Chest tightness?

Jiang Qiao's heart immediately rose to his throat. Could this be a sign of the poison? What if the poison started to take effect from now on...

Then, he immediately asked: Junior sister, are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere else?

It's just chest tightness.

Mu Chenyuan supported her chest with both hands, However, it's nothing now. Just when I mobilized my spiritual power, I felt a little uncomfortable.

So fast? Are you feeling better now?

Jiang Qiao's brows were still tightened. Although monks in the Qi training stage sometimes mobilized their spiritual power excessively and would become physically uncomfortable, he just couldn't feel at ease.

Yeah, brother, don't worry, I'll be fine. Isn't this good?

Jiang Qiao felt that something was not right, but it was not a Gu insect and there was no way to identify it through conventional methods. He did not want Mu Chenyuan to fall into the same pain as the last round.

How about going to Elder Jinshi's place to see if it's safer?

My chest was just tight for a while, senior brother, don't think of me as too delicate.

Speaking of this, Mu Chenyuan scratched her head in embarrassment, I was thinking, maybe I just ate cheese, so it's possible that I felt uncomfortable...

Jiang Qiao didn't expect such a possibility.

Indeed, last time Mu Chenyuan just felt that his spiritual power was blocked, but now, after practicing for a period of time, Mu Chenyuan felt chest tightness again.

If it was a Gu insect attack, based on Mu Chenyuan's inability to sleep at night, it can be roughly inferred that the last round of attack probably started at night.

Thinking about it, it couldn't be such a coincidence. Jiang Qiao just thought about the conversation he had with Qiu Baihui yesterday, so that he wouldn't be overturned so quickly.

Could it be that it’s really the food?

Senior brother, look, it's almost time now. After dinner, we can go to the lecture hall!

After Mu Chenyuan finished speaking, her starry eyes immediately lit up, and she looked at Jiang Qiao expectantly.

Jiang Qiao had finally seen through Mu Chenyuan's evil nature. At the same time, he really couldn't resist the sincere look in his younger sister's eyes.

Since it's almost time, let's start dinner. However, what you just said about chest tightness shouldn't be an excuse for your laziness, right?

Mu Chenyuan's eyes looked at Jiang Qiao with a hint of embarrassment and confidence: Brother, I never expected that you wouldn't believe me on this matter. I have never deceived you before.

Jiang Qiao couldn't help but burst into laughter, I understand, little glutton, it's time to eat.

At the same time, he found that he had already comfortably accepted the fact that he was eating at Mu Chenyuan's place.

In every reincarnation, Mu Chenyuan never forgets her original intention and prepares a lot of delicious food for herself. The dishes she makes by herself seem so thoughtful.

But he really didn't do anything for Mu Chenyuan. Even as a friend, he still couldn't do much for Mu Chenyuan.

Jiang Qiao leaned on a bowl of poached eggs with chopped green onion in his hand, put the delicious soup into his mouth, and moistened his throat.

Mu Chenyuan was also eating water-thrown eggs at this time. When she saw Jiang Qiao also starting to eat, she smiled sweetly and said: I don't know if you like sweet water-thickness eggs or salty ones, so I prepared them. Salty.”

Don't tell me, I love this taste. This is the taste in my memory.

Jiang Qiao remembered that in his previous life, he was in an orphanage. It was also during the season of heavy snowfall. The breakfast in the orphanage was also this bowl of eggs with water. It was also salty. It was obviously a very simple cooking, but it made Jiang Qiao instantly feel rich. sense of belonging.

He used a spoon to scoop out a small piece of white egg white floating in the water, and as he ate it, he aimed at the yolk in the center.

After poking open the yolk, we found that it was soft-boiled. The soft-boiled egg was not in a completely liquid form, but in the form of a clear, light orange gel.

“I really like this kind of heated egg yolk!!!”

I knew you would like it very much. Mu Chenyuan wiped the oil on his mouth with a handkerchief, with a peaceful and satisfied smile on his face.

You like this too?!

Jiang Qiao's expression was as excited as if he had suddenly discovered a new continent.

When you suddenly find that a person is similar to yourself in some aspect, you will be very excited.

But Mu Chenyuan waved her hand, Of course not.

She also used a spoon to dig out a little of the egg in her bowl, and showed Jiang Qiao the cut surface of the egg yolk in her bowl. Jiang Qiao found that it was a fully cooked egg yolk.

Jiang Qiao fell into a brief embarrassment, and then realized that his understanding of Mu Chenyuan was not very deep, so he did not pay more attention to Mu Chenyuan.

He paused, and finally asked Mu Chenyuan: Then when did you find out that I like to eat soft-boiled eggs?

Mu Chenyuan immediately said: In the morning, when you go to the canteen, what you often eat is the soy sauce soft-boiled eggs in the canteen. You also often have a bowl of thin noodles and put the eggs into the noodles, right? ?”

Immediately, Mu Chenyuan smiled. She knew some of her favorite things about Jiang Qiao.

She is not discouraged that Jiang Qiao rarely observes her. After all, in many cases, Jiang Qiao will read the exercises while eating. He seems to have made these exercise books a part of him. Jiang Qiao can often be seen Never leave the book.

But sometimes, Mu Chenyuan feels that such a tight life is too tiring.

She persuaded Jiang Qiao that she wanted Jiang Qiao to play occasionally, but she wanted to say it but didn't want to. After all, everyone has different goals and different interests and hobbies.

Maybe the things that made Mu Chenyuan feel painful were enjoyable for Jiang Qiao.

After thinking of this, Mu Chenyuan finally sighed with relief, as long as this meal can make Jiang Qiao happy, and it can contribute a little, weak strength to his subsequent cultivation, that's good.

After Mu Chenyuan finished eating the eggs in the bowl, he immediately looked at the fresh meat dumplings.

It was a temporary arrangement by Mu Chenyuan. She thought Jiang Qiao would also like to eat it. A table of sumptuous breakfast would depend on what Jiang Qiao liked to eat. If he didn't want to eat anything else, just put it back into the storage ring first. .

She picked up a fresh meat dumpling, but the thin skin of the dumpling stuck firmly to the steamer. Mu Chenyuan tried her best to completely separate the fresh meat dumpling from the steamer, but found that it was to no avail.

Instead, something happened.

Maybe the filling of the Xiao Long Bao was too rebellious. After the outer skin was punctured, the filling flew out. By coincidence, it just clicked and landed on Jiang Qiao's face.

At that time, Jiang Qiao was still eating a steamed steamed siomai with peace of mind, but he didn't expect something unexpected happened.

The stuffing slowly slid down Jiang Qiao's face and landed safely on the Eight Immortals table.

Junior sister Mu, how did you do it? Jiang Qiao didn't expect Mu Chenyuan to hit him so accurately.

Mu Chenyuan saw that Jiang Qiao's face had clearly lost the satisfied smile he had while eating, so she knew that she had gotten into a big trouble. She had rarely seen Jiang Qiao look so angry.

Senior Brother Jiang, I...I didn't mean it, I, cough...

Once Mu Chenyuan does something wrong, he will hesitate like this, and his words will seem to be stuck in a cough.

Jiang Qiao's expression was still tense. The longer he remained tense, the more Mu Chenyuan felt inside.

Senior Brother Jiang, if not, I will cook you other delicious food next time. Just tell me what you want to eat. I will cook it and I will try my best to make it for you.


Jiang Qiao originally wanted to hold on for a while longer. He wanted to take a closer look at Mu Chenyuan's cute and flustered expression, but in the end, he couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud, Actually, I wasn't angry either. It’s actually very common for stuffing to fly out, so you don’t have to think too much.”

Mu Chenyuan didn't expect Jiang Qiao to tease her again, and his eyes became fierce for a moment.

Jiang Qiao then engraved Mu Chenyuan's new angry emoticon in his mind.

After the farce ended, the two of them began to destroy the fresh meat dumplings in the steamer.

I put a spiritual stone in one of the fresh meat dumplings, let's see who can eat it.

Speaking of wrapping things in xiaolongbao, Jiang Qiao instantly thought of the real world in his previous life, where there would also be a beautiful meaning of wrapping coins in dumplings for good luck.

When Mu Chenyuan said this to herself, she was actually reminding herself that when eating fresh meat dumplings, she must pay attention to her teeth. The spirit stone is very hard. If she is not careful, her teeth may be damaged. Make him bleed.

Jiang Qiao first pinched the fresh meat stuffing that had just fallen on the Eight Immortals table. He found that the stuffing was elastic and there seemed to be no trace of the spirit stone. However, Jiang Qiao still did not give up. He still peeled off the fresh meat and inspected it. Fan.

Since there were no spiritual stones inside, he wanted to get a good sign.

They made a rule that once the chopsticks touch the fresh meat dumplings, it is considered that the fresh meat dumplings have been selected.

In this case, you cannot choose other xiaolongbao, otherwise, you only need to pinch each xiaolongbao to roughly determine whether it is filled with spiritual stones. Otherwise, it will be boring.

So he took one first, then another. They stipulated that after that, only the last two fresh meat dumplings were left.

Jiang Qiao said: In other words, this spirit stone must be inside one of the two?

Mu Chenyuan nodded, Senior Brother Jiang, you make the choice.

Jiang Qiao picked up a Xiao Long Bao. He clearly felt that the feel of the Xiao Long Bao was very different from other Xiao Long Bao. It seemed that he could touch the hard filling inside. It seemed that in this game, The good omen was his, and Jiang Qiao no longer covered his smile.

Unfortunately, the xiaolongbao cannot be picked up by itself.

Mu Chenyuan couldn't help but feel a little lucky in her heart. It seemed that not only she could not hold it up sometimes, but Jiang Qiao also had the same problem. Could it be that there was something wrong with the heat or the ratio of the skins of the steamed buns?

When Jiang Qiao exerted force, the skin of the steamed bun also cracked, and an extremely small spirit stone revealed a faint blue light in the morning light, and then flew to the ground, making a lonely ding-ding-ding-ring-ring sound.

Jiang Qiao finally sandwiched the fresh meat dumplings, but only half of them were left inside.


But Mu Chenyuan was very cooperative with him. Being able to choose the Xiao Long Bao with the spirit stone means that there will definitely be good signs in the future.

Although Mu Chenyuan said this, it did not make Jiang Qiao relax much.

After all, he didn't eat the spirit stone. His sixth sense told him that things might still not go well in the future.

Although Jiang Qiao never believed in mysticism, something like this happened so early in the morning, which still made him feel a little uneasy.

It's time to eat these steamed buns. It's the same as eating them to bring good luck.

The junior sister's smile was still so sweet. At this moment, Jiang Qiao could clearly see her distinct hair reflecting the unique light silver highlights in the morning light. Her smile instantly reduced Jiang Qiao's uneasiness. .

I hope I can grasp such a beautiful smile this time.

Outside the lecture hall, Xiao Hanhan was using his magic power to push all the thick and squeezed snow elsewhere.

Since there were too many disciples slipping on the road, instead of letting these weaker disciples waste their energy, it would be better for her to push all the snow aside and clear the obstacles for them.

Xiao Hanhan is always the first to come to the school to teach. She is here to give Ouyang Jue the best position.

Moreover, Ouyang Jue's exercise book was also placed in Xiao Hanhan's storage ring. She felt that she was very happy to be able to do these things for Ouyang Jue.

The second and third ones to come were Jiang Qiao and Mu Chenyuan.

According to common sense, Jiang Qiao and Mu Chenyuan came together, but Xiao Hanhan still recorded Jiang Qiao as the second person in his notebook. After all, Jiang Qiao crossed the threshold of the lecture hall before Mu Chenyuan.

The reason why Xiao Hanhan recorded this was because Ouyang Jue unilaterally wanted to compete with Jiang Qiao to see who could arrive at the lecture hall first. Obviously, Jiang Qiao had the upper hand this time. She was entrusted by Ouyang Jue to try her best to record Ouyang Jue's daily life. Jiang Qiao's first step was not observed.

Jiang Qiao came to the lecture hall and was just about to sit down with Mu Chenyuan. In the end, he decided not to sit with Mu Chenyuan yet. He was afraid that they would be too close and this excessive intimacy would harm Mu Chenyuan.

So, after weighing the two things, he came up with a good idea. Let Mu Chenyuan and Xiao Hanhan sit together. The girls should have more topics to talk about.

Moreover, Jiang Qiao saw that Mu Chenyuan didn't have many friends. Xiao Hanhan was very easy-going by nature, so it would be good for the two girls to chat together.

In the last round, Jiang Qiao also used the excuse of reading novels to tell Mu Chenyuan about the situation. At that time, Mu Chenyuan just nodded.

But this time Mu Chenyuan asked a few more questions: Senior Brother Jiang, I can sit in the back row with you. I also want to read some novels with you.

Jiang Qiao smiled, and then shook his head apologetically, Junior sister, I can't show you that novel. Besides, I have a close friend from childhood. We may have to sit together later. Speaking of which, don't get me wrong. I have no interest in her, but she was seriously ill before and has just returned to Canglan Sect, so I want an abortion...

Ah, senior brother, you don't need to explain so much to me, of course I can understand.

Even though he said that, Mu Chenyuan always felt that Jiang Qiao's state of informing him in advance was very similar to a Taoist monk. It was clear that they were nothing now.

Jiang Qiao sat in the last row to read the novel. He was still waiting for Qiu Baihui to come. This was Qiu Baihui's first lecture after returning to the Canglan Sect.

The realm endorsement plot she triggered in the last round should not be triggered this time.

If Qiu Baihui were to come, it would be no surprise that she would sit with him.

What should I ask her better today? Jiang Qiao didn't think his nonsense lies could last long.

In the end, it is still necessary to master more information about Qiu Baihui, so that we can better prevent problems before they occur and break through the situation.

Immediately, everyone in the lecture hall raised their heads and looked towards the lecture hall. When Jiang Qiao heard the discussion, he also raised his head and saw Qiu Baihui's face with heavy makeup, looking towards Jiang Qiao came all the way.

Jiang Qiao also discovered the difference between Qiu Baihui and the previous round. This time she was dressed more brightly and attractively. It can be seen that Ouyang Jue stepped on Qiu Baihui's worm in the last round, which still caused Qiu Baihui a lot of bruises. Less spirited.

As soon as Qiu Baihui sat down and briefly greeted Jiang Qiao, she said to Jiang Qiao with an intoxicated look: Jiang Qiao, I want to give you a generous gift.

There is no need for heavy gifts. Between friends, simple things are fine. Although he said this, Jiang Qiao already had a bad feeling, Why did you suddenly think of giving me a big gift?

Qiu Baihui mysteriously grabbed a bundle of pens from the storage ring, Then I'll show you now~Jiang Qiao, these are it.

Pen? Is this such a normal gift?

Every time Jiang Qiao sees the yandere heroines showing such intoxicating smiles, he always predicts the dangerous situation in advance. This time, it seems that his prediction failed.

Unexpectedly, Qiu Baihui's next words made Jiang Qiao freeze in place for a moment: These are the brushes made from your hair almost every year since I was a child. I always carry them with me~


Thank you for the monthly ticket from Drizzle A Little Heavy and Hongchensheng! ! !

I was a little late going back to the dormitory today. I only had 4600. I will make up for it tomorrow and Saturday.

[It’s just water today, can you finish your homework tomorrow...]

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