Chapter 75 Go out after studying and learn to death~ (2122 words)

Inside the fourth floor of Huafang.

Jiang Qiao and Bai Rulian had already sat down and started drinking tea. After viewing so many rooms just now, Jiang Qiao had a certain understanding of Bai Rulian.

Her obsession and concern for the Demon Sect is beyond her imagination.

However, Jiangqiao does not plan to reopen directly. According to this organizational line, there may be different findings.

Just because he had just joined the organization, Bai Rulian only showed him three rooms, and Jiang Qiao had not yet touched the other rooms.

Jiang Qiao, besides raising the Gu insects, there is one more thing I want you to do.

? What? Jiang Qiao took a sip of tea. It had to be said that the tea served by Bai Rulian was not available to others. It had a fragrant aroma.

I heard Mu Chenshui say that Qiu Baihui is your childhood sweetheart, which is interesting. So, take good care of her recently, take good care of her body, and try to understand her origins. I will need her in three months.

? Take care of her? Jiang Qiao really didn't understand Bai Rulian's brain circuit.

After three months, you will know. Now you just need to obey.

Jiang Qiao still didn't understand: I don't understand. President, aren't you afraid of the Demon Sect?

You just do it, that's it. Regarding the Gu worms and all the things we are talking about here today, you know, I know, don't let the second person know, Bai Rulian waved his hand. The day after tomorrow, you will come to the Treasure Party banquet and you will understand.

Jiang Qiao didn't intend to completely listen to Bai Rulian's words and protect the yandere heroine for three months, which sounded a bit creepy. He didn't know what would happen during these three months.

How many times will he die? Protect? He's pretty much protecting himself...

It seems that it can only be reopened when necessary. Let’s finish this round first.

Back in the cave, Jiang Qiao practiced for a while as usual, and then lay down on the bed.

His thoughts were inexplicably confused and he couldn't figure it out. He didn't expect so many things to happen during this short Phoenix celebration ceremony.

Jiang Qiao got up. He couldn't sleep anyway and was very irritable, so he decided to get up and have some fun.

On the bookshelf of Dongfu are Don't Do This, Female Devil, Peerless Senior Sister Haunts Me, and The Frivolous Boy's Journey.

These are all Li Wentian's relics, and they seem to be Li Wentian's most proud reading material. He had strongly recommended Jiang Qiao to read them before, but Jiang Qiao didn't care.

Jiang Qiao automatically glanced at the book Peerless Senior Sister Haunted Me. This title reminded him of some bad memories from the past.

As for the book Don't Look Like This, I'd better not read it because my brain has some stress reactions.

Jiang Qiao finally opened the book The Frivolous Boy's Journey. It was a book that Li Wentian would hold in his hands when he went to the canteen to eat. The content should be quite exciting.

However, after flipping through a few pages, Jiang Qiao was not the type he was interested in.

When he woke up in the morning, Jiang Qiao went to Zhaixingya to give lectures, but unfortunately he didn't see Mu Chenyuan this time.

Originally, Mu Chenyuan had already arrived at the lecture hall at this time, waiting for class, but this time, she was not seen.

Jiang Qiao felt a little empty in his heart, and soon, Qiu Baihui sat next to him.

Jiang Qiao, I'll sit next to you.

Qiu Baihui took out a volume of books from the storage ring and said, I haven't been teaching for a long time. If there is anything I don't know, you can teach me.

Jiang Qiao nodded. Now he needs to have more contact with Qiu Baihui to understand better. Also, he needs to find the right time to talk to Qiu Baihui about the Gu insect yesterday.

After that, Ouyang Jue also entered the lecture hall. He walked directly in front of Jiang Qiao and said, There will be a new assessment next month. Jiang Qiao, just wait! I will definitely surpass you this time.

Jiang Qiao found that Ouyang Jue was so energetic today. He yawned and said, Okay, okay.

Qiu Baihui glared at Ouyang Jue angrily.

When the lecture started, Jiang Qiao felt drowsy and almost fell asleep every time.

Qiu Baihui always seemed to not give up on Jiang Qiao, always waking him up. Perhaps because there was no food blessing from Mu Chenyuan, Jiang Qiao always fell asleep.

Elder Jinshi saw Jiang Qiao sleeping so close to him, so he walked up and knocked on Jiang Qiao's forehead, Jiang Qiao, tell me, what is the function of Dragon Crystal Grass?

Jiang Qiao was frightened by this hairy chestnut and stood up. He didn't hear clearly what the elder was saying. As if his soul had just returned to his original body, he said in a daze: No... I don't know.

Elder Jinshi shook his head: I see you were so dizzy from playing yesterday, right? You won a prize for dancing, so I asked you to listen to the lecture and go to bed!

The same goes for you, and so does Mu Chenyuan. Mu Chenyuan was always with you, but today he just got sick and stopped coming to class. Please stand for a while.

Jiang Qiao was stunned for a moment after hearing what Elder Jinshi said. Is Mu Chenyuan sick? No wonder.

Elder Jinshi turned to another popular disciple, Ouyang Jue, Ouyang Jue, answer the question!

In fact, when Elder Jinshi raised this question, Ouyang Jue had already lit up his starry eyes at Elder Jinshi to express himself, and his eyes also moved with the movement of Elder Jinshi.

Ouyang Jue replied: Dragon Crystal Grass is sweet in taste and mild in nature, and can stop bleeding.

Indeed, I would like to add that dragon crystal grass is highly poisonous and must be boiled before taking it.

Jiang Qiao's spirit is still not very clear. He became obsessed with reading yesterday's novel. It is definitely a stumbling block on his path to immortality. It seems that it must be banned.

When Jiang Qiao sat back on the stool, Qiu Baihui whispered in her ear: Jiang Qiao, don't sleep. How can you do this without seeking to make progress?

Jiang Qiao sobered up a little. He didn't expect Qiu Baihui to pay so much attention to him in this aspect.

But now I am still in the foundation-building stage and cannot completely resist this sudden sleepiness.

He tilted his head and continued to sleep.

Jiang Qiao was still asleep until the lecture ended.

Ouyang Jue originally planned to go to the canteen. When he saw Jiang Qiao sleeping, he poked Jiang Qiao and said, Jiang Qiao, it seems that I win this time!

He shouted into Jiang Qiao's ear and then ran away quickly.

Jiang Qiao reluctantly woke up and saw that Elder Jinshi had disappeared. It seemed that the lecture was over. He packed up his things and went to the canteen.

Jiang Qiao, don't leave yet. Qiu Baihui suddenly shouted from behind, I originally thought that you could teach me if you don't know how to do it, but I didn't expect that you are so useless and are still sleeping. It seems that I must I want to help you.

? Jiang Qiao's sixth sense told him that things were definitely not that simple. The moment he turned around to look at Qiu Baihui, the surrounding scene suddenly changed.

Jiang Qiao originally saw that the tables and chairs were all made of mahogany, but now the red color was slightly purple.

Everything around him suddenly became quiet.

There used to be the sound of the disciples' hurried footsteps, but now it's quiet and somewhat dead.

Qiu Baihui showed a smile: Jiang Qiao, go out after you finish studying~Learn to the point of death~

At the same time, a mountain of bamboo slips and books suddenly appeared on Jiang Qiao's desk.

Twice as tall as the people in Jiangqiao.

Let me explain, the last time the protagonist was burned, it was the Golden Elixir, but then he died and it was the Foundation Establishment again.

My mental state when writing this chapter: the fear of being dominated by review and homework ()

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