"I'm back."

Taking the elevator to the 12th floor of the apartment building, Gen Hoshino successfully opened the door of his apartment through fingerprint and iris verification.

The apartment is very large, at least 350 square meters, and the decoration is very luxurious and modern. It is a real luxury house.

"Welcome back——"

A soft and gentle voice came from the living room, but it sounded like the owner of the voice was in low spirits.

Hoshino Gen changed his shoes at the entrance and came to the living room with his schoolbag.

The living room of the Hoshino family is quite spacious and bright. The 270-degree wrap-around glass forms a floor-to-ceiling window, and the view and lighting are excellent.

The last afterglow of the setting sun poured into the room through the glass, wrapping a slender figure curled up on the sofa.

The girl's hair was wet and draped over her shoulders.

She was wearing a loose T-shirt and shorts, and it was obvious that she had just taken a shower.

With a petite figure, fair skin, peach blossom eyes, willow-leaf eyebrows, and small pink lips, the girl has the innate conditions that countless women dream of, and she perfectly combines these conditions to form such a girl now.

Even the Hoshino Gen who has seen countless people has to admit that his cheap sister is indeed the most beautiful girl he has ever seen, including in his previous life.

Hoshino Rin pouted her little face, holding the game controller in her hand, and staring at the big TV that almost occupies half of the wall with the same heterochromatic eyes as Hoshino Gen.

Gen Hoshino glanced at the screen, and as expected, it was a game screen. Judging from the style, it seemed to be a certain 3A adventure masterpiece that he had already completed.

Oh, his sister who is an idol is also an e-sports girl. This point seems to have been added to the idol's personality by the agency intact. After all, today's otakus really like this. Gen

Hoshino was just passing by the living room and had no intention of staying. This was the only way to go back to the room.

However, at this time, Rin Hoshino's character in the game was killed by a BOOS. She seemed to have just noticed her brother and cast her eyes on him, then showed a sweet standard idol smile, which was very beautiful.

"You are back. Grandpa called this afternoon to say that an elder in the UK passed away. Mom went back to the UK. I made some vegetable salad for dinner. I have already eaten it. There is another one in the refrigerator. You can eat it if you like."

"Got it." Gen Hoshino paused for a moment, and went straight back to his room after hearing what his sister said. In fact, apart from the physical blood relationship, the relationship between him and Rin Hoshino was only slightly stronger than that of strangers in terms of emotions.

After all, they separated when they were three years old, and most children would not remember anything before the age of three. Although their parents reunited and lived together again a year ago, Rin Hoshino was already an idol at that time. Not only was she often not at home, but she didn't even spend much time in Tokyo. The time they spent together was very little, and even when they were on vacation at home occasionally, they didn't say a few words.

Seeing Gen Hoshino's back blocked by the closed door of the room, Rin Hoshino retracted her gaze. She looked back at the game screen, but her eyes seemed a little absent-minded.

In fact, her feelings about Gen Hoshino, her brother, were still somewhat complex and subtle. She lived in the UK with her mother when she was very young, and she knew from a young age that she had a brother in another country. It would be a lie to say that she had no fantasies about the brother she had only heard of before.

In her fantasy, her brother must be a handsome, gentle and excellent A perfect boy. But after they really met... well, at least she was very satisfied with the first impression, and felt that Hoshino Gen's figure overlapped with her fantasy. After all, apart from anything else, his appearance was really very good.

However, after getting along for a while, Hoshino Rin was greatly disappointed. It was not that there was anything wrong with Hoshino Gen, or that there was something that made her dislike him, but she simply felt that this brother was too ordinary.

Because her grandfather's family was also considered a famous family in London, and the playmates she had been surrounded by since childhood were basically excellent children from upper-class families.

In Hoshino Rin's feelings, Hoshino Gen, let alone compared with her friends, except for the high looks inherited from her parents, was even among ordinary people.

He had average athletic ability, lower-middle-class grades, and no special skills.

If you ignore his family appearance, he was just an ordinary boy who was taciturn and introverted.

To be honest, Hoshino Rin had no opinion on her brother, but she really couldn't get close to him.

With a slight sigh, Hoshino Rin pressed the game controller and attacked BOOS again.


The huge and terrifying monsters on TV roared to the sky and earth, as if they were going to crush the world. In comparison, the protagonist of the game controlled by Hoshino Rin could only shrink in the corner of the arena, fearing that he would be accidentally hit by the monster and his health bar would be emptied.......

The sun finally went down.

It was dark in Gen Hoshino's room. He sat on the carpet in front of the desk, holding a wolf-hair brush in his right hand, the tip of the brush stained with damp red.

As his arm pressed down lightly, the soft tip of the brush came into contact with the yellow paper on the low table. With a slight movement of his wrist, a red mark was left on the yellow paper.

The brush moved like a dragon, and the talisman was completed as soon as the brush stopped. It took only two breaths from the beginning to the end.

In the dim room, a flash of light appeared on the talisman paper, which disappeared in a flash.

Gen Hoshino exhaled, put down the brush, and threw the drawn talisman into the pile of talisman paper beside him.

He lay down on the carpet weakly, staring at the ceiling in a trance.

"If I'm alone, there's really no way.……"Hoshino Gen covered his eyes with his arms and muttered to himself.

However, he lay there for five hours. He opened his eyes again in a daze and sat up on the carpet. Maybe he had consumed too much energy drawing talismans before, and fell asleep as soon as he lay down.

Rubbing his eyes, Hoshino Gen touched his mobile phone and saw that it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening. Now his stomach was empty and he was really a little hungry. He hadn't eaten dinner yet. He shook his head hard to get rid of all the sleepiness, and then he got up and opened the door.

There was no light in the living room. The only light source was the moonlight flowing into the room through the glass and the ridiculously large TV screen.

Just like before Hoshino Gen returned to the room, Hoshino Rin was still curled up on the sofa playing games, but he didn't know if it was an illusion. Hoshino Gen always felt that Hoshino Rin was a little aggrieved at this moment with her arms around her knees and her hands holding the handle. Looking closely, her eyes were actually red, as if she was about to cry.

He glanced at the TV screen with some doubts, and was suddenly a little surprised. If he remembered correctly, it seemed that Hoshino Rin had beaten this boss before he returned to the room?

The corners of his lips twitched slightly, and Hoshino Gen rarely took the initiative to speak to Hoshino Rin:"You...are not sleeping yet?"

Hoshino Rin didn't look at him, and the game controller was crackling.

After a few seconds, the game screen turned black and white.

Under the moonlight, a drop of crystal dripped down the girl's white cheek. Hoshino Gen was sure that he was not mistaken. This girl really cried.

"……"Hoshino Gen hesitated, then spoke again:"Do you need help?"

Hoshino Rin wiped her tears, shook her head and said nothing.

Hoshino Gen shrugged, walked straight through the living room to the entrance, changed into a pair of sneakers and went out, ignoring his crying sister. Going out to find food on his own is not something a normal brother would do, but he went out to find food only after his sister made it clear that she didn't need him to meddle in her affairs, so it was okay.

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