenly became tough.

The sect leader coughed several more times, unable to cover the flow of blood with both hands.

Sect Master, this is it! Jiang Qiao was shocked. This was the first time he saw the Sect Leader in such a mess.

A strong wave of spiritual power pushed Jiang Qiao outside the hall. Once the door was closed, Jiang Qiao wanted to open the door, but if he touched the hall, it would be like an electric shock, and he could not go in again.

Jiang Qiao, I'm feeling ill. You go out first. Also, don't think too much, pay attention to safety. When I recover, I will come to you tomorrow...

The sect leader's breath came intermittently from inside the house.

Jiang Qiao:? ? ? What happened?

But he did see the sect master vomiting blood. Could it be that there was something wrong with the sect master's sudden state? But saying that there is no demon sect in the sect is really an exaggeration of the sect master.

What did she mean when she said she would come find him later?

Sect Master, are you really okay? Jiang Qiao asked.

It's okay, we'll talk about it tomorrow.

Jiang Qiao came out of the palace and saw Mu Chenyuan standing in the snow.

At the same time, in the palace, the sect master continued to adjust his breath, but the more he adjusted his breath, the more he felt like his heart was in disorder.

Her hair, which had been carefully tied up, fell out of control. Originally, she just couldn't control the ownership of her body. She didn't know what she had done when she was intermittently controlled by the monster some time ago.

It seems that time is really running out.

She only has fragmented memories, which are difficult to complete, and it is also difficult to know what she did during the time when she was controlled by the monster. She has no idea.

The sect master opened the cabinet and found a cyan jade plaque inside which made her fall into deep thought.

The jade plaque reads, Situ.

If this continues, I am afraid that I will really live up to this surname.

Just now you tried to forcefully seize control of me. Are you anxious? After coughing up a mouthful of blood, the sect leader managed to cheer up and talk to the monster he had lived with for his whole life.

The monster talked to the sect master in his heart: How can I let that person say one more word? If it really threatens my power in the sect, that would be bad. Any link will make everything fail.

Haha, you have forcibly controlled my body many times, and it must have taken a toll on your cultivation.

Just after she finished speaking, the sect leader coughed up blood again from her throat and continued to wipe it slowly with a handkerchief. Even though her life was in danger now, she could not be timid no matter what problems she encountered.

Once they become timid, the entire Canglan Sect will be doomed.

There is absolutely no way that Canglan Sect, which she founded with her own hands, could be broken down and fell by Demon Sect so easily.

Although she could no longer save herself, at least there was still hope for those children.

But don't you think that you will perish faster than me now? I just lost some cultivation, but you just lost your life, Situ Qingyi?

After listening to what the monster said, the sect leader suddenly raised a relieved smile on his lips.

You have been by my side since I was born. Sometimes I feel like I am in a trance. It turns out that you have been quietly staying with me all my life until the end of my life.

The monster suddenly fell into silence for a brief moment, and then laughed wildly, Why did you suddenly say such incomprehensible words, ha, but even if you say this, I will not be soft-hearted. Let me experience the last few moments of your journey to become an immortal.

Situ Qingyi smiled slightly and said, If you are reborn from nirvana, you can compete with me for my body. Just give it a try.

Do I need to try? All of this is effortless and easy. Isn't nirvana the day of your death? Why are you still thinking about rebirth?!

Then let's see if you can get what you want in the end.

Mu Chenyuan seemed to be holding something in his hand, and kept holding it over and over again.

Jiang Qiao stepped forward and poked Mu Chenyuan, It's time to go.

Although he didn't know what the sect leader meant by looking for him at night, he had no other choice but to leave.

When the time comes, go to the canteen and pick up the key figure Li Pingxian.

Mu Chenyuan turned her head and said to Jiang Qiao with joy: You are finally here. Let me show you the snowman I just made~

In Mu Chenyuan's hand was a palm-sized snowman. Jiang Qiao took the snowman and played with it for a while.

Is this snowman cute?


Yes, you are the one I created.

Jiang Qiao instantly asked questions?

He couldn't help but take another look at the little snowman. This snowman was actually him?

He instantly felt that he could not look directly at the snowman. His face and the snowman's face could not overlap at all.

You made it up just now while you were waiting for me to kill time?

Yes, yes, does it look a lot like you?

Jiang Qiao took another look at the snowman's pea-like eyes, his innocent spherical body, and the hollowed-out abyss on his face.

Well, it's okay.

It turns out that in Mu Chenyuan's eyes, she actually looks like this.

Like like like.

I think it looks like it too. It's basically made according to your characteristics.

After leaving the sect leader's mansion, Jiang Qiao held up a red oil-paper umbrella and asked, Do you want to hold an umbrella together? I see you didn't bring an umbrella?

Ah, okay, okay.

Mu Chenyuan walked cautiously with her head lowered. She thought about getting closer, closer, closer to Jiang Qiao's position.

Even the frequency of moving her left and right legs was the same as Jiang Qiao's.

One person holds an umbrella, two people walk together.

In the second half of the day, Jiang Qiao took Li Pingxian to the cave and had another long conversation all night long.

The difference is that although Jiang Qiao told Li Pingxian everything about Li Yuan's death this time, he did not have a detailed plan to kill Wenyu this time.

But Jiang Qiao naturally still had a heart-to-heart chat with Li Pingxian despite his identity as Li Wentian, and even told Li Pingxian about Yu Qionglu.

Mu Chenyuan also invited Jiang Qiao to be his dance partner. Jiang Qiao agreed, but this time he did not dance with Mu Chenyuan. In the last reincarnation, Jiang Qiao had already learned some dances, so there was no need to ask Mu Chenyuan this time. Shen Yuan didn't have time to return to the cave.

Li Pingxian said angrily: Is it possible that without that Yu Qionglu, Wen Yu wouldn't be able to be killed? I have asked someone to ask to see if there is any news.

So far, it seems like this. Jiang Qiao paused and said to Li Ping, By the way, didn't I ask you to look for other information about the succubus this morning? Is there any whereabouts?

Li Pingxian waved his hand, It's the same thing. He hasn't replied to me yet. When there is news, he will definitely tell me.

Okay. Now Jiang Qiao is also waiting for Jiang Dong to reply to him.

I don’t know anything about Lingxiao Sect, but now that I have found some clues, I naturally can’t give up.

Jiang Qiao adjusted his breath late at night. No matter what, cultivation was his first priority. At this time, Li Pingxian was snoring like thunder, while Jiang Qiao continued to read the exercise book with the light on.

In this world, although one is cultivating immortality, it does not mean that the cultivator does not need any time to sleep and cultivate.

Jiang Qiao is currently in the foundation-building stage, and needs shorter sleep than ordinary mortals. He cannot completely avoid sleeping, but he can only endure it better than ordinary mortals.

But this time, when he first got ugly, he felt groggy. Logically speaking, this shouldn't be the case.

It wasn't even time for him to sleep.

Jiang Qiao tried to compete with that lethargic ability, but the fact was that that power was very overbearing, and Jiang Qiao could not compete with it with his willpower.

He tilted his head, fell heavily on the table, and slowly fell into sleep.

Hey, it's time to wake up...

Jiang Qiao?

Jiang Qiao?

A pair of hands gently patted Jiang Qiao's shoulders, the force was very controlled and gentle.

Jiang Qiao was awakened by the soft words. He slowly opened his eyes, and then the face of the sect master appeared in his field of vision.

I finally woke up, otherwise, my spiritual power really wouldn't be able to last for such a long time.

A hint of joy appeared on the face of the sect master, Jiang Qiao, I won't waste too much energy. To make a long story short, I have created a dream world to facilitate our communication.

Whatever you wanted to tell me during the day, you can tell me now.

Dream world? Jiang Qiao thought thoughtfully, why did the sect go to such great lengths to pull him into the dream world? Such a high-level ability consumes surprisingly large amounts of spiritual energy.

It turns out that what the sect leader said about coming to find him tomorrow was to find him in a dream.

Sect Master, I really want to know, what is your attitude towards the Demon Sect?

The sect leader replied: In the Demon Sect, people will be punished if they see it. Have you met it?

Yes, I must have met a succubus.

It seems that all this is more difficult than I thought. However, I do not have the Jade Qionglu you asked about this morning. The raw materials of Jade Qionglu are also extremely difficult to find. What do you want to use it for?

Kill the succubus.

It turns out that it is used to kill succubi. This is the first time I heard about it. How did you tell that she was a succubus?

I saw with my own eyes that she killed Li Yuan in a weird way, specifically...


Jiang Qiao didn't know if telling the sect leader like this would cause a plot kill.

I understand. I will be conducting a follow-up investigation on Wenyu recently. You should really pay attention to your own safety. Succubi's daily lives are no different from normal people, and there is no convenient way to identify them.

It seems that a lot of things really happened during the time when I was unconscious.

Jiang Qiao was a little confused about the second half of the sect leader's sentence.

The sect leader paused and then said: Actually, there is a bigger reason why I want to pull you into the dream this time.

what reason?

I want to test your current ability and whether it meets the standards for accepting a disciple. Now, please show me your full strength.

Jiang Qiao:? Is this the time to start a fight with yourself?

But he is just a rubbish foundation builder. Even if he faced the sect master in a dream, how could he have any chance of winning?

The sect master's smile remained unchanged: Any attack in the dream will not have any impact on your physical body, and I will not use killing moves on you, so just start fighting without worry.

Jiang Qiao gathered his strength and launched an attack on the sect leader. He basically tried all the moves he could try, except for the Water Heart Sword Technique.

Although the Water Heart Sword Art was learned from the sect master before, after reincarnation, he did not become the disciple of the sect master. The fact that he learned the Water Heart Sword Art is indeed very strange.

Jiang Qiao was unable to breathe out the Blood Qin Sword in his dream, and could only fight with the clan leader without weapons.

It's not enough. Isn't the use of spiritual power still missing the point? This isn't enough, Jiang Qiao.

The sect leader did not attack, but kept dodging Jiang Qiao, Tell me, what is the purpose of your cultivation of immortality?

Jiang Qiao wanted to say that if it were not for the sake of living, he would not want to cultivate immortality at all, I want to live a better life.

Jiang Qiao said.

The sect leader smiled coldly: Then you are not up to standard now. Your strong sense of survival is not enough. If you want to survive, shouldn't you have such strength?

Jiang Qiao didn't understand. If it wasn't this intensity, what kind of intensity should it be?

He dared to say that he had tried his best.

The sect master shook his head, In this case, I will add a fire to you in this dream to wish you practice. Do you want to try it?

Jiang Qiao nodded.

Whoops, the blue demonic fire spread all over Jiang Qiao in an instant.

Before Jiang Qiao could react, his whole body was wrapped in flames. He seemed to be in a furnace. Every inch of his skin seemed to be cracking. The huge pain made him roll in a dream.

I thought before that with your qualifications, there wouldn't be any big problems, but you must practice your mindfulness and willpower.

On the road to cultivating immortality, it can't be smooth sailing, nor can it be done once and for all. Only painful physical training can make you grow quickly. If you really have extraordinary qualifications, then this dream can make you grow quickly.

The sect master also wanted to know whether her judgment was correct. After all, she could only choose one of Jiang Qiao and Ouyang Jue to train.

Thanks to book friend 20210826220619455 for a monthly ticket, and a reward of 500 starting coins! ! !

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