The streets were still flashing neon lights late at night, and the city pulled down the soft veil like cherry blossoms in full bloom during the day, revealing the nature of the city of decadence and luxury to all night wanderers.

Tokyo is a crowded and busy city. Even late at night, the streets are still crowded with people.

Countless social animals who have been working overtime are the protagonists of the night and the main source of customers for many stores of all sizes. High school students like Hoshino Gen, who can be seen everywhere in school uniforms during the day, are somewhat out of place on the streets at this moment.

The fragrance from the roadside food stalls is like a small hand that attracts people, constantly leading pedestrians to the stalls to consume.

Hoshino Gen also wanted to solve the dinner problem at the roadside stall nearby, but I don’t know if it’s because today is Friday, many stalls are full of customers.

Hoshino Gen glanced back and forth several times before finally seeing a fast food stall with only a few customers in an inconspicuous corner.

The stall owner was a girl who looked only seventeen or eighteen years old. She was also wearing a school uniform, but unlike Hoshino Gen, who was wearing an exquisite private school uniform, she was wearing an ordinary public school uniform, and it looked a bit old.

Seeing that Hoshino Gen's eyes were on her and he was still walking towards her, the stall owner actually looked away embarrassedly and lowered her head slightly.

Obviously, this girl was a novice stall owner and felt it was shameful to be patronized by people of the same age at her roadside stall.

Hoshino Gen didn't care, he just wanted to fill his stomach.

Sitting down at an old dining table in front of the stall, Hoshino Gen glanced at the handwritten menu on the stall.

"Please give me a curry rice"

"Ah... OK." The stall owner hurriedly filled a disposable lunch box with rice, then opened the lid of a pot, poured a large spoonful of hot curry on the rice and brought it to Gen Hoshino.

Taking the disposable chopsticks, Gen Hoshino took a mouthful of the rice soaked in soup, and then he understood why this stall was the only one on this street with only a few customers.

He took a napkin to cover his mouth, spit out the food in his mouth, wrapped it in paper and threw it into the trash can. Gen Hoshino was ready to pay the bill and go to a high-end restaurant on the street further inside to rinse his mouth.

He was not particularly picky about food, and he also liked the delicacies of ordinary roadside stalls, but this did not mean that when he had certain material conditions, he would tolerate bad food entering his stomach.

However, just as he was about to speak, a voice interrupted him.

"Wow! Sister, look, it's Rin-chan! Ugh——kawaii~~"

A tender child's voice suddenly reached Hoshino Gen's ears, causing him to pause in his action of getting up. He then noticed that there was a little girl of six or seven years old next to this girl who was probably a high school student.

The girl was excited and yearning, pointing at the big screen outside the mall not far away, with her big eyes sparkling.

Hoshino Gen also looked there. The big screen was silently playing the promotion of the Shinjuku concert of the girl idol group"TKY02" on April 23. The posters of several important members of TKY02 occupied most of the screen. As the center of the team, Hoshino Rin was naturally the most eye-catching one. She had a small mixed-race face and heterochromatic pupils. She was only sixteen years old, but she was breathtakingly beautiful.

However, what Hoshino Gen subconsciously thought of was the girl's aggrieved look when she was abused while playing games and wiping tears. At this moment, looking back at the little girl staring at the poster of Hoshino Rin with shining eyes, inexplicably, he wanted to laugh a little.

Changing the"checkout" that was about to come to his mouth to"pack up", Gen Hoshino walked deeper into the street carrying a white plastic bag...

After Gen Hoshino returned home, there was still light in the living room, but Rin Hoshino was not playing games. To be precise, the TV was still showing the black and white game screen of the character's death, but Rin Hoshino had already thrown the controller on the carpet, and was now hugging her knees and looking through her phone very seriously.

Maybe she was looking up a guide.

This girl is too persistent...

Although he had heard from his mother a long time ago that his sister would often not give up until she achieved her goal, he only experienced it today.

However - is it really okay to stay up late playing games like this when there is a concert tomorrow? And from the looks of it, if he can't beat it, won't he have to stay up all night?

After a little hesitation, Gen Hoshino went over and picked up the controller.

Under the puzzled gaze of Rin Hoshino, Gen Hoshino sat on the sofa with a distance from her.

"Mind if I play with it for a bit?" Hoshino Gen and Hoshino Rin looked at each other and asked with a habitual smile.

Maybe it was because Hoshino Gen had just seen her crying not long ago, Hoshino Rin looked away a little embarrassedly and whispered,"This is difficult.……"

"I've played it, and it's really hard to beat." Gen Hoshino looked at the screen, picked up the controller, and with a little force on his fingers, the black and white picture regained color.

The roar of the monster resounded in the spacious living room through the speakers, mixed with the percussive attack sound effects.

Not long after a long, shrill howl, the monster fell to the ground, the BOSS died, and the game CG was triggered.

Gen Hoshino put down the controller, looked at Rin Hoshino who was staring at the TV screen with her mouth slightly open beside her and smiled:"The next game content is quite interesting, but it's very late today, you still have work tomorrow, right? How about playing the rest on your day off? I think the experience should be better that way."

After a pause, Gen Hoshino smiled and said,"Of course, it's just a suggestion."

After that, he put down the controller, got up and walked towards the bedroom.

"Wait a minute!"

Hoshino Gen paused, turned around and asked in confusion:"What's wrong?"

"You...are really good at playing games." Hoshino Rin seemed to have not recovered from her surprise.

"Practice makes perfect." Hoshino Gen smiled and said,"Anything else?""

"Do you play games often?" Suddenly, Hoshino Rin seemed to realize something, and her beautiful eyes became sparkling:"What platform do you like? PC? PS? Or switch?"

I immediately understood what Hoshino Rin meant, and Hoshino Gen smiled and said:"I like them all. We can play together if we are free."

When playing games, it is of course more interesting to have someone accompany you than to play alone. People who love games probably find it difficult to resist the temptation of having someone to play with them from time to time.

"Yes!" Hoshino Rin agreed immediately, and then couldn't help laughing. Interestingly, this smile seemed to lack the sweetness and cuteness of the idol.

Perhaps she realized the benefits of having a brother of the same age. After spending more than a year, she seemed to be able to finally abandon the perfect"brother" she had created in her imagination for the past ten years, and was willing to reconcile with the realistic and ordinary Hoshino Gen.

"By the way, are you going to TKY02's concert tomorrow? You can go backstage.……"

Facing his sister's first invitation, Hoshino Gen refused with a smile without hesitation:"Sorry, I have something to do tomorrow, maybe next time."


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