Besides, you don't even know who I am. I'm your brother. I don't know what's going on in your little head.

Although, brother, can't you give me a chance to deny it? Anyway, let me quibble.

Mu Chenyuan thought for a while, but in the end she didn't want to deny all this to her brother, because since she was a child, her brother would be the first to share any secrets with her.

It would be okay for her brother to know about her inner journey.

What's there to quibble about? Brother You, can I not understand?

After Mu Chenshui said this, he sighed deeply, What is it about Jiang Qiao that attracts you? Don't be fooled by his skin (which is as good-looking as the reader).

But he is really, really good. In the lecture hall, I basically don't have any friends. People who can ignore the rumors and just come towards me are people who deserve to be recognized.

While the Mu brothers and sisters were discussing, Jiang Qiao also gradually woke up. His eyelids moved, but in the end he did not open them. He was in a state of confusion and shock. He did not expect that under such circumstances, he actually heard Mind.

Jiang Qiao didn't think he was as pure as Mu Chenyuan said. At first, he just discovered Mu Chenyuan's unique skills, and he also approached Mu Chenyuan with a purpose.

But Mu Chenyuan's words beautified herself infinitely.

Jiang Qiao, he is a very pure person. It would be good to be friends with him. It would be great if we were friends. Now, how can I dare to go one step further? I don't even dare to think about it.

Mu Chenshui didn't expect that his sister would think this way, why would she think of herself in such a humble way.

Sister, you also have your own sparkle. Every time you see me, you can't wait to share the things you make with me. You will also tell me how happy Jiang Qiao is when he eats. He can eat the things you make, but It can be regarded as the blessing he has achieved in this life, and you are not bad at all.

But I know very well that apart from my cooking skills, I have only made little progress in the Qi training stage. However, even if I am promoted to the Qi training stage, it is already my best. I am too weak.

Jiang Qiao also wanted to hear more about Mu Chenyuan's thoughts. He had indeed entered Mu Chenyuan's sea of ​​consciousness before, but he did not really understand Mu Chenyuan's thoughts.

Mu Chenyuan looked so warm and considerate on the surface, but she didn't touch the gloom in her heart at all.

However, Mu Chenyuan was really underestimating herself when she said she was weak. Judging from the last round of feedback, perhaps she had huge potential that she, and even Qiu Baihui, had not expected.

Sister, think about it for yourself. As a brother, I only listen to your emotional talk, and the only one who really wants to untie your heart is you. But, you have to believe that you are really not bad. Don't belittle yourself. Think for yourself. Okay, no matter what the outcome is, my brother will support you.

Brother is just afraid that you will be unhappy.

Mu Chenyuan nodded sensibly, Brother, I understand. All I know now is that I like Jiang Qiao very much. As for the long-term things, I haven't thought about it.

When he heard the words I like Jiang Qiao, Jiang Qiao's originally uneasy heart suddenly turned upside down. He originally thought he would be calmer than he imagined, but now, his heartstrings are entangled, and the more he becomes The more you try to comb it out, the more disordered it becomes.

He suddenly didn't want to wake up at this time, and he wanted to take it slow.

Okay, then when you go back later, make sure not to miss the time. Go back to the cave as soon as possible and use the paper crane to tell me.

In the end, only Jiang Qiao and Mu Chenyuan were left in the sanatorium.

Mu Chenyuan tucked Jiang Qiao into bed again, and then buried her head on the bed.

Jiang Qiao could feel the sudden weight on the quilt. Was Mu Chenyuan leaning on the quilt?

After the weight on the quilt stabilized, Jiang Qiao opened his eyes a little and found Mu Chenyuan's small one lying on the bed, his body rising and falling with his breathing.

This is the first time Jiang Qiao has experienced this kind of indirect confession. He seems to agree, but what will happen after he agrees. Those moments of death in Wenyu's reincarnation are likely to happen again in the future, and the development may be even more shocking.

This was a helplessness he had never experienced before, so he cast an even gentler gaze on Mu Chenyuan.

Unexpectedly, Mu Chenyuan had woken up at this time. She raised her head and met Jiang Qiao's eyes.



After that, there was a long silence, and neither of them said a word in tacit agreement, as if time passed by, and only the two of them were a static eternity.

Senior Brother Jiang, have you woken up a long time ago... Mu Chenyuan said softly, without any special look on his face.

Yeah. Jiang Qiao did not deny it.

I was trying my best to speak as quietly as possible, but I didn't expect you to hear me. What did you hear?

When Jiang Qiao noticed that Mu Chenyuan was speaking, he subconsciously clenched his sleeves.

I probably heard everything. In fact, I... Jiang Qiao thought that since he heard it, it would be better not to escape from all this.

Wait! Mu Chenyuan suddenly said excitedly, and at the same time opened the palm of one hand and faced Jiang Qiao.

Jiang Qiao understood that this gesture was a signal to him not to say anything yet.

Senior Brother Jiang, that me...I don't want to figure out the answer yet. Even though I don't know whether the result is good or bad, if possible, can you tell me the answer later.

Why? Jiang Qiao couldn't express his thoughts, and he felt very uncomfortable.

Now I still want to regard Senior Brother Jiang as a target. In this case, maybe I will have more motivation to practice. No matter whether Senior Brother Jiang agrees to me or rejects me, I will lose motivation.

I want to solemnly mention it to you again when I become stronger.

When do you think you have become stronger? A faint smile suddenly appeared on Jiang Qiao's face.

Speaking of which, I just overheard it today. For me, it may not be a good time. He has not been able to eliminate the interference of those yandere heroines, and now he has rashly agreed to be with Mu Chenyuan. It would only put her in greater danger.

Moreover, Mu Chenyuan is indeed not strong enough to escape the persecution of other yandere heroines, so now is indeed not the best time.

However, after experiencing this, Jiang Qiao's originally wavering mind gradually settled down. When the time comes, he will of course express his feelings to Mu Chenyuan in person.

Uh, I, I don't know either. Mu Chenyuan didn't expect that Jiang Qiao would break her heart today.

You have said so, then I will follow your wishes. Then wait for the day when you become stronger, and wait for me to say those three words to you.


Mu Chenyuan suddenly froze on the spot. The moment of joy was real, but she still couldn't believe it, and even thought it was all an illusion.

She held her face with her hands, even patted her cheeks, and finally pinched her cheek flesh hard to confirm that this was not an illusion.

Jiang Qiao felt that Mu Chenyuan must be fine. At least judging from the information Qiu Baihui told him, Mu Chenyuan was definitely not as simple as a Qi training period.

Mu Chenyuan's potential must be unpredictable. Jiang Qiao's previous training with Mu Chenyuan seemed to have produced miraculous effects...

Senior Brother Jiang, no, I told you not to tell me. Mu Chenyuan felt that telling her now would break her Taoist heart.

Ah, I obviously didn't say anything just now, right? Did I say something? Which word? You can try to repeat it again.

Jiang Qiao knew that he had not done anything special to Mu Chenyuan, he only witnessed her dying or being injured again and again.

To be honest, the one who is truly unworthy of Mu Chenyuan must be himself.

He is not worthy of accepting Mu Chenyuan's confession now. He can't even protect Mu Chenyuan.

How could such a person be qualified to become Mu Chenyuan's Taoist companion?

He stood up and held the paper crane that Qiu Baihui gave him firmly in his hand. This time, he must try to minimize the harm to Mu Chenyuan.

Suddenly, Mu Chenyuan spoke to confirm: Senior Brother Jiang, did you also say what you just said to other girls?

How is that possible? I only told you. Jiang Qiao's tone suddenly became determined.

Thank you for your January ticket from Zhishe and Hongchensheng! ! !

[Data before 12.18]

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