The blue sky is rolling with white clouds, and pink cherry blossoms are filling the streets like heavy snow. Tokyo in April is like a gorgeous watercolor painting. Just a glance at it will make you feel brighter.

But Qingshui You, who has lived here since childhood, has long been tired of such scenery, and her mood is very gloomy at the moment.

On the way to school, Qingshui You sighed like a wilted cabbage. Her request for an advance of pocket money from her mother at home was rejected, and there were only a few coins left in her piggy bank.

This made her, who was recently obsessed with"Psychic Detective Notes", not even have money to buy the latest issue of the novel.

Of course, she didn't mean to blame her mother, she just complained about why she spent money without restraint before...

Fortunately, Qingshui You was optimistic by nature. After a short while of self-pity, she immediately cheered up and began to think about how to solve the problem.

Generally speaking, there are only a few ways for high school students to get money. In addition to pocket money, there are scholarships and part-time jobs. The scholarship option was first excluded by Qingshui You. She still has self-knowledge. Although she has a super high appearance that can score 95 points, and a very impressive kendo level of more than 90 points, these cannot change the fact that she is actually a poor student.

So in fact, there is only one option in front of Qingshui You.

With a clenched white fist, Qingshui You raised his head excitedly, and a firm light flashed in his beautiful almond eyes. Decision! I will not join the club this semester, and I will work part-time after school!

The determination was just made, and the hesitation began in the next second, because at the moment of looking up, Qingshui You saw a familiar thing in his field of vision.

It was a book, and the cover was also familiar. Qingshui You had a flash of inspiration in his mind, ah... Isn’t that"Psychic Detective Notes"! Qingshui You quickly turned his eyes to the person who was walking and reading with the book.

The other person was wearing the uniform of the same school as him. He had a very tall figure. From the side, he could see a little of his face. His skin was fair and his features were also very beautiful. Qingshui You immediately remembered his name.

Hoshino Gen, his classmate!

Although the school had just started, Qingshui You had a very deep impression of this classmate. It had nothing to do with his behavior. After all, he usually sat alone in his seat reading quietly in class. He was so quiet that Qingshui You had never even heard him speak!

Even though many girls took the initiative to talk to him because of his mixed British and Japanese appearance, which was really a bit foul, he just stared at them and smiled until they left. He was a very strange and low-key person. But such a person had an incredible twin sister - the popular idol, Hoshino Rin, who had never appeared in school except for the entrance ceremony, but had always been the center of the school's topic.

Yes, this guy had a very cute idol sister! It was really jealous!

But that was not the important thing! It was that this guy also watched"Psychic Detective Notes". Were they the same fans?! In this case, as a classmate, can I borrow his books for free if I just build a good relationship with him? Then I can avoid the hard work of part-time job and continue to participate in the kendo club with my good friend Suzuki Zemei, and go to the national competition in the summer vacation like in junior high school...

Thinking of this, Qingshui You's eyes have become sparkling. She trotted two steps and shouted loudly to the front:"Hoshino-san!" The boy in front of him paused and turned back slightly, showing his delicate and beautiful face like a doll in front of Qingshui You, especially the left eye that was like a clear sapphire inlaid in the eye socket, as if it was comparing the blue sky at the moment.

Oh, this guy has a very rare heterochromia like his idol sister. Qingshui You felt a little jealous, she also wanted to have such handsome eyes.

Facing the gaze of the pair of heterochromatic eyes, Qingshui You cheered up and ran to the side of Hoshino Gen with full of energy, and said enthusiastically:"Hoshino classmate, it turns out that you also took this road when you went to school. I haven't seen you before!"

The boy looked at her with a smile, and didn't mean to speak.

Qingshui You was sweating slightly in his heart. Here it comes. This expression called"death smile" by the girls in the class makes the person facing it extremely embarrassed, and just wants to get away from it quickly-but! In order to have books to read without having to work part-time, this lady will definitely let you speak today!

Taking a deep breath and suppressing the urge to tap her toes on the ground, Qingshui You walked side by side with Hoshino Gen, and at the same time, his smile became more enthusiastic and familiar:"Do you also live in the nearby town?"

The boy still just smiled, but he had already closed the book in his hand. At this moment, Qingshui You had already seen clearly that what this guy was holding in his hand was the latest issue of"Psychic Detective Notes" that she had been thinking about!

The expression on his face immediately turned into unnatural surprise, and the word"want" was almost written on his face. Shimizu Yu suppressed his excitement and said,"Oh! So you are also reading this book, I like it very much too! Hey - have you read the latest issue? I just finished reading the last issue. I wonder if the mother-in-law in the Taisho era waited for her husband.……"

Before Qingshui You finished speaking, Hoshino Gen's eyebrows suddenly jumped, and then he jumped to the other side of Qingshui You who was side by side with him. He bent down and pressed her shoulders with both hands. With a little force, he made her turn her back to him to increase the shielding area. In a flash, a car sped past, and a large piece of brown mud flew out from the sewage puddle left by the heavy rain last night, covering Qingshui You's body and face.

Qingshui You's expression became blank, and she turned her body stiffly to look at the spotless Hoshino Gen behind her.

Hoshino Gen calmly handed the"Psychic Detective Notes" in his hand to Qingshui You with both hands, and said solemnly:"Thank you."

After that, Hoshino Gen quickly got into the taxi parked not far away, and then in a few blinks of an eye, both the man and the car disappeared in Qingshui You's trance and dazed vision.......

Qingshui You was almost mad, not only because Hoshino Gen used her to block the dirty mud, but also because she was late as expected after she went home to clean up and change clothes! As a punishment, she ran several laps around the 400-meter playground of the school, and she was almost exhausted at the end!

During the break of the first class, Qingshui You didn't even read the latest issue of"Psychic Detective Notes" that she had been thinking about. She just sat in her seat and stared fiercely at a certain unscrupulous bastard sitting by the window in the front row.

That boy pretended to be cool in school every day, but in fact he was a bastard who could do such a thing as using a beautiful girl to block mud!

"Xiaoyou, why did you come so late today... Hey? What's wrong with you? Why do you look so fierce?"

The voice of good friend Suzuki Zemei sounded in Qingshui You's ears. Qingshui You turned his head and saw a plump and beautiful girl standing in front of him with a curious face.

When asked by his good friend, Qingshui You's expression suddenly fell. He didn't want to let her know about his embarrassing things. Seeing this, Suzuki Zemei turned her eyes and looked in the direction of Qingshui You's just sight. In an instant, a thoughtful look appeared on her pretty face:"You were bullied by him?"

Qingshui You pouted his lips, indicating that he didn't want to talk.

Suzuki Zemei, however, became excited with a look of fear for the world to be in chaos:"What's going on, tell me quickly." After that, he lowered his voice and whispered:"If it's really a heinous crime, I just have a way to retaliate for you!"

Hearing this, Qing Shuiyou, who didn't want to say anything, hesitated even more. She frowned and whispered,"It's not a big deal. Let's forget about revenge.……"

"Well, then don't take revenge, just teach them a lesson. You can't just endure the injustice and be a coward, right?"Suzuki Zemi didn't want to let it go. It was one thing to stand up for her good friend, but it was also quite interesting to teach that handsome and taciturn guy a lesson!

Being called a coward by her good friend, Shimizu Yu couldn't stand it. She opened her mouth, but finally sighed and told her about how Hoshino Gen used her to block mud and sewage on the way to school today, which made her late.

After listening, Suzuki Zemi slammed the table and said indignantly:"That's too much! Is he still a man?!"

She was full of righteousness and looked like she was willing to go through fire and water for her friends. Of course, if her eyes weren't so bright and the corners of her mouth weren't so raised, she would probably be more credible.

The commotion attracted the attention of many classmates in the class, but Suzuki Zemi didn't care. She waved her hand, patted Shimizu You's shoulder and said,"Don't worry, I will avenge you!"

"……"Qingshui You glanced at her sideways.

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