Jiang Qiao didn't know what the significance of completing this trial was. He didn't even understand why the sect leader wanted to test himself.

But it seems that I have no other choice but to accept it.

Although nothing in the dream was real, the pain of being burned by the fire left a pain in his heart that was comparable to reality.

He had experienced the heartache of being penetrated by a long sword several times, but none of the pain was as painful as being killed by fire.

Normally, when his hand touches hot water, the stimulation and numbness that springs back to him instantly covers every inch of his skin, and soon, it is applied to Jiang Qiao's body a thousand times. There were countless extremely fine silver needles piercing Jiang Qiao's body, and no place was spared.

We met in a dream. What we met was not our physical bodies, but our soul bodies. If you survive this encounter, I don't need to say more about the benefits to your cultivation.

The sect master looked through the firelight and detected the color of the flames. It turned out to be orange-yellow fire with a bit of strange green at the edge. It was indeed similar to what he had imagined.

If he hadn't been suddenly threatened today, his investigation of Jiang Qiao would have been delayed until he accepted his disciples.

But now it's too late.

She exerted the power of the flames even more fiercely.

Jiang Qiao only felt that his skin was being torn, and the flames were devouring his consciousness. For the first time, he felt the pain of crushing bones and scattering ashes, as if his bones had been refined by fire and crushed into powder.

If you can't hold on, tell me, remember, don't show off.

The sect leader also doesn't know what kind of training this kind of real fire will be for a newcomer who has just embarked on the journey of cultivating immortality.

She tried to control her strength as much as possible, trying to apply force bit by bit.

Jiang Qiao gritted his teeth the whole time, and could hear the hissing sound echoing in his throat, but he did not dare to make too much noise.

If the sect master really wanted to kill her, she could have done so before falling asleep. And now, she is really testing herself.

From the moment Jiang Qiao broke into this game and then experienced death day after day in this game, it seemed that all life and death were beyond his control.

He is not strong enough, so he is repeatedly threatened and restrained by others. It is precisely because he is not strong enough that even when he will die is unknown.

And now, is the sect master's flame going to exhaust him again? It's absolutely impossible.

Whether this is a test or any other pain, you must bear it. Only by bearing it can you have a chance to overcome everything else.

The sect leader asked: Can you bear this level?

I can bear it. Jiang Qiao gritted his teeth and insisted on replying. It was the first time he was engulfed by fire. The pain he felt now was just because he was overwhelmed, and it was nothing at all.

As long as you get used to the pain, everything will be fine.

Well, that's good, I'll give you a little more strength.

The momentum of the flames became more intense. Jiang Qiao fell to the ground, his whole body shrinking. It didn't matter, it was just a little stronger than before. He could definitely hold on.

The sect leader asked again: What about now, can you bear this level?

I got it.

Jiang Qiao was determined to persist until the last step. His words came out from between his teeth and he spoke with force.

Having died so many times before, he had already persevered. This harmless anger was nothing.

The sect leader was silent for a moment. She observed Jiang Qiao's facial expression to see if he could really hold on. The burning of the Yuanshen body, as long as the degree is controlled properly, does not have any impact on the Yuanshen itself, but can instead refine the body and mind.

But how far can Jiang Qiao persist now?

The fire became more intense, and the color of the flame gradually changed to a faint blue. Jiang Qiao was so painful that he lost consciousness. Every organ seemed to be overturned, mixed together like mud.

Of course, these are just Jiang Qiao's own feelings.

From the perspective of the sect master, he could only see a struggling man, rolling and struggling on the ground, with veins bulging in his outstretched hands, almost separated from his body.

The sect leader asked again: What about now, can you bear this level?


Jiang Qiao's lips moved reluctantly, and he could barely hear such a sentence from his enunciation.

After that, the sect leader asked about three more times, but Jiang Qiao didn't give any negative answers.

Finally, the flames died out.

Jiang Qiao held his head and huddled up. After everything returned to normal, he felt a little uncomfortable. He raised his head tremblingly, his eyeballs covered with bloodshot eyes.

Why, suddenly, stopped...

Jiang Qiao didn't understand why he had to stop. Isn't it just a test for himself? He obviously didn't say a word no from beginning to end, so why should he stop.

Isn't it the smelting of the soul? He can persevere. Jiang Qiao didn't allow himself to say no. Assuming this was a way to become stronger, what would it matter if he persisted a little longer.

He didn't want to see innocent people die in front of him again. If he were stronger, those innocent people wouldn't die so easily.

The sect master frowned, with unconcealable compassion in his eyes. She really didn't expect Jiang Qiao to do this.

Because you can't hold on any longer. I just saw the blood stains flowing out of the corners of your eyes, which shows that this is the strongest point that your soul state can support.

Then, have I passed your test? Jiang Qiao's lips trembled. He didn't have the strength to stand up for the time being. His whole body was twitching. Could it be that he was too weak to pass the sect master's test, so The sect leader will end suddenly.

Of course you passed, and you passed so much that it completely shocked me.

The sect leader didn't expect Jiang Qiao to be so strong-willed.

She didn't dare to say that when she saw Jiang Qiao burning, she seemed to see the pent-up energy in Jiang Qiao's heart surging and flowing like a thick fog that could not be dissolved.

It was obvious that the depression in Jiang Qiao's heart was far beyond what a normal person would have. He could actually persist to this extent in this state.

Why is this happening? He is just a disciple who has just entered the sect and has arrived at Zhaixingya. Why is this happening? The sect master has never seen anyone under such great pressure.

The sect master's feet stepped lightly, creating ripples in the pool of dreams. She slowly walked to Jiang Qiao and slowly helped Jiang Qiao up. She wiped the blood from Jiang Qiao's eyes.

It's okay, everything will be okay. Just now, why did you have to show off? You don't know that if you are not careful, you will be completely wiped out.

Fortunately, I found it in time and I can repair it for you.

The sect leader's eyes were full of sadness. She regarded every child in the sect as the most precious seedling, because they were supposed to grow up under the care of the Canglan Sect.

However, everything is different now. It turns out that one day, the power of the Demon Sect will also spread to the Canglan Sect. Before she had time to plan, she had already ushered in such an ending.

Jiang Qiao breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what the sect leader had said. His eyes had long lost their luster. He had actually been trying to be strong, but there was always a command in his brain telling him to hold on.

Although he subjectively didn't want to hold on any longer, he didn't want to let himself say any words of concession.

The sect leader didn't know what kind of spell he had planted to repair Jiang Qiao's soul.

But his energy was only a little better than before, and he replied blankly: Sect Master...

Look carefully at your changes and feel the improvement in your realm.

The sect leader patted Jiang Qiao's shoulder and cast a spell to revive Jiang Qiao's spirit.

Jiang Qiao closed his eyes and felt the spiritual power flowing in his body. It was indeed stronger than usual. He was now...

Is it the golden elixir stage? !

Seeing Jiang Qiao's eyes open, with disbelief and confusion in his eyes, the sect leader smiled calmly and said: Don't be so surprised. In fact, I didn't help you with this matter of your promotion to Jindan. The golden elixir itself was just a touch off.

So, it's normal to have gained something just now. Therefore, the person who really needs help now is me, Jiang Qiao.

Jiang Qiao's eyes were full of confusion, and the sect leader's eyes were filled with confusion. Jiang Qiao actually saw some broken sadness in her eyes.

Jiang Qiao and his sect master both sat on a bluestone in the dreamland. The first thing Jiang Qiao wanted to ask was Yu Qionglu, Sect Master, do you really know nothing about Yu Qionglu?

...I do, I don't know, I only know how to refine the materials. After all, the crusade against the Demon Sect happened thousands of years ago. I also know very little about the efficacy of Jade Qiong Dew.

Then Master, do you know about the situation of the Demon Sect?

Well, I don't know much about it, and I'm not from that generation. Those old seniors either attained enlightenment or ascended to heaven, or perished, and the deeds and books they left behind were also deliberately destroyed by the Demon Sect intermittently, leaving no records for future generations. Not much.

... Jiang Qiao fell into silence.

It's too far off topic. It's time to talk about my troubles. The sect leader put his hand on the bluestone and spoke slowly.

Okay. Jiang Qiao nodded, looking like he was all ears.

You must have heard of the origin of your Phoenix celebration ceremony, right?

I know that the Phoenix Celebration Ceremony is to celebrate the arrival of the Phoenix. As for the rest, I don't know.

Jiang Qiao answered honestly that Mu Chenyuan had told him about the Phoenix Ceremony before. Of course, Jiang Qiao didn't know what Mu Chenyuan didn't say.

Then let me tell you about it. In ancient times, people worshiped the phoenix divine beast. At first, the phoenix was still a belief for people. But later, the phoenix became the target of people's hunting. People hoped for the efficacy of its divine feathers. The phoenix The family gradually declined due to this.

The Phoenix clan has declined since then. After changing their names several times, their surname is now Situ.

Jiang Qiao nodded frequently when the sect master told the legend, but when he heard the word Situ, he immediately thought whether the sect master's surname was Situ.

Sect Master, do you mean that you are the Phoenix?

Yes, he is really a smart child. The sect master nodded in approval, Since the Phoenix was born, he has lived in symbiosis with his other self and shared memories.

My other self and I made an agreement when we first founded the sect to take care of the Canglan Sect together. I will take care of it for a while, and she will take care of it for a while.

It's just that recently, I found that I can no longer understand her memory. It seems that I fell asleep for a long time. When I woke up, I found that the Demon Sect had accumulated so many horrible old cases.

Before I had time to investigate the incident, I discovered that my sister, who truly coexisted with me, had been devoured by monsters since she was born. For so many years, the person who coexisted with me was not someone else, but a monster. The monster pretended to fight with me. There is actually an ulterior motive for managing the Canglan Sect.

Monster? Jiang Qiao was shocked, Why would a monster do this, devour the body?

There must be something that the monsters are interested in in Canglan Sect.

? Jiang Qiao was puzzled.

Now, I'm basically surrounded by its eyes and ears, and it's hard to find a reliable person around me.

The sect master wanted to say something more, but it seemed that the dreamland could not wait for such a long time. The realm was shattering, and the sect master's remaining spiritual power seemed unable to support her to continue talking.

So, don't come to the sect master's mansion to look for me recently. My suppression of it is limited. Fortunately, it shouldn't know that I will come to you in my dream. She cannot have the memory of my dream.

Wait until I come to you in my dream next time and teach you something. After all, according to the hexagram, you are probably the only hope of saving me.

As for the reward for saving me, it will be a phoenix that is about to break out of its shell. Do you agree?

Before Jiang Qiao had time to answer, the dream was cut off.

Jiang Qiao woke up confused. It was already morning.

It is naturally a good thing that his realm has improved. Such ability should no longer be easily taken away by Wen Yu.

Li Pingxian was still snoring loudly and was not woken up by Jiang Qiao's sound of getting up.

Jiang Qiao put on his clothes and heard a knock on the door.

Mu Chenyuan was still dressed the same as before.

The edges of the scarlet cloak were circles of fluff. The cloak was very large. Her body was completely wrapped under the cloak. Her cheeks were slightly red. When she spoke, the hot breath she exhaled was like circles of cotton. It puffed up when it came into contact with the air. It gradually dissipated.

Her hands came out of the cloak, and a piece of clothes that was folded extremely evenly appeared in front of Jiang Qiao.

I made a nice dance costume yesterday. No, I didn't make it specially. I just found that I happened to have such a good fabric in my cave, so I made it before. I originally planned to leave it to my future dance partner. If If it doesn’t look good…”

Jiang Qiao remembered the last scene of Mu Chenyuan being possessed by Wen Yu, but he knew that this would not happen this time.

The clothes you make must be beautiful. There is no need to be unconfident. I know that I will be satisfied in the end.

? Mu Chenyuan seemed to be stunned by the praise and looked at Jiang Qiao with some confusion.

Also, your clothes must fit you. My clothes are neither too big nor too small. They are just right. They must be like this.

Huh? At this moment, Mu Chenyuan's face suddenly turned red with embarrassment. Could it be that Jiang Qiao had already discovered what he was thinking, I, I, I... should... no, you can try it first. !”

The pile of neat clothes was delivered to Jiang Qiao. Jiang Qiao looked at Mu Chenyuan, whose cheeks were as red as persimmons, and nodded.

Thank you Hongchensheng for your January vote! ! ! Thanks to Haochenzhiyan for the 100 starting coins! ! !

[Examination week, I am overwhelmed by the sea of ​​questions, but everyone has a bright future. I updated the chapter yesterday, and added two sentences at the end that won’t affect the plot. I ate the green belt dipping sauce today, and it was quite delicious. It’s my first time eating it. I want to eat egg tarts, roast duck burritos, and matcha ice cream. Let’s talk about it. ]

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