I don't know if it can be considered as complaining, but after telling her friend what happened in the morning, Qingshui You felt a little bored.

She lay down on her desk and asked her good friend boredly:"Then... how do you plan to take revenge?"

Suzuki Zemei raised the corners of her lips, her eyebrows curved, and her expression was full of cunning. She leaned down and whispered:"You didn't go to the club yesterday, so you don't know. That boy joined our kendo club yesterday."

"Anyway, every new member of the club usually has to fight against a senior as a test of his level."Suzuki Zemi said mischievously:"Then you, the runner-up of the national kendo competition in junior high school, can be his test senior, hehehe……"

Shimizu Yu unconsciously imagined the scene described by her friend, imagining that she could use a bamboo sword to hit the head of the bastard who used himself to block the mud... Her expression gradually became fascinated. She, who didn't like studying, easily wasted the whole day in anticipation.

In a blink of an eye, the beautiful bell for the end of school rang in her ears.

Shimizu Yu looked at the position of Hoshino Gen as a conditioned reflex, only to see that the guy had packed his schoolbag faster than her, and was standing up with one hand and walking out of the classroom.

Shimizu Yu cast his eyes on Suzuki Zemi and found that his good friend was also looking at her. The two smiled at each other, and everything was self-evident.

Segawa Private Academy is one of the colleges with the highest deviation value in Koto District, Tokyo. As a leader, its admission standards are naturally extremely high. Students who can come here to study not only need to have good grades, but also need a family that can afford the high tuition and miscellaneous fees.

Of course, in contrast, Segawa Private High School, which is backed by a consortium, will also provide students with the best educational resources, which is not only reflected in the teaching staff, but also in various advanced teaching aids and venues for students to play.

The kendo hall, which covers an area of more than 1,500 square meters, is covered with solid wood floors painted with tung oil, which are so shiny that girls in skirts dare not come in. It's not just the venue that is magnificent. The equipment on the members is all high-end goods, brand new and clean. There is no unpleasant smell in the hall. If you smell it carefully, you can even smell a pleasant lavender.

This is of course not because all the members love cleanliness, but because after the club activities, the school will have a special cleaning lady to clean the venue and wash the equipment of the members. It is also because of this that many students who are interested in kendo but are afraid of unsanitary public equipment have no concerns. The intuitive manifestation of this is that the kendo club of Segawa Private Academy has more than 100 members, making it a leading large club.

Today's kendo club is more lively than usual, because a competition is going on in the arena in the middle of the gym, which is marked with white lines.

Of course, this gym has never lacked competitions. What's important is the identities of the two opponents.

On one side is a beautiful kendo girl who won the third place in the group and the second place in the individual competition for junior high school students in junior high school. On the other side, the player is so handsome that he is the brother of a super popular idol.

There will naturally be many people coming to watch such a game.

However, it is disappointing that the imagined fierce confrontation did not happen. The scene was just a one-sided crushing.

On the field, Hoshino Gen, who was wearing the same plain white kendo uniform with blue protective gear as Shimizu Yu, was holding the hilt of the bamboo sword with both hands, holding the sword horizontally and struggling to resist the fierce attack from Shimizu Yu. The dense collision sound echoed in the crowded kendo hall. Hoshino Gen was almost defeated and was about to retreat to the sidelines of the field.

At this moment, Shimizu You suddenly changed his offensive, from picking to stabbing, forcing Hoshino Gen to dodge sideways, but Shimizu You raised the corner of his lips when he was halfway through the stab, and the bamboo sword instantly rose up, and suddenly chopped down:"Face!"

The bamboo sword fell on the top of Hoshino Gen's head with a sound of breaking wind. Judging from the posture, even if he had protective gear, he would be in trouble if he was hit by that sword.

But I don't know if it was an illusion, at this moment, Shimizu You seemed to see some helplessness in Hoshino Gen's pair of heterochromatic eyes, and from a close distance, this guy's facial features were too delicate! The eyelashes are so long...

At the moment when the sword was about to collide with the protective gear, Shimizu You suddenly stopped, but because he had used too much force before, inertia still caused the sword to hit the top of Hoshino Gen's head, and together with the protective gear, a slight"bang~" sound was made.

"It worked!"

The gym was silent for a moment, but soon there was a burst of cheers.

"Oh! As expected, you are the runner-up in the national competition!"

"I can't even beat a girl, so lame~!"

"Hey, hey, you said I should go and comfort Hoshino now, can I become friends with him and get Rin-chan's contact information - hehehe……"

All kinds of discussions filled his ears, but neither Hoshino Gen nor Shimizu Yu paid any attention.

At this moment, Shimizu Yu's eyes were completely focused on Hoshino Gen's face, with a proud look on his face:"You lost."

Hoshino Gen smiled and nodded calmly.

"Then... apologize." Shimizu Yu suddenly frowned and said

"……"After a pause, Hoshino Gen smiled and said,"Haven't I already given you the book you wanted as an apology gift... Never mind, sorry."

I don't know if it was because I was too angry in the morning and didn't pay attention, but now when I heard this guy speak again, Shimizu Yu suddenly found that this guy's voice was really nice, very clear, and even a little ethereal.

With that face, those eyes... Tsk, these conditions are too wasted on a boy! Bastard!

"Tsk...I forgive you for the sake of that book." Qingshui You pouted and looked away, not wanting to look at that guy's foul face anymore.......

"What's going on, Xiaoyou, why did you suddenly stop at the last move?"

In the middle of the free training after the game, Suzuki Zemi found Qingshui You who was swaying alone in a corner and asked in a very strange way.

Qingshui You stopped swaying, took a few breaths, and then looked through the crowd to another corner, where was Hoshino Gen who was swinging the sword with one hand. She paused and then whispered:"Although it may be an illusion, I always feel that his last move was a deliberate flaw for me.……"

""Huh?" Suzuki Zemei looked strange. She watched the whole match. It was obvious that Hoshino Gen was crushed by her good friend. Why did she deliberately give away her flaws? If it wasn't an illusion, then the other party must have known that it was impossible to win and gave up.

Suzuki Zemei didn't dwell on it too much. Since her good friend's"revenge" had been avenged, she was not so interested in Hoshino Gen. She quickly skipped the topic and turned to talk about ordinary topics between high school girls.

"By the way, Xiaoyou, let's go to Shinjuku this weekend. I heard from my friends that there is a great clothing store there.……"

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