Mu Chenyuan's face became increasingly scarlet, and her originally uneasy mood gradually calmed down, and then she covered her mouth with her hands.

Well, Junior Sister Mu, I have to explain that I don't have any opinion on the strength of your cultivation, nor can I accept you until you become stronger.

The truth is, I'm too weak to promise you anything.

Moreover, Jiang Qiao was afraid that the happiness he finally had would be wiped out again in the next reincarnation.

When the two of them got close, their hearts were shaken back to their original shape.

He remembered everything, but if Mu Chenyuan didn't remember, everything would be even sadder.

Mu Chenyuan didn't understand. Is Jiang Qiao not strong enough now? ? Isn't Senior Brother Jiang strong enough?

But she did see deep self-blame in Jiang Qiao's eyes, and that feeling was not fake.

There was a hint of emotion in Jiang Qiao's tone, So many things happened when you didn't know it. It would be okay if you could never know it.

So, Junior Sister Mu, if you want to practice well, get up early tomorrow and let's practice together.

Jiang Qiao didn't understand what happened to Mu Chenyuan and Qiu Baihui in the last round, which caused all the Gu insects to bite back on Qiu Baihui.

Starting tomorrow, practice together?

Mu Chenyuan thought that she and Jiang Qiao had gone to the library to study together, but this was the first time for them to practice.

And Jiang Qiao thought, he originally ate with Mu Chenyuan and went to the library to read together, but at that time he just wanted to use Mu Chenyuan as a talisman, rather than carefully feeling his own heart.

If I could have noticed it earlier, I might have been able to avoid this tragedy again and again.

Many times, Mu Chenyuan died in front of him, with the warm blood splashing on his face so wantonly.

This time, he must not make the same mistake again.

Junior sister Mu, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?

What Jiang Qiao wants to know now is whether Mu Chenyuan has been poisoned at present, and whether the poison has entered Mu Chenyuan's body during the time when he fainted.

Mu Chenyuan shook his head, I don't feel uncomfortable anywhere. What's wrong? Don't worry, I'm in good health. I'm not as weak as you think.

That's good, but you must be careful tonight. If you feel uncomfortable somewhere, remember to go to Elder Jinshi first, not the sanatorium first. Jiang Qiao said to Mu Chenyuan.

Mu Chenyuan nodded blankly.

Senior Brother Jiang, I haven't been this happy for a long time, and I feel particularly relaxed. Mu Chenyuan sighed with emotion, and the previously tangled emotions were suddenly relieved.

It's getting late, go back early, and report to your brother.

Senior Brother Jiang, it will be good if you feel better.

During the conversation, Mu Chenyuan did not dare to look at Jiang Qiao. If he stared at him for a while, he would feel his cheeks burning.

Next, Jiang Qiao got out of bed and finally remembered the paper crane that had always been stuck to him. When he opened it, he found that it still contained exactly the same content.

The paper crane says: [Murong Bingli sincerely invites Brother Jiang Qiaojiang to come to the garden in the backyard of the dance altar to reminisce about the past. Come, come, come~ I'm waiting for you, I'll wait for you at the pavilion]

Jiang Qiao planned to meet Qiu Baihui again. Qiu Baihui showed signs of running away last time. Anyway, everyone was already in Canglan Sect and couldn't escape even if they wanted to. It was better to take advantage of this opportunity to spy again. Explore Qiu Baihui's background.

The person who killed him last time was not Qiu Baihui, but a woman whose face could not be seen clearly.

From their short conversation, Jiang Qiao could basically judge that the strange woman must have come to meet Qiu Baihui. Her identity was uncertain, but she was probably from the Demon Sect.

By the time Jiang Qiao arrived at the back garden of the dance arena, the Phoenix celebration ceremony had already ended, leaving only Qiu Baihui waiting lonely.

She angrily broke off the plum blossoms with her hands, and the petals fell on the snow one by one, looking a little lonely.

Jiang Qiao came walking on the snow, and the moonlight illuminated the outline of his face clearly.

You're late, Jiang Qiao! Qiu Baihui tilted her head, with a look of anger on her face, I've been waiting for you for a long time, and I thought, if you don't come, I will continue to wait here until you Come on, wait until your knuckles are red.

I didn't expect that the celebration ceremony has ended and you still haven't come.

I didn't come late on purpose. I was feeling a little uncomfortable just now. Jiang Qiao gently dusted the snow off the stone steps of the pavilion, and then sat next to Qiu Baihui. I was just rushed to the nursing home.

Are you okay? What's wrong with you? As soon as Qiu Baihui asked this question, Jiang Qiao replied calmly, It's nothing serious, I'm just a little dizzy. The elders said I'm fine.

The two chatted for a while, and the topics were much more.

Murong Bingli is a good name, isn't it? I thought about this name for a long time. Doesn't it sound nice?

It does sound pretty good.

Since you came late because you were feeling unwell, I forgive you, but can you dance the Phoenix Dance with me?

Qiu Baihui's eyes were full of excitement. She naturally wanted to do something intimate with Jiang Qiao after seeing him again after a long absence.

Jiang Qiao suppressed the disgust in his eyes and waved his hand lightly: I'm not feeling well today. I'm afraid I won't be able to dance with you.

That's such a pity. Qiu Baihui flipped up her hair with some disappointment.

She was about to say, Let's dance together next time. Fortunately, Jiang Qiao quickly interrupted the spell.

Bai Hui, it's a great joy for you to return to the sect now. I don't know what happened to you recently.

Therefore, Jiang Qiao knew about Qiu Baihui's golden elixir stage and returned to the sect as before.

But this time Jiang Qiao thought about incorporating some other information appropriately while having a conversation.

Bai Hui, I have been reading a good story book recently. Other male disciples have also recommended it to me. I think it is quite good.

Qiu Baihui raised her chin with her right hand, Oh? What book is it? Tell me, I might have read it too.

It's called Don't Do This, Devil. Jiang Qiao proudly told Qiu Baihui the title.

Later, Jiang Qiao saw the rich changes in expressions on Qiu Baihui's face.

At first, her eyes were as big as copper bells, and she hesitated for a long time without saying a word. Finally, she pretended to be calm and responded: You, look, okay, does it look good?

It's pretty good. Some parts are quite similar to the stories of our childhood, so I still felt very immersed in it when watching it.

When Jiang Qiao talked about this book, he deliberately raised his voice a little higher, so that he seemed to be happy to tell Qiu Baihui about this book.

I haven't seen it. Since you said so, I will definitely go and see it next time. Qiu Baihui's shoulders were shaking due to nervousness.

Through Qiu Baihui's reaction, Jiang Qiao made a general judgment in his heart. These were just appetizers. The time had come to truly show off his acting skills.

Bai Hui, do you still remember what I told you when I was a child? I want to learn divination, and now I have learned a little bit.

Divination, the one who uses turtle shells to predict good and bad luck? I thought you were just talking about it for fun, but I didn't expect you to actually learn it.

Jiang Qiao tried his best to make his eyes look determined, as if he was confident of winning, That's natural, but I don't use turtle shells to calculate. I just pinch my fingers and calculate it.

He pretended to imitate Jigong's fortune-telling movements in the TV series he had watched in his previous life. He touched his thumb with the other four fingers and said, You must have written the script for The Devil Don't Do This.

Then, time stood still for a long time. For Jiang Qiao, this is still the first step. He can completely use the information from the previous round to deceive Qiu Baihui.

...You didn't divine this, you guessed it. It's really boring. Qiu Baihui looked at Jiang Qiao as if he was mentally retarded, That's it, are you trying to trick me?

It's just one hexagram. It's normal if you don't believe me. But next, I can still calculate another hexagram. Jiang Qiao smiled, the cold wind gently blew the hair on his forehead, and the corner of his mouth He raised it slightly and started counting with his hands.

Well...I understand, Bai Hui, you have something dangerous on you.

Jiang Qiao examined Qiu Baihui's expression. Although she said she didn't believe it, her tightly furrowed brows had fully exposed her nervousness.


You brought the Gu worm, right, but I don't understand why you would keep such an evil thing on your body.

I...I didn't...

Qiu Baihui refused to admit it even if she wanted to kill him at first.

But Jiang Qiao played the emotional card on himself: Bai Hui, we have had such a good relationship since childhood, why do you want to hide this from me?

In order to achieve the best performance, Jiang Qiao couldn't help but sigh. At the same time, his mind forced himself to recall all the reincarnations in the past. His eyes became humble and his eye circles became a little red.

Jiang Qiao, why are you crying? Don't be like this, I... Qiu Baihui has never seen Jiang Qiao like this. Ever since he was a child, he has been the one who comforted himself when he was crying. Qiu Baihui has never seen him like this before. Jiang Qiao in this state.

Moreover, she doesn't know how to comfort people.

Qiu Baihui took out a handkerchief from her sleeve and wanted to wipe Jiang Qiao's tears.

Jiang Qiao immediately put back his emotions. In front of Qiu Baihui, he still wanted to hold back his tears, If you don't explain clearly about the Gu worm, don't blame me for severing our friendship. Don't you understand what the Gu worm is? What does it mean?

Qiu Baihui was completely in a state of confusion. Only her parents knew about the poisonous insects and they must not be leaked. But when she looked at Jiang Qiao's red eyes, she understood that Jiang Qiao was sincerely worried about his current situation. He was really worried about her.

[System prompt: Qiu Baihui’s favorability +10]

She nervously looked around the back garden, but fortunately, there was no one there.

I don't dare to say...I can't say...

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