Chapter 74 Become my slave~ (4239 words)

The sound of Gu insects surrounding him from all directions sounded like the chirping of cicadas at first.

Later, it was like the erhu strings without rosin. The hoarse and noisy sound was not only about to burst my eardrums, but also the pain from countless needles inserted into the ear holes. The bleeding kind.

Bai Rulian snapped his fingers, and immediately, the insects' chirping disappeared.

Jiang Qiao, I called you here because you discovered a Gu insect.

You know, ordinary people are completely unaware of the existence of Gu worms. In fact, I, who could have noticed the Gu worms originally, was unable to detect its existence this time, but you actually discovered it.

Hehehehe, this means that your blood can nourish these Gu insects.

Jiang Qiao was still controlled by Bai Rulian. He stood upright and could not move at all.

However, he breathed a sigh of relief. What Bai Rulian said just now undoubtedly meant that he was valuable to Bai Rulian now.

Could it be that Bai Rulian wanted to kill himself and let out blood to feed the insects?

Moreover, since the Gu worms are belonging to the Demon Sect, what is Bai Rulian's intention in collecting them?

Jiang Qiao originally thought that the treasure club was just an ordinary treasure appraisal place.

All the disciples in the guild are just here to exchange and show off their experiences. It seems that there is a more secret purpose hidden under this superficial shell.

So, do something for me. Anyway, I won't lose you. I can provide you with a lot of conveniences.

Although Jiang Qiao couldn't speak, Bai Rulian meant to recruit him into the gang? Become a partner?

I'm afraid it won't be such an equal relationship.

Huh? Why didn't you say anything? You were stunned. I'll give you some time to think about it.

Bai Rulian leaned in front of the door and waited patiently for a while. At this time, the entire boat was silent.

Jiang Qiao was speechless, he wanted to talk too!

The premise is that the president should give himself a chance to speak first! ! !

Time seemed to have stagnated for a long time, and Bai Rulian finally reacted, It's my fault that I kept talking and forgot to detoxify your mouth.

Bai Rulian snapped his fingers again, Click.

Finally, Jiang Qiao was able to speak, and his breathing returned to freedom.

In a state of confinement, even one's own breathing rate is controlled, which feels very uncomfortable.

Jiang Qiao gasped for air and put on a mocking smile:

What does it mean to do things for you? President, you can control me anytime and anywhere. In this case, have I already become your puppet?

Humph, that's natural.

Her white skin glowed with a hazel glow under the candlelight. She walked to the back room and gently lifted Jiang Qiao's chin with her hands, her eyes frivolous, So, Jiang Qiao, how about you become my slave~

Are you kidding? That's impossible! Jiang Qiao instinctively retorted.

You're quite tempered. Okay, I'm serious. I just want to get you to join our organization.

Bai Rulian waved his hand and put down the hold on Jiang Qiao's chin, I have no thoughts about you personally, only about your blood. These Gu insects need a steady stream of nourishment from blood.

Jiang Qiao, you have to know that our organization is not very large now. It is just a small workshop for studying Demon Sect, with a small number of people. In the future, as an old member, you will make great contributions.

What if I refuse?

Jiang Qiao didn't know Bai Rulian's personality.

In Bai Rulian's words, he is currently very valuable, but once the voodoo refining is completed, where will he end up?

Jiang Qiao had made a plan to go all out this time and talk slowly with Bai Rulian first to get the most favorable conditions, which was better than agreeing directly like this.

If you fail, you have to start over.

Furthermore, Jiang Qiao doesn't have Bai Rulian's bargaining chips at all.

Jiang Qiao, you don't even have the capital to refuse.

Bai Rulian pinned her long brown curly hair back slowly, seemingly not worried at all.

President, in this situation, the relationship between us is not equal at all. Please untie my charm first and then discuss it. Otherwise, you will never get back the money you put in my brother's hand.

Furthermore, you can't control me with your spiritual power all day long. From when I was flying with my sword just now, I felt that you are not that skillful in controlling the worms.

If you force me, I can end it on my own once I resume my activities.

Jiang Qiao thought about the deficit of spiritual stones in the Treasure Society and how Bai Rulian cherished money and loved it. He would not be indifferent to this thought.

When Bai Rulian heard the word self-imposed suicide, Jiang Qiao laughed angrily, You, committed suicide?

She hadn't heard someone threaten her with death for a long time, so out of novelty, she patted Jiang Qiao's face and said, Huh? Is it just you, killing yourself?

But she soon discovered that the determination in Jiang Qiao's eyes didn't seem like he was faking it.

Hahahahahahahahaha, I'm going to be laughed at by you. Bai Rulian held his abdomen and trembled violently, Okay, let me tell the truth, I am not that skilled in controlling Gu worms. The Gu worms in your body, two He will die within an hour.

Who asked you to show me that dead Gu worm? You were too showy. If you were targeted by other 'things' at that time, it would be a serious matter. That's why I transferred you here urgently and pulled you in by the way. Join the team.

Bai Rulian gave a relaxed smile: I didn't intend to threaten you originally. At most, I wanted to scare you and see how you react.

In fact, she inexplicably saw a sense of vicissitudes of life in Jiang Qiao's eyes that was not for this age group.

With a snap of his fingers, Jiang Qiao was released from all restraints.

Can you just take out the Gu worms in my body and destroy them?

If I take it out by force, I will suffer backlash, so when the time comes, the Gu insect will exit on its own. Bai Rulian said.

However, I know you will agree to join the organization. Bai Rulian said.


You are also curious about the Demon Sect, aren't you? Don't you want to know what happened to the Gu worm you gave me?

Jiang Qiao was stunned for a moment. After lifting the restriction, he carefully thought about the stakes. Therefore, the sound of the Gu bug just now was all intentional by Bai Rulian.

The first Gu insect he discovered during the Phoenix celebration ceremony was, as expected, the work of Qiu Baihui.

From this point of view, she is also related to the Demon Sect.

However, where did Bai Rulian get so many Gu insects?

I'll think about whether to join or not.

Is there a possibility that I can force you to join?

? Before Jiang Qiao could react, he was controlled again and pressed a red handprint on an organization contract.

If I had known that there would be such forced buying and selling, why did I just talk nonsense for so long?

Jiang Qiao, once this contract is written, you will not be able to disclose information related to the organization to the outside world. Otherwise, once the contract is torn up, you will die. Or would you rather end it on your own?

Jiang Qiao thought, it seemed that he was forced to be bound to Bai Rulian, and his life in this reincarnation no longer belonged to him.

Bai Rulian's eyes darkened when he saw Jiang Qiao, and it turned out that he just ended his life just as a joke.

She held the contract in her hand and waved it towards Jiang Qiao: This will be your life and death contract from now on. Once it is destroyed, you will be dead. I am not afraid of the small power of the Luoyue Jiang Sect. Even if the money is gone, it doesn't matter, I still have money.

Come on, let me show you what we have in our organization. Now I can safely say that I was quite happy to play with you just now.

Jiang Qiao looked at the piece of paper and sneered inwardly. Bai Rulian didn't think that this kind of thing could restrain him.

He can still reopen, and he will only be able to cope with it more freely in the future, but for now, it is not impossible to dance with the wolves and go deep into the tiger's den to understand.

He said that he wanted to take him around to see what was on the fourth floor of Huafang, so Jiang Qiao went there.

By the way, let’s touch on Bai Rulian’s foundation.

First of all, the purpose of our organization is to study. Although the Demon Sect has been a feared existence for thousands of years, I secretly think that some of the Demon Sect's techniques and ideas may be used for the righteous way. After all, there is no real good or evil in this world. .”

Although Jiang Qiao was forced to join the meeting, he just nodded his head.

He was actually very relaxed. He was nervous for a while when his life was threatened, but he still calmed down.

Since your life has been threatened, you should make the best use of this life.

But on the surface, Jiang Qiao still had to act. He pretended to be unhappy, clenching his fists, and showing a bit of worry in his eyes.

Bai Rulian's reaction when he saw Jiang Qiao was considered normal.

But she thought that if Jiang Qiao remained in such an unconvinced mood, Jiang Qiao might not be able to listen to whatever he introduced later.

Therefore, she had to give Jiang Qiao a reassurance in advance, Jiang Qiao, I am using such force to make you a member of our organization. You must not feel comfortable.

... Jiang Qiao didn't answer.

Bai Rulian guessed Jiang Qiao's expression again and said: Follow me, and you will not be missing. As long as they are generals under my command, I will take good care of each one. Have you heard about the shortcut to the Demon Sect's rapid advancement? Rumors about it?

? When Jiang Qiao heard what Bai Rulian said, his eyes suddenly became a little brighter, and then dimmed again, Have you never heard of such a mysterious shortcut in the world?

Jiang Qiao pretended to be ignorant, but in fact he was not ignorant. Those crazy people in the bank he had been to before might be able to connect it with the shortcut to ascending to heaven.

Perhaps there really is, but only a few people from the Demon Sect know this shortcut. If one day, we reveal this secret, we can organize everyone to ascend together and achieve enlightenment.

Even if not, what I will show you next will definitely inspire you.

At present, Jiang Qiao still feels that Bai Rulian's painting skills are a bit poor and he doesn't look like a good leader.

First, Bai Rulian explained to himself the cultivation of Gu insects.

Only a few people can hear the sound of Gu insects, and the blood of people who can hear them can be used to feed Gu insects.

Gu worms take two to three months to mature.

Blood must be drawn every two days for feeding. After the first month, ten of the Gu worms must be locked together and left to stand for ten days without giving them any food until the last one among the ten is left. Gu insect.

After that, the same process will be repeated in the second and third months, and finally, the poison will be formed.

This is what you should do next, Jiang Qiao, Bai Rulian explained some details of the operation of the Gu worm in detail, I only have one mature Gu worm in my hand, and I spent a lot of money to buy it. Now I am spending a lot of money on it. It’s on you, so the other immature Gu insects depend on you.”

As for the Gu worms, Jiang Qiao was controlled and unable to speak before, but now he can finally ask: I want to ask, what happened to the Gu worms I discovered at the Phoenix Ceremony?

In this regard, Bai Rulian's explanation was: Looking at the size of that insect, it must not have been raised by me. It seems that there is a real expert in our sect. I guess that person is Qiu Baihui.

How did you guess so accurately?

Because she suddenly vomited blood, like a reaction to the poison's failure.

Jiang Qiao wanted to say something more about Qiu Baihui, but Bai Rulian's words came first.

She pushed open another door and motioned Jiang Qiao to enter, There are some Demon Sect treasures placed here.

Jiang Qiao was surprised, Demon Sect treasure?

Yes, most of them are some holy weapons of the Demon Sect. I have collected some over the years. Fortunately, they are relatively hidden. No one else can enter here except me who have secret orders. However, maybe they will be stolen one day. , so the study of them must be carried out as quickly as possible.”

Bai Rulian said, smiling crazily at the treasures in the room.

Jiang Qiao observed Bai Rulian's expression and wondered if Bai Rulian was a fan of the Demon Sect. Although he practiced in the right way, he longed for the Demon Sect in his heart.

It's really scary.

Then, Bai Rulian opened another door in the corridor, There is a Demon Sect member in here.

? Jiang Qiao didn't understand what all this meant.

When you open the door, you will see an ice coffin.

On top of the ice coffin, lay a magnificent beauty. The beauty closed her eyes, but her brows furrowed nervously.

Bai Rulian said more and more proudly: This is a succubus, but it was sealed in an ice coffin using magic, and I bought it.

“I originally bought a pair of succubus sisters, but when they were shipped over, there was only one.

It seems that it accidentally ran away when it was delivered.

Inside the cave.

Qiu Baihui huddled on the bed and shivered, horrific scenes flashing back in her mind.


She gasped violently.

The night becomes long.

Strong spiritual power fluctuations extinguished the candle.

Qiu Baihui stood up unsteadily, supported the table with her hands and took a sip of water.

But her nails quietly grew longer and left a sharp mark on the table.

No...don't...can you please don't kill me...don't...

Her consciousness was blurred, and the scene of being tortured and killed in her memory extended infinitely in her brain. She could no longer tell whether it was a fantasy or the reality that had existed before.

Do not kill me……

She tripped over a stool and fell to the ground, but quickly got up again. Perhaps the pain of being fallen helped her regain her consciousness.

Qiu Baihui took out a bundle of pens from the drawer and instantly calmed down a lot.

Hehe hehe~ This is a pen made from Jiang Qiao's nine-year-old hair, this is a pen made from Jiang Qiao's thirteen-year-old hair, this is a pen made from Jiang Qiao's ten-year-old hair...

There are... there are four-year-olds, this is the seventeen-year-old...

Qiu Baihui could tell the time period of each pen through the subtle differences in hair quality. Every time she felt uncomfortable, she would take them out, admire them, and then use them to write in her storybook.

In this way, Jiang Qiao's life seemed to be firmly in his hands.

Wait a minute, I don't have Jiang Qiao's hair now. I want it at this stage too!

She took out another spoon from the bottom drawer. It was the same spoon Jiang Qiao had used when he had dinner at Qiu Baihui's house a year ago.

Tomorrow, let's use it to have dinner with Jiang Qiao~

Thanks to Hongchensheng and A Little Milkshake for their January votes! ! ! Thanks to a little milkshake for the 1,000 starting coins! ! !

I pray that there will be no typos today.

There's not a single dubbing today, wow, it's messy in the wind

[Let’s drink some water and say, the best meal today is two glutinous rice siomai. Let’s have fresh meat siomai tomorrow. . ]

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