But since I am a noble person and can give me luck, shouldn't I be given a portrait? I can hang it in the cave and pay homage to it from time to time.

When Jiang Qiao heard this, he immediately forced a smile on his face and said, There's no need for this.


I still have to pay homage. Is this really the rhythm of worshiping the Buddha?

To a certain extent, Jiang Qiao admires Qiu Baihui's unbridled imagination.

What does this mean? It shows that Qiu Baihui particularly believes in his nonsense.

Oh, okay. Qiu Baihui nodded firmly.

Jiang Qiao suddenly thought of something, Bai Hui, I have one more thing to ask you...

What's up?

One day, I was reading your book The Devil Don't Do This. While reading, I accidentally spilled water on the book, but the book didn't show any signs of getting wet. Why is this?

Qiu Baihui's eyes were also blank, Well, the book should be made of special materials, which makes it easier to store. I don't know the details.

I always feel that this material is a bit evil, as if the pages of the book have absorbed all the moisture.

Jiang Qiao carefully observed Qiu Baihui's reaction. He was calm and calm. It was completely different from his previous reaction when talking about Demon Sect and Gu Chong. Maybe he was really unclear.

Jiang Qiao kept talking for a while, and finally confirmed that Qiu Baihui really knew nothing, and then returned to the cave.

It's getting late, and soon the inspection personnel will arrive at the cave.

Jiang Qiao brewed a pot of tea in the cave and tried to formulate his action plan for tomorrow.

Tomorrow morning, he still has to practice with Mu Chenyuan. After all, Jiang Qiao still can't find any reason why Mu Chenyuan became stronger in the last round. If it was his practice with Mu Chenyuan that promoted Mu Chenyuan's If we grow up, wouldn't it be a mistake?

In addition, Jiang Qiao also has to consider the endorsement incident after the lecture hall.

Jiang Qiao still remembered that he fell asleep during Elder Jinshi's lecture and failed to answer Elder Jinshi's question.

Elder Jinshi called Ouyang Jue to answer, which caused Qiu Baihui to open the field and let herself fall into the reincarnation of the field to repeatedly endorse.

But this time, things were very different.

This time, Qiu Baihui had been waiting for him in the back garden of the dance arena for a long time. According to Qiu Baihui herself, she probably had not left the back garden and had been waiting for him.

Therefore, there is a high probability that Mu Chenyuan has not been poisoned, and Ouyang Jue has not been allowed to step on the poisonous insects and become enemies.

However, whether there is a poison or not depends on the condition of Mu Chenyuan tomorrow.

Jiang Qiao poured water into the tea cup and drank some to calm down his mood.

As long as I maintain a good spirit tomorrow and answer Elder Jinshi's questions during the lecture, the plot may not be triggered.

After thinking about this, Jiang Qiao thought of Bai Rulian and Bai Rulian's organization.

Thinking about it carefully, the reason why Bai Rulian controlled himself in the last round was because he showed Bai Rulian the corpse of the Gu worm, allowing Bai Rulian to discover his amazing ability in Gu worms, so Bai Rulian was able to control himself. Will manipulate myself.

Bai Rulian has a huge number of Gu insects. In the last round, she even said that she would have a 50-50 match with her.

This time, why not take the initiative to talk to Bai Rulian about joining the organization and collect more clues.

The only regret in the last round was that Jiang Qiao did not go to Bai Rulian's organization meeting three days later. Maybe there was a lot of information about the Demon Sect at that meeting.

Jiang Qiao planned all of tomorrow's schedule based on these speculations. As for Ouyang Jue's meal, it depends on whether it is time to talk about it after finishing these contents.

Moreover, the most important thing he should do now is to have a good sleep so that he can use all his energy to the fullest tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, I am most happy to be practicing with my junior sister.

At the same time, in Mu Chenyuan's cave, Mu Chenyuan buried his head with a pillow, as if this method could calm his chaotic mood.

However, being able to be calm is also an illusion.

After a while, she put down the pillow she had just squeezed.

This is definitely the most magical day for her. Now, starting from tomorrow, she will practice with Jiang Qiao. Jiang Qiao will also give her training instructions from time to time.

Thinking of this, Mu Chenyuan felt a little unable to sleep. She got up from the bed. Now she was completely sleepless and very energetic. All she could think of was delicious food.

She opened the small book where she usually records recipes and recorded all the inspirations she had in mind.

Not surprisingly, all she writes about are desserts.

Mu Chenyuan held the brush holder with her mouth and thought for a while.

She remembered that Jiang Qiao didn't like to eat citrus, so she deliberately put aside all desserts made with citrus.

Although Mu Chenyuan has not yet become Jiang Qiao's Taoist companion, they have already made an agreement.

They made a promise to become stronger together.

When she becomes strong enough, maybe she will have the courage to stand in front of Jiang Qiao.

Jiang Qiao is coming tomorrow morning. If that's the case, let's prepare some delicious food for him as breakfast.

Mu Chenyuan had eaten with Jiang Qiao many times before and knew roughly what Jiang Qiao liked to eat.

Therefore, she planned to make it now and then put it in the storage ring to store it. Tomorrow, Jiang Qiao would be able to have hot meals.

The next day, Jiang Qiao got up early and made himself a pot of tea to keep himself awake.

He still remembered that Mu Chenyuan chose to practice the mental method in the last round, so this time he would try the same mental method as the previous round.

When flying with his sword, Jiang Qiao flew lighter and lighter.

The cotton-like curly clouds gradually receded, allowing the originally blocked sunlight to re-transmit to the earth, and the white snow also reflected the crystal light.

Jiang Qiao has become more and more proficient in sword-handling skills recently, and various extreme operations are fully demonstrated under Jiang Qiao's fancy sword-handling skills.

Soon, he further manipulated the Blood Piano Sword, making the Blood Piano Sword fly higher and further.

Jiang Qiao couldn't help but sigh that the Canglan Sect under his feet was completely covered with snow. He looked down at the Canglan Sect from top to bottom, as if he was looking at a huge sand table.

He could see the Forbidden Pavilion standing tall like a tower, he could also see the potted plants shrunk to a dot in the courtyard of Elder Jinshi, and he could also see the rising smoke from the dining hall.

When you calm down, it’s nice to take in the scenery.

Jiang Qiao made a big turn to the left, and the Blood Qin Sword flew lower and lower. Soon, Jiang Qiao came to Mu Chenyuan's cave.

He knocked on the door and said, Junior Sister Mu, Junior Sister Mu.

But there was no response from the back room. Jiang Qiao probably made an estimate, Mu Chenyuan must not have woken up.

However, this did not happen in the last round.

In the back room, Mu Chenyuan was sleeping deeply.

She slept peacefully, and even heard someone calling her, and lazily turned over to her right side.

Jiang Qiao planned to shout again, but if he couldn't, he had no choice but to give up, Junior Sister Mu.

He still knocked on the door.

Mu Chenyuan moved her body to the right again. At this time, Mu Chenyuan was very close to the edge of the bed.

She moved again, and soon her whole body and the quilt rolled to the ground.

Jiang Qiao clearly heard a pop sound outside the cave.


What's going on inside? !

Jiang Qiao's knock on the door became more urgent, Junior Sister Mu, are you okay?

Mu Chenyuan had just opened her eyes at this moment, and her fair and slender legs were exposed.

And her body was wrapped tightly in the quilt like a caterpillar. She took out a hand from the quilt and rubbed her eyes.

Maybe it was because the quilt was thick, so it didn't hurt much when Mu Chenyuan fell to the ground, but the impact at that moment was still there.

Every time Mu Chenyuan wakes up, he must be in a daze for a while. Sometimes, his body wakes up but his mind is not yet awake.

After she was stunned for a while, she heard someone calling her outside the door.

Junior Sister Mu, are you awake? There is a lot of movement inside. What happened?

Jiang Qiao knocked on the door and was so anxious that he almost stamped his feet.

He didn't know what happened in the back room, so his brain couldn't help but conjure up an extremely dangerous situation.

Did Mu Chenyuan faint suddenly? Otherwise, how could he not respond for so long?

Could it be that fainting is also a precursor to the attack of voodoo insects? That would be a serious problem.

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