When the club activities ended, the sky was already dyed with an intoxicating red and purple.

The light of the setting sun shone obliquely, interweaving the shadows of the returning students, stretching them out very long.

"See you next week then.~"


The campus was filled with the sound of friends laughing and saying goodbye. Shimizu Yu and Suzuki Zemei also said goodbye at the school gate.

Walking alone on the road home covered by the sunset, Shimizu Yu was in a very good mood. Today was Friday, and she didn't have to go to school tomorrow, and she didn't have much homework. She could read books after returning home... Just thinking about this, she suddenly saw a familiar back from a distance. The other person was holding a bamboo sword in his hand, and the sword was on his shoulder.

Hoshino Gen? Why is he holding the bamboo sword of the kendo club? Shimizu Yu was a little unsure, and her steps couldn't help but speed up a bit. As the distance got closer and closer, the back suddenly turned into the side road. The gentle evening breeze blew the girl's school uniform skirt. Shimizu Yu blinked her beautiful big eyes and turned into the side road as if possessed by a ghost.

Shimizu Yu felt that this road was a little unfamiliar. It was obviously very close to home, but she had never walked on it before! There was a dense forest on both sides of the path. Only the more remote Koto District would have such a large area of land to plant trees. Places like Shinjuku and Shibuya could only envy it.

While he was thinking about all sorts of things, the road had come to an end.

Qingshui You stood in the tree-lined path, staring blankly at the dilapidated gym in front of him, which was much smaller than the one in the school.

The light of the setting sun shone through the dense forest, casting mottled red spots, but this did not bring any warmth to the gym in front of him. When the cold wind in April blew, Qingshui You couldn't help but shiver.

Qingshui You quickly glanced around and soon saw Hoshino Gen standing in front of the dilapidated gym with a bamboo sword.

He took out a yellow piece of talisman paper from somewhere, pinched it with his index and middle fingers, and pressed it against the bamboo sword. He gently wiped the sword, and the yellow talisman paper turned into ashes, while the bamboo sword emitted crackling lightning.

"Excuse me~" the boy said politely and cheerfully, and then walked into the gym's door casually as if he was going home.

Seeing this scene completely, Qingshui You opened her mouth wide, her jaw almost dislocated, her eyes widened, and her brain was almost blank.

What is that? Superpowers? Yin and Yang magic?

By the way, isn't this world all about science? The mysterious things in novels really exist!?

Asshole! You look so foul, but you have such incredible mysterious powers? What kind of superpowered beautiful boy are you! This routine is not popular even in light novels!

In the tree-lined path, Qingshui You, whose thoughts were a mess, was alone in a mess.

Another gust of cold wind blew, Qingshui You shivered and woke up instantly. No, no, what I just saw must be an illusion! This world How could there really be any superpowers in the world? That's too unbelievable!

The impact of a shattered worldview is not something that everyone can accept instantly. Shimizu You rubbed her eyes vigorously and walked towards the gym. Unless she could witness it with her own eyes again, she would never accept such a thing!

Shimizu You quickly came to the door of the gym without a door panel and stared inside with wide eyes.

This time her little jaw was not dislocated, but her eyeballs almost fell out of their sockets.

In the dimly lit dojo, two figures staggered and collided with each other, and dull bangs and crackling thunder sounds intertwined.

One held a bamboo sword flashing with lightning, and the other wielded a blood-red demon sword filled with black mist.

One wore a Western-style college-style uniform and a neat student tie, and the other was ragged and dressed like a ronin swordsman in a Taiga drama.

Every collision between them was like time passing by.

The battle was so intense, the two figures were like two sophisticated fighting machines, and every time the opponent swung his sword, he would deliver a sword with a perfectly corresponding angle and position.

The speed was so fast that it was like a passionate concerto was being played in the room. Compared with the visual impact brought by this real fight, Shimizu Yu even felt that the kendo competition he had participated in before was a bit like a child's play.

At this moment, a piece of talisman paper suddenly shot out from Hoshino Gen's left hand, and it turned into a red fireball and flew towards the swordsman. The firelight illuminated the gym, and Shimizu Yu saw the face of the ronin swordsman clearly. It was a dark chaos without any facial features.

Shimizu Yu was frightened and took a step back, but her whole body was stiff at the moment, and it seemed that she had exhausted all her strength just to make such a movement.

She watched this with shaking pupils, which was beyond her cognition and beyond In a normal battle, her teeth were chattering. She couldn't tell whether it was fear or excitement, or simply freezing, but the only thing that was certain was that her mind was extremely excited!

She tried to open her eyes wide, not wanting to miss any frame of the scene.

The red-bladed demon sword split the fireball, but the boy with heterochromatic eyes approached the swordsman in the scattered flames. The white electric light flashed wildly, drawing a blazing white fan in the air, and hit the swordsman's waist fiercely.

Zizizizi - it was not the sound of electric shock, but a violent reaction similar to cold water poured into hot oil. A large amount of black mist escaped from the place where the bamboo sword and the swordsman touched.

The swordsman's miserable and terrifying roar instantly echoed in the small dojo like a demonic sound. Qingshui You covered his ears in pain. The sound was even more piercing than the sound of scratching a blackboard with nails!

But even so, Xingye Gen, who was facing the demonic sound in the dojo, seemed to be completely unaffected, but the azure left eye was somehow lit up with an extremely disturbing scarlet light.

The demon sword left a residual shadow and slashed towards Hoshino Gen's neck. The boy quickly dodged and retreated, so fast that the scarlet light in his left eye almost drew a red line in the air.

But as he dodged the attack, the bamboo sword also broke away from the swordsman's waist, so in a blink of an eye, the offense and defense changed. The swordsman put the demon sword into the scabbard at his waist, but his figure rushed in front of the retreating Hoshino Gen at an incredible speed. The swordsman held the scabbard with one hand and the handle with the other hand. He lowered his body and drew the sword.

The sound of breaking wind whistled.

Draw the sword and cut!

The terrifying sword set off a gust of wind in the closed dojo, carrying a terrifying force and going straight to the chest of Hoshino Gen who could not dodge in time.


Something broke.

Shimizu Yu covered his mouth tightly, fearing that he would not be able to hold back and scream.

In a flash, he barely dodged the knife with the posture of a bridge, but the bamboo sword in Hoshino Gen's hand had already broken, and the remaining sword flashed two dim lightning flashes, but it soon went out.

Hoshino Gen quickly rolled on the ground, away from the swordsman. When he stood up, he looked at the half bamboo sword in his hand that had completely turned back into an ordinary object, with helplessness and disappointment in his eyes.

The swordsman pointed the magic sword in his hand at the ground and took a step towards Hoshino Gen.

Hoshino Gen calmly threw away the broken sword in his hand.

Then, he turned and ran.

When passing by the door of the gym, he did not forget to grab Qingshui You's wrist, and almost dragged her out of the end of the tree-lined road and returned to the regular road where he usually went to and from school. Hoshino Gen quickly threw a talisman paper to the path, and saw a flash of light, and the path disappeared in an instant, as if everything he had just experienced was a dream.

With a long exhale, Hoshino Gen cast his gaze towards Shimizu Yu, who was holding his knees and gasping for breath.

The evening wind rustled the surrounding leaves, which seemed somewhat quiet. Only the girl's slightly rapid breathing was interspersed, adding a touch of youthful charm to this evening picture.

After a while, Shimizu Yu, who finally recovered, stood up straight and looked at Hoshino Gen with complicated eyes.

Hoshino Gen smiled softly and was also staring at her.

Looking at the scarlet light in the boy's left eye that was only slowly extinguished until now, Shimizu Yu's pink lips moved, and she spoke with difficulty:"Who... are you?"

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