But Jiang Qiao understood that the door of the cave could never be opened except for the key of the owner of the cave.

So what should we do now?

Just when Jiang Qiao was stunned, Mu Chenyuan's soft voice came from the cave: Well, Senior Brother Jiang, I...I'm fine.

Mu Chenyuan had just woken up and was really not energetic.

That's why Jiang Qiao felt that Mu Chenyuan's words sounded like lotus root slices.

It's okay.

After Jiang Qiao heard the girl's voice, his heart that had been hanging in the air finally settled down.

Senior Brother Jiang, please wait for me, I just woke up... Speaking of which, Mu Chenyuan felt a little regretful. She had overslept despite having agreed on a time for practicing together.

From the other party's perspective, this definitely shows no sincerity.

Mu Chenyuan couldn't help but panic as she put on her clothes. She thought that she had to get dressed quickly so that Jiang Qiao's waiting time could be shortened.

After hearing Mu Chenyuan's voice, Jiang Qiao confirmed her safety and said leisurely, As long as you're fine, take your time, I'm not in a hurry.

Therefore, Mu Chenyuan did not bother to dress up carefully, swept her hair in the shortest time, and then pulled it up casually.

Just go and open the door.

When the door opened, Jiang Qiao saw Mu Chenyuan, who was still sleepy.

The first thing she saw when she saw Jiang Qiao was: Senior Brother Jiang, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I got up late and made you wait for me for a long time.

This is nothing. Besides, I didn't wait long. Jiang Qiao was surprised by Mu Chenyuan's amazing speed of getting up.

He realized that even though Mu Chenyuan didn't have any decorative hairpins on her head and her hairstyle was simple, her oval face and outstanding eyebrows were enough to stand out.

However, her collar was not turned properly and appeared uneven, and part of it was curled inside. This unevenness happened to be at the shoulders.

Junior sister, you are not properly dressed, Jiang Qiao reminded.

Huh? Mu Chenyuan immediately looked down and found something was wrong.

She immediately rearranged her coat. While arranging the outer shirt, there is a movement of lifting it out.

For a few moments, Jiang Qiao saw Mu Chenyuan's exposed snowy shoulders. Those shoulders were not just white, but had a bit of mutton-fat jade powder in them.

Senior Brother Jiang, come in first, it's quite cold outside.

Mu Chenyuan smiled.

After entering the cave, Jiang Qiao smelled the calming aroma of rice.

Walking nearby, there was an Eight Immortals table filled with food.

This is this? Jiang Qiao's eyes really lit up when he saw the food. For a monk like him who has not yet abstained from eating, he simply cannot resist the temptation of delicious food.

However, is this off topic?

Didn't they agree to practice together? Do we need to eat first and then practice now?

Junior Sister Mu, what you prepared is too rich. It looks very appetizing.

After receiving such praise from Jiang Qiao, Mu Chenyuan's face instantly showed a beautiful arc.

Currently, what catches Jiang Qiao's eyes are crystal shrimp dumplings that are crystal clear, perfectly showing the sunken core, dry steamed siomai wrapped in golden skin, pink and tender Dingsheng cakes, sticky bean buns, and A small plate of brown sugar, fried crispy pie, clear and refreshing osmanthus cheese, and poached eggs with chopped green onion.

How could Jiang Qiao not be tempted by these breakfasts? After all, Mu Chenyuan's cooking skills were many times more delicious than the dishes in the canteen.

So, senior brother, how about we eat for a while and then practice?

Jiang Qiao almost agreed to Mu Chenyuan, but if he thought about it carefully, the satiety efficiency after eating would not be higher than when he was fasting.

I think it's better for us to practice first, and then eat to replenish our energy after practicing. This is the most perfect step.

Senior brother... Mu Chenyuan bulged her face into a big meatball, Let's eat first, the food will be cold later.

Isn't it possible to maintain the residual temperature and store it in the storage ring? Uh, wait, Junior Sister Mu, are you very hungry now?

Jiang Qiao realized that he was only thinking about himself just now. He didn't even know what Mu Chenyuan was thinking, so he preconceived the idea.

In fact, Jiang Qiao must also fully consider Mu Chenyuan's thoughts. Maybe she will be hungry as soon as she wakes up.

When Mu Chenyuan saw that Jiang Qiao had suggested practicing first and then eating, she said slowly, Actually, I'm not very hungry either.

Seeing Mu Chenyuan's visible disappointment, Jiang Qiao understood Mu Chenyuan's inner thoughts, I understand, you are just hungry, right? Then you eat first.

The priority between practicing and eating depends on each person. Everyone has their own habits. On this point, it is normal for Mu Chenyuan to be different from herself.

When Mu Chenyuan saw that Jiang Qiao had revealed her thoughts, she quickly explained: No, that's not the case. I'm not hungry.

After Jiang Qiao smiled at Mu Chenyuan, the persistence in Mu Chenyuan's eyes suddenly seemed like a small fire extinguished by the gentleness of water. She relaxed and said, Well, I'm a little hungry, but not much. , I want to take a few bites of osmanthus cheese.

Jiang Qiao nodded, Eat if you're hungry.

Mu Chenyuan sat on the stool, and Jiang Qiao watched Mu Chenyuan pick up the spoon with his hand, scoop out a spoonful of cheese, and then put it into his mouth.

Jiang Qiao also sat down with Mu Chenyuan, but he was not hungry yet and didn't want to eat.

So, he just watched Mu Chenyuan chewing things quietly.

When he had dinner with Mu Chenyuan before, he hadn't observed it so carefully. It turned out that Mu Chenyuan's eating movements were so cute.

Every time Mu Chenyuan took a bite of cheese, her facial expression became particularly relaxed, and her eyes almost narrowed into slits. It seemed that she had not eaten such delicious food for thousands of years.

Her cheeks moved up and down as she chewed, like a tempting dessert, and she couldn't help but think...

Damn it, Jiang Qiao couldn't help but slap himself. He obviously didn't have the ability to protect her, but his ability to imagine was first-rate.

His eyes looked at Mu Chenyuan again, and he made a good metaphor again, that is: Mu Chenyuan was as peaceful as a little squirrel.

Little squirrels will hold their own melon seeds and eat quietly, and Mu Chenyuan naturally does the same.

Mu Chenyuan took three mouthfuls of cheese in total. She felt that it was time to stop, but she suddenly noticed Jiang Qiao's burning eyes, Brother, I won't eat. I will eat after I finish practicing.

After finishing speaking, Mu Chenyuan also blushed for a while, but it didn't fade away at all.

Hmm? Really? Jiang Qiao cast an intriguing smile at Mu Chenyuan. He looked at the way Mu Chenyuan was eating. He must have been unsatisfied. He took one bite and wanted to eat another. Second bite, third bite.

Why do I feel like you have to finish eating all the cheese in the bowl before you stop, Junior Sister Mu?

No. Mu Chenyuan's mouth still had the sweetness of osmanthus mixed with honey and the rich taste of milk. Seeing Jiang Qiao's confusion, she corrected what she had just said, Then I will take one last bite. , and then wait until you finish practicing before eating.

The girl has already made plans to regard eating as one of her obsessions in practice, so that she will be more active in practice.

After she reluctantly took the last bite, she quickly gave up all thoughts of continuing to eat, Senior Brother Jiang, you can start practicing.

Jiang Qiao nodded. Mu Chenyuan's speed of quickly pulling away from the food has indeed improved.

Then, Jiang Qiao took out a mental method book from the storage ring, This mental method book is very good and will help you solidify your foundation.

Mu Chenyuan took the book and studied it for a while. Jiang Qiao carefully explained the essentials to Mu Chenyuan in detail.

At first, just like the previous round, Mu Chenyuan was not very good at it and was still stuck in the third step of the mental method.

I can't practice the third step of the mental method. It's like my spiritual power is blocked and I can't exert any force.

Mu Chenyuan sat cross-legged, but he was unable to advance on the third step of the exercise book.

In this way, you try to relax first, so that it can be unclogged, and then you try again.

Jiang Qiao followed the temptation, and Mu Chenyuan tried many times, but she felt that her whole body was blocked, as if something was preventing her from mobilizing her spiritual power.

The distance between the two people became closer and closer because of this exercise book, and they got closer and closer...

Senior brother, it seems that after practicing the mental method, I feel a little tight in my chest.


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