Jiang Qiao rarely had such calm time, walking in the snow with Mu Chenyuan. Mingming and Mu Chenyuan have walked many times, but today's walk was so long.

He had been reincarnated so many times that he almost lost count.

Step by step, I stepped into the snow, forming snow marks on the road.

Can you accompany me for a walk? Jiang Qiao asked, Let's take a walk without a destination and take a look at the scenery of the sect.

Of course, there's nothing to do now anyway. Mu Chenyuan nodded.

The boundary of the sect is completely white, and a round red oil-paper umbrella is slowly moving forward.

Jiang Qiao tried to sort out his thoughts during this walk, the sect master, Wen Yu, and the Mo Sect.

Sect leader, Wenyu, Mo Sect...

As the two of them strolled by the sect master's mansion, Jiang Qiao stopped and looked at the eaves of the sect master's mansion.

The buildings of the Sect Master's Mansion are naturally more majestic and solemn than other places, but now this superficial sense of solemnity is a little more lonely.

Everything that happened in the dream is still vivid in my mind.

Everything that I had not thought clearly before seemed to be answered at this moment. Canglan Sect is indeed shrouded in darkness.

Jiang Qiao asked the system in his heart: [Is helping the sect leader part of the game process?]

Jiang Qiao understands that dealing with the yandere heroine and surviving until the Demon Sect escapes from seclusion is the main plot, so what is the plot line of the Sect Master?

System answer: [Host, the sect line is a side mission, you can take it or not. Taking the side mission can reduce the probability of getting stuck in the later stages]

[Understood. ]

The rustle of snow seemed to be the only sound as the two strolled.

Mu Chenyuan hadn't seen such a melancholy expression in Jiang Qiao's eyes for a long time. Jiang Qiao had this look in his eyes before, but this time the feeling was different.

Jiang Qiao, are you sure you want to see the scenery of the sect? You may not recognize many places.

Mu Chenyuan remembered that she had never been to many places in Jiangqiao. Basically, the school, the dining hall, and the cave were three points and one line.

He must have not taken a good look at the sect's magnificent scenery.

If you say so, it's true.

Jiang Qiao held a bottle of Jade Qionglu in his hand. This was a bottle obtained through Jiang Dong's Canglan Sect.

At first, Jiang Dong had never heard of Yu Qionglu, and he didn't even know anything about the Demon Slayer Group established by the Lingxiao Sect.

After some complicated inquiries, Jiang Dong finally got a bottle of jade dew, which he quickly gave to Jiang Qiao.

On the eve of the storm, Jiang Qiao wanted to see the scenery again.

Then let me introduce you. Mu Chenyuan pointed at the bell tower not far away under Jiang Qiao's umbrella, That tower has a total of thirty-two floors, which is not very high, but it is said that there is A place used to suppress demons and ghosts, but no one from the sect has ever been to that place and is not allowed to enter.

Jiang Qiao followed Mu Chenyuan's finger direction and looked at the bell tower. The bell tower is not straight, and is even slightly tilted. The bottom of the tower is hidden by the forest.

Opposite the bell tower is the Library Pavilion that we are all familiar with. The books in the Library Pavilion have all been screened by the sect leader himself.

Yeah. Jiang Qiao nodded. He found that once he slowed down his pace, those beautiful memories also overflowed. If you think about it, we have been to the library many times.

After he finished speaking, he exhaled, releasing a long stream of white mist in the air.

Mu Chenyuan nodded. When Jiang Qiao looked at Mu Chenyuan, he saw a blush on her face. She wondered if it was because of the cold air that made her too cold.

Jiang Qiao also studied it briefly after seeing Mu Chenyuan perform fire spells on him last time.

After he cast the spell, the gentle but harmless fire spell surrounded Mu Chenyuan.

This way, it won't be cold anymore. After Jiang Qiao finished speaking, he spit out another wisp of white mist.

Mu Chenyuan smiled sweetly, unable to control the raised corners of her mouth.

Why is your face getting redder?

Because it's very warm. Mu Chenyuan retracted her hands in her scarlet cloak. She tilted her head and asked Jiang Qiao, Why don't you use the fire method?

It consumes too much spiritual energy. It's not necessary. I can survive with my own righteousness. Jiang Qiao waved his hand. The spiritual energy should be used in more beneficial ways.

In this fantasy world, the body is like a vessel containing spiritual power. Once the spiritual power is consumed, it will take a certain amount of time to replenish it.

Jiang Qiao didn't want to spend his spiritual energy on keeping himself warm.

Mu Chenyuan paused, then chanted a spell and cast a fire spell on Jiang Qiao's body, Then don't waste your spiritual power, just use mine.

Jiang Qiao suddenly burst into laughter, What a fool. In this case, is there any difference between us casting spells on ourselves alone?

Mu Chenyuan also followed Yile, Maybe this is a courtesy exchange.

When Jiang Qiao was walking with Mu Chenyuan, he realized that Mu Chenyuan was shorter than him.

The height of the umbrella he held was only suitable for himself, but not suitable for Mu Chenyuan.

Mu Chenyuan's shoulders were covered with a small layer of snow.

So, he tilted the oil-paper umbrella downward toward Mu Chenyuan.

The half of the oil-paper umbrella on the other side of Jiangqiao is high, and the half of the oil-paper umbrella on Mu Chenyuan's end is low.

Jiang Qiao, let's walk a little further and a little further east, and we'll reach the dining hall.

Tell me, what's your favorite meal in the canteen? Mu Chenyuan asked Jiang Qiao with a smile.

What do I like to eat? Rice rolls and braised pork. Jiang Qiao replied.

Then do you know what I like to eat? Mu Chenyuan is determined to start a business that focuses on customers.

... Jiang Qiao was silent for a moment and did not answer.

It seems that you don't know... Mu Chenyuan's eyes were a little disappointed.

No, I know. It's just that you like to eat too many things. Sometimes you complain that the rose cake in the canteen today is not sweet enough. You like sweets. Sometimes, you care about whether there are chopped green onions in the food. , if there is chopped green onion, you should eat the chopped green onion in the first spoonful.

You like sweet, salty, and pickled things, but you don't like fish.

Ah, and when you wake up in the morning, you like plain porridge mixed with sugar.

As Jiang Qiao spoke, the beautiful images of the past surged in his mind, That's about it. I usually don't observe carefully enough. If I forget something, it's normal. Anyway, I know you're basically not very good at it. Picky eater.”

After Jiang Qiao finished speaking, he remembered that he was trapped in the darkroom before and saw the tragic situation of Mu Chenyuan's limbs being separated. But now, he is already in the golden elixir stage.

That kind of thing must be avoidable, right?

You actually remember so much. I always thought you were just an idiot.

After Jiang Qiao finished his walk, he said goodbye to Mu Chenyuan, came to Wenyu's cave, and knocked on the door.

Wen Yu opened the door and greeted Jiang Qiao, Junior brother Jiang, what do you want from me?

Senior Sister Wen, didn't you ask me to come to Yao Valley to find you? Jiang Qiao smiled and repeated the same lines, and Jiang Qiao's acting skills became more and more superb.

You mean, you are willing to be my dance partner, don't you!? Wen Yu didn't expect that things would go so smoothly. Her pupils were dilated and her lips were slightly opened, But I heard that you already have a dance partner. ?The name is Mu Chenyuan, right?

Jiang Qiao quickly explained, Of course not. How come I didn't know when I had a dance partner?

Oh? A meaningful smile appeared on Wen Yu's face, Is this really the case?

Of course. Jiang Qiao's increasingly refined acting skills seemed to have no flaws in Wen Yu's eyes.

Then, when will we rehearse the phoenix dance? It's too late now. Tomorrow, tomorrow is the phoenix ceremony. If so, will we be too pressed for time now?

After Wen Yu finished speaking, she couldn't help but think of the inevitable physical contact with Jiang Qiao during the dance rehearsal, and the corners of her mouth turned up unconsciously.

Rehearsing the Phoenix Dance will happen later, but the most important thing now is to buy a suitable dance costume.

Buy it? But it's not the holiday yet and I can't go out. Where can I buy clothes? Are you good at making clothes? Although I don't know anything about making clothes.

We can go to a place where we can buy it.


black market.

... When Wen Yu heard the word black market, his expression instantly hesitated.

What's wrong, Senior Sister Wen, can't we go there?

So, he added fuel to the fire: If possible, I would like to win two awards at the Phoenix Ceremony. I hope we can try our best!

Since Junior Brother Jiang has said so, let's go together. When?

If you can, how about going now?

Now? Now, I don't want to. I actually made you a dance costume. You go and have a look first. If you are not satisfied, how about we go to the black market.

Wen Yu greeted Jiang Qiao, Go inside first, and we'll talk after we get inside.

Jiang Qiao was inexplicably flustered. This conversation was completely outside of Jiang Qiao's situation. Originally, Li Pingxian's people were already waiting in the black market. If Wen Yu didn't go, wouldn't this plan be in vain?

But there is always a strange magic power that drives him to enter Wenyu's cave, and his damn sixth sense seems to tell him that he will miss something if he doesn't go.

He originally wanted to lure him to the black market and then kill him, which would be much safer, but if Wenyu didn't go, things would be more difficult.

Jiang Qiao followed Wen Yu into the house.

As soon as he entered Wenyu's cave, a kind of aroma hit his face. Many kinds of aromas were mixed together, and Jiang Qiao felt an indescribable feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

Before entering Wenyu's cave, Jiang Qiao had already prepared for the worst. If he couldn't really enter the black market and it was too late, then Jiang Qiao would have to try to fight Wenyu by himself. Now he is fully capable of doing so. Do.

Although it’s hard to say whether he can defeat Wen Yu, if he can draw a tie, it’s okay.

The dance clothes are behind this door. Before that, I want to ask you again, who is your dance partner?

Jiang Qiao followed Wen Yu's words and said, You.

Wenyu's smile was eerie and terrifying, and her mouth was like a deep purple piranha that had just bloomed, ready to swallow Jiang Qiao into her belly at any time.

show you.

Pulling it open, the door opened in response, and there was really a dance costume inside.

It can be seen that the dance clothes were originally spotless white, but later, they were completely stained with blood.

Some blood stains dried quickly and turned brown when exposed to the air, but they were mostly traces formed by falling downwards.

The fresh blood is basically flowing slowly along the gap in the dance clothes, the blood that has just flowed out.

One drop, one drop, one drop.

The sound of water dripping made the surroundings extremely quiet.

This is truly the most beautiful dance costume I have ever seen. Jiang Qiao looked at the dance costume hanging in mid-air, and he did not dare to look up at the familiar yet empty beautiful eyes.

I can also make dance clothes. This one is the most beautiful one I have made. If I participate in the Phoenix Ceremony, I will definitely be the first. After all, it is a natural dye, isn't it?

Wen Yu turned her head and looked at Jiang Qiao, You have a dance partner, and I want to be your dance partner, so I can only capture her and make her the raw material for my dance clothes.

Why, why are you so close to her?

Jiang Qiao exhaled the Blood Qin Sword, and the Blood Qin Sword gradually solidified into a solid object in the void.

Jiang Qiao finally understood that he had killed her. It turned out that he was wrong from the beginning.

The Blood Qin Sword made a desperate cry, and the sweet music that should have echoed in the ears became dry, depressed, and hoarse.

Jiang Qiao raised his sword and rushed towards Wenyu.

Wen Yu's face instantly twisted into a bitter melon shape, Are you actually angry? You are obviously my dance partner, is there anything wrong with me excluding others?

You would actually kill me for an insignificant person, liar!

The two struggled together.

Two madmen fighting each other.

Jiang Qiao had never experienced such despair and reached the superego state. He only felt that if he didn't do something, everything would leave him.

Those beautiful things will eventually fade away with reincarnation. Only you can remember what's the use. In the eyes of others, some things have never happened.

At this moment, the Blood Piano Sword resonated strongly with Jiang Qiao, and the blood light flashing from the blade became even stronger.

Jiang Qiao's heart was shattered by Wen Yu's attack. He was hit by several swords, but he could barely stand up.

Wen Yu was also unable to withstand Jiang Qiao's attack. In the end, a large hole was pierced through her chest, but she did not show any signs of discomfort.

Laughing wildly, still laughing wildly.

After Wen Yu lost his life, a ball of ink instantly pulled out of Wen Yu's body.

Jiang Qiao tried to spread Jade Qionglu on the black mass, but unfortunately it ended in failure. His speed was still not fast enough. It seemed that he would have to find someone faster than himself next time.

Finally, the black mass possessed Mu Chenyuan's body.

I didn't expect that she still has a little bit of vitality left and her body can still be used. Then I will use this form to die with you.

Wenyu understands how he can die together. As long as he possesses the dead person for too long, his soul will be destroyed.

Jiang Qiao knew that it was too late. He didn't have the courage to pierce the sword into the heart of Mu Chenyuan and then draw out the succubus.

The warmth he wanted could never come back.

Okay, then let's die together! Jiang Qiao wanted to die together.

When Jiang Qiao lay on the ground again, Mu Chenyuan also turned his head in his direction and fell down.

What a coincidence, he just fell into his arms.

Snow day.

Jiang Qiao opened his eyes in a daze, and a sweet oval face once again appeared in his field of vision.

This time, he really knew what to do.

Thank you for what is an unimagined road, book friend 20231013020103620, blank brand, my January ticket! ! ! Thanks to AA2153 for your February vote! ! !

Thanks to Hongchensheng for the 100 starting coins! ! !

[Shui Yiyi said that those who will change the map later are not limited to the geniuses within the sect. In fact, everyone should understand what I want to write the Demon Sect into]

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