Who exactly am I... This question has actually troubled Gen Hoshino for sixteen years.

Generally speaking, he should be considered a sixteen-year-old high school student with memories of his past life.

Although this world and his past life overlap in many places, including the general historical trend, after years of confirmation, Gen Hoshino knows that this is not the Earth where he lived in his past life, so from this aspect, it is not wrong to say that he is a time traveler.

His name in his previous life was Ye Xingyuan. He didn't know where he was born, but he remembered the place of his death very clearly even after sixteen years.

He was born without parents and grew up in an orphanage. He was adopted by an old Taoist priest when he was six years old, but the old Taoist priest was also a weirdo. He adopted him but didn't let him call him grandpa, but insisted on calling him master.

Let him call, as long as he was given food, he would accept it.

But the old Taoist priest was not only strange, but also not a good person.

After adopting him, he took him to travel all over the country, cheating people everywhere, telling fortunes, looking at Feng Shui tombs, and even catching ghosts and exorcising evil spirits.

The old Taoist priest told him privately that fortune telling was nonsense and Feng Shui was nonsense.

Of course, Ye Xingyuan didn't care about these things.

It didn't matter whether they were bad people or liars, as long as they couldn't hurt him.

But when he was seven years old, the old Taoist priest began to ask him to learn those tricks, and said that he had run to hundreds of welfare homes across the country, and he was the only one who was qualified to inherit the mantle.

Ye Xingyuan was quite happy at first, but he didn't expect that the so-called inheritance of the mantle was to practice drawing talismans all day long, and then do horse stance after drawing talismans, and then draw talismans after doing horse stance. The process was so boring and difficult that ordinary people could hardly imagine it.

During this period, Ye Xingyuan wanted to give up and run away several times, but he was caught by the old Taoist priest and forced to continue practicing.

Considering that the old Taoist priest was a bit inhumane in forcing him to draw talismans and do horse stance, he was actually quite nice to him, so every time he was caught, he would grit his teeth and persist for a while, but he couldn't help but resist in his heart.

This resistance was not completely eliminated until he was twelve years old, because that year the old Taoist priest took him to accept a commission from villagers in a mountain village to exorcise evil spirits. That commission was different from the old Taoist priest's previous tricks to cheat people out of money. The ghost really appeared.

When the female ghost who looked not much different from the horror movie stood in the mourning hall and stared at them, Ye Xingyuan almost wet his pants on the spot, but what happened next made his jaw dislocate directly.

The old Taoist priest held the talisman paper in one hand and the copper bell in the other, and beat the female ghost so hard that she almost knelt down and sang"Conquer", especially when Ye Xingyuan saw the old Taoist priest rubbing a big fireball with his hands, his eyes were straight.

Since then, no matter what the old Taoist priest asked him to practice, he had no complaints.

Then this practice lasted for five years.

When Ye Xingyuan was seventeen, he finally learned the old Taoist's ability.

He not only scrambled and cheated, but he was not bad.

Two months later, he encountered a very fierce female ghost in an entrusted manner in an entrusted manner.

Not only did he get a fat, but he was also imprinted by the female ghost in the left eye.

If it was not a few black symbol left by the old Taoist priest, he would definitely explain there on the spot.

The female ghost couldn't return to China before.

After he was killed.

But unfortunately, the good times didn't last long.

After completing a well-paid commission, he was eating skewers and singing on the road, and suddenly he was put in a sack and knocked to the ground with a club.

After waking up, he found that he was really miserable.

He was actually locked up in a research institute!

For a long time afterwards, he was subjected to various studies and human experiments.

Those Americans wanted to find the secret of his"superpowers".

Those days were not for human beings, so Ye Xingyuan chose an auspicious day to escape from the research institute.

But the power behind the research institute was very powerful.

They actually sent hundreds of mercenaries to capture him.

The equipment was very scary, and there were even missiles!

He ran all the way, using supernatural powers to fight back all the way.

In the end, he became the mortal enemy of the mercenaries.

The other side didn't want to capture him alive, but wanted to kill him.

In the end, they succeeded, forcing Ye Xingyuan to jump off a cliff to commit suicide, but he was blown up by a missile when he was halfway down the cliff.

He died without a burial place...

But strictly speaking, he was dead, but not completely dead.

I don't know whether it was a time travel or reincarnation, he came to this world and opened his eyes again as a newborn.

Here, he is no longer an orphan.

He has a rich father, a gentle and beautiful mother, and a lovely twin sister.

He and them form a"family" that he never dared to hope for before.

However, he only enjoyed this unprecedented family nourishment for three years.

When he was three years old, his parents divorced, his sister was taken to the UK by his mother, and he stayed with his father.

But his father was often busy with business affairs and didn't go home, especially after he was in the fourth grade of elementary school, except for giving him a huge living allowance every month, he almost ignored him.

But this is not a problem for Xingye Yuan at all.

He has long been accustomed to being alone.

It may be better to say that this may be more in line with his heart.

Like a weed, he recklessly transformed the money his father gave him into nutrients, growing greedily and savagely, until more than a year ago, when his divorced parents suddenly reunited, he had to put on a harmless mask and shackles, pretending to be a gentle and polite son and brother who was inevitably unfamiliar because of the long separation.

As for all the mysterious things, they naturally turned into shadows.

He has lived like this until now, and he has long been unable to tell whether he is Ye Xingyuan or Xingye Yuan.


Although there were many thoughts in his mind, it was only a short moment in time. Hoshino Gen gathered his thoughts and smiled at Shimizu Yu:"What are you talking about? I'm just an ordinary high school student."

"Huh?" Qing Shuiyou raised his little face immediately:"I saw it all. Just now at the gym, you clearly……"

"What gym? Sorry, I don't understand what you are saying." Hoshino Gen interrupted Shimizu Yu with a smile, and pointed to the location of the disappeared forest path.

Shimizu Yu's eyes widened slightly, bastard! This kid is pretending to be stupid! Hoshino Gen spread his hands, his expression and voice were very gentle:"Well, how about forgetting everything you saw before?"

"What?" Qing Shuiyou was stunned for a moment:"How can I forget such a thing? And tell me clearly, the yellow talisman you just used……"

Hoshino Gen shook his head and found a schoolbag from the bushes on the roadside. He patted the dust off the schoolbag and interrupted Qingshui You with a smile:"Okay, Qingshui classmate, we are not familiar enough to explore each other's privacy casually, right?"

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