What do you mean, I don't understand? Jiang Qiao looked at the pile of books and looked around again.

It seems that Qiu Baihui opened a realm and trapped herself here.

Seeing Jiang Qiao's confused face, Qiu Baihui felt a little troubled, Isn't what I said clear enough?

She tapped the books with her hand, Read all these books. If you can't finish them all or memorize them all, you can't go out.

So much, it's a bit too much.

Jiang Qiao can't understand Qiu Baihui's brain circuit now. It seems that the starting point of letting himself learn is a good one, but it is too extreme.

It's not too much. I'm about to take the test. You can't do it. You can't even compare to trash like Ouyang Jue!

Qiu Baihui suddenly changed her temperament, with a broken and exaggerated smile on her face, I am doing this all for your own good. You also want to surpass Ouyang Jue, don't you?

Jiang Qiao retorted: Although I really want to surpass, there is no need to push myself so hard, and with so many books, how long will it take for me to go out? Bai Hui, I can endorse them, but let me memorize so many books, Too much!

Your attitude is so bad!!! Qiu Baihui suddenly held her head with both hands.

In that case, there's nothing more to say!

Jiang Qiao was suddenly held up by the chains and his body was pushed to the desk. He couldn't break free even with his spiritual power.

Soon, his body was nailed to the chair, and only his arms could barely move.

Qiu Baihui's laughter echoed here. She gently picked up a bamboo slip and said, Jiang Qiao, memorize this one first~

After you've memorized it, I'm going to test you.

Jiang Qiao was still trying hard to break free from the chains, but the chains were getting tighter and tighter.

He tried to stay calm. At least Qiu Baihui didn't want to kill him yet, so everything would be too late.

Bai Hui, this is wrong. You have never used such strong tactics before. Let's loosen the chains first...

Don't let go! Hurry up!

Qiu Baihui threw the bamboo slip into Jiang Qiao's hand, Hurry and memorize it.

Well, let me memorize the contents of this bamboo slip, and then we go out again, okay? I'm not in the golden elixir stage yet, and I haven't eaten grain yet. If you do this, I will starve to death.

Hurry up and memorize it. The smile suddenly disappeared from Qiu Baihui's eyes, and her face was like a piece of ice that would not melt.

She picked up the whip and whipped Jiang Qiao's body. In an instant, the skin and flesh were torn.

Hurry up and memorize it. I'll give you a test after you've memorized it!

Hurry up!

Calm down...hiss... Jiang Qiao originally wanted to persuade him, but then lost his patience, Are you crazy? Crazy, absolutely crazy!!!

Hey, you are actually scolding me. It seems that you and the rest of the Canglan Sect have learned bad things recently, right? Qiu Baihui's eyes suddenly filled with tears, You are not the Jiang Qiao I knew back then. Yes, you have really changed.

But, I...it doesn't matter to me, I will definitely supervise you.

Qiu Baihui's face was full of tears, but she managed to squeeze out a smile.

The whip was covered with sharp barbs and hit Jiang Qiao's body.

[System prompt: Qiu Baihui’s favorability +5]

The whip was merciless at all. Each whip was struck with all his strength and without regard to the consequences. Jiang Qiao soon fainted...

That's good, Jiang Qiao thought, he was relieved.

[System prompt: The host cannot leave the Qiu Baihui domain for the time being. This rebirth will not wake up from the save point, but will be reborn back to the domain. The host will not be able to return to the save point normally until the plot of the domain is over. 】

? ? ? Gan!

He opened his eyes again, and Qiu Baihui in front of him still had the same lines as before, Jiang Qiao, go out after you finish studying~Learn to the point of death~

This feeling is simply more terrifying than being dominated by homework in the real world.

Jiang Qiao didn't want to be bound by chains this time, so he didn't bother to talk nonsense with Qiu Baihui, Why don't you just carry all these things on your back? I'll carry them on my back, that's not enough.

Jiang Qiao couldn't get rid of the pain from being beaten with a whip until his skin was torn apart in a short time.

How could he memorize so much in a short period of time? It seemed that he could only follow Qiu Baihui's ideas and memorize a little first, and then slowly communicate with her after she relaxed.

Jiang Qiao slowly sat on the stool. While enduring the pain from the last round of whipping, he memorized the contents on the bamboo slips.

Jiang Qiao, I'll give you one stick of incense to finish memorizing the first bamboo slips. You must finish it obediently. If you can't finish it, then...

A whip solidified from the void, I will whip you with the whip.

Is the time for one stick of incense so limited?

Jiang Qiao could only hope that he had a good memory and could recite it in one stick of incense.

But the pain in his body really prevented him from concentrating normally. This was the first time that he had a sense of urgency to risk his life.

The first originator of swordsmanship was Huo Fangshan. His swordsmanship was natural and smooth, and...

The first founder of the sect was...

In the year 213 of the New Calendar, the massacre that shocked the entire Sioux City had a heavy impact on the people of Sioux City. First, it affected... second, it... third... it...

The purpose of studying the history of immortality is, firstly, to allow disciples to remember the great deeds of their ancestors, and secondly,...

Canglan Sect has a history of two hundred years of scholarship...

Countless cultivators are actively pioneering on the road to cultivating immortals. Among them, Huo Fangshan belongs to the third generation of pioneers. He...

Regarding the types of charm, there are mainly three types, one is derived from the ancient evil magic of the Demon Sect, and the other is derived from...

The first bamboo slip contains history and some historical commentary. Jiang Qiao memorized the content crazily. He wished he could put the bamboo slips directly

Swallow it into your stomach, no matter how unpalatable it is, it will be good if you can finish it.

Next, Jiang Qiao endorsed Jiang Qiao like he was crazy, and his attitude of donating money made Qiu Baihui appreciate Jiang Qiao more.

[System prompt: Qiu Baihui’s favorability +5]

This is outrageous. After memorizing a book, the favorability level will actually increase like this.

The time for a stick of incense passed quickly, Qiu Baihui said leisurely: Now, the time is up, let me see what your results are.

It's almost done. Jiang Qiao couldn't guarantee that he would be able to memorize everything 100% of the time. At least, he would be in close agreement.

Okay, let me test you on a few questions~ Qiu Baihui's eyes were full of excitement and anticipation, How many years is the academic history of Canglan Sect?

Two hundred years.

Who is the originator of sword cultivation?

Huo Fangshan.

Why can Lingxiao Sect stand firm in the long history? There are six reasons in total?

Jiang Qiao listed them one by one, but got stuck on the last reason.

Sixth, uh, is, because... uh...

Jiang Qiao was stuck. He searched hard for memories, but couldn't figure out what the sixth point was.

Qiu Baihui showed another meaningful smile.

You memorized it wrong, so you should be punished.

Thanks to Li Sigou, Yanxin TCP, Zhishe, and a little milkshake for the January ticket! ! !

Thanks to Hongchensheng for the 500 starting coins! ! ! Lazy name’s 200 starting coins! ! ! The starting point of 1000 for a small milkshake

currency! ! !

[The words were spoken when the water was flowing, and Baidu translated: Let's go out after we're done~Learn to death~You memorized the wrong thing, so you should be punished. You deserve it]

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