On Saturday morning, a drizzle fell from the gray sky.

Hoshino Rin was picked up by her agent and assistant early, and Hoshino Gen also left home after finishing her breakfast.

However, his destination was not the downtown area that his peers loved to visit on weekends, but a deep alley near the town area.

The large roller shutter door, which was covered with dust because he had not been there for a week, was lifted to reveal the spotless glass display window inside.

Next to the display window was a classical wooden door with a European medieval style.

A small iron vertical sign extended from the door frame, with the words"antique shop" written in beautiful American fonts.

The house used by this shop was bought by Hoshino Gen at the request of his father several years ago, but the father had never been here, and he didn't care what Hoshino Gen did with the house.

He probably forgot that he had such a property under his name a long time ago.

Even the business license of the shop was obtained by Hoshino Gen at the request of his grandfather's housekeeper.

So it is not an exaggeration to say that this"antique shop" is Hoshino Gen's secret base.

Usually, Gen Hoshino would also use this shop to buy and sell some ordinary antiques. Although because of the remote location and Gen Hoshino only comes here on weekends, there are basically no customers.

Gen Hoshino took out the key to open the door, and then threw a piece of talisman paper in. Suddenly, a breeze blew in the house, and soon it was wrapped with a few dust particles and disappeared into the world outside the door along Gen Hoshino's side.

Feel free to change shoes and walk in. What greeted you was the classical atmosphere that matched the display windows and wooden doors. Whether it was the mostly solid wood decoration or the unique layout, it seemed to create an atmosphere that transcended time.

In the white noise of the raindrops, Gen Hoshino walked through the spacious reception room and walked into the even wider exhibition hall inside.

Since the name of the shop is"Antique Shop", there are naturally antiques here. In the bright exhibition hall, there are dozens of exquisite plaster exhibition stands arranged neatly. Unfortunately, most of the exhibition stands are empty. Only a dozen scattered exhibition stands are placed with dark antiques, and all of these antiques are pasted with more than one bright yellow talisman paper.

The temperature in the exhibition hall is inexplicably much lower than other places. Coupled with the talisman paper covered with scarlet handwriting and symbols, people will feel uneasy just standing here.

This is also natural. After all, every antique here represents a real ghost.

After death, the soul leaves the body and turns into a spirit that is severed from reality. Generally speaking, the only fate of a spirit is to be reborn or to be torn apart.

However, there are also some spirits who are extremely obsessed with the human world and refuse to be reborn, and are even more unwilling to dissipate. Generally, such spirits with deep obsessions often find and choose the third option - using objects with extremely heavy yin energy as carriers, parasitizing on them to achieve the purpose of interfering with reality with spirits. In layman's terms, they become what people often call"ghosts".

The deeper the obsession, the heavier the yin energy of the object to be carried. Among all things in the world, the most yin energy objects are naturally antiques.

Hunting ghosts and exorcising spirits is undoubtedly an extremely dangerous job. Hoshino Gen is very self-aware. He never regards himself as a selfless good man. He is not interested in exorcising demons and defending the way. The biggest reason why he can still insist on taking this dangerous road after the death of the old Taoist priest is that the benefits are worth this danger.

Perhaps because he was afraid of poverty when he was a child in his previous life, Hoshino Gen was actually a very greedy person. Although he later followed the old Taoist priest and no longer lacked money, this"greed for money" slowly evolved into a kind of obsession with"treasures" engraved in his soul.

What about the Nanhai Zhuo Pan Beads that are rare in a hundred years, and the top-quality pink diamonds that are unearthed once in a thousand years? Just hearing the names makes him want to drool.

Things that can be called treasures are rare, but antiques undoubtedly occupy half of the treasure world, which means that almost every evil ghost represents a treasure, and the more evil the ghost, the more valuable the treasure is.

Now when he thinks of the scarlet demon sword in the hands of the evil ghost swordsman in the forest dojo... Xingye Yuan wants to drool again, but when he thinks about the several times he went to the door to find trouble, the final result was that he ran away in a panic, and his mood suddenly became as bad as the rainy weather outside.

While reviewing his battle with the evil ghost swordsman in his mind for the Nth time with an expressionless face, he checked the antiques in the exhibition hall.

After confirming that everything was normal, Xingye Yuan turned around and left, closing the door of the exhibition hall again.

After grinding a cup of coffee behind the antique bar, Gen Hoshino sat down by the bay window on the other side of the living room. He rested his head lightly on the cold glass and listened quietly to the lingering sound of rain outside. A different kind of tranquility spread in the classical interior. I want that knife so much, so much, so much...

The thought kept fermenting in my mind, as if a crazy voice was shouting hysterically. Gen Hoshino's forehead twitched slightly. He took a big sip of the bitter coffee and swallowed it, barely suppressing the restless restlessness in his heart.

Crash - dense raindrops hit the ceiling of the gymnasium. Rin Hoshino, who was sitting in the dressing room backstage with her knees hugged, was holding her phone and flipping through the webpage of"Fun Online Game Recommendations" that she had just searched for.


An extremely sweet cry entered Hoshino Rin's ears, and then her slender back was pressed by a fragrant and soft body.

""What should I do, Rin-chan! I'm about to go on stage and I'm so nervous!"

Hoshino Rin didn't look back, because she knew who the guy lying on her back was just by the voice. It was Yukina Hayakawa, a second-generation member who joined TKY02 two months ago and the only second-generation member selected for the Shinjuku concert.

She swiped the screen of her phone and comforted him perfunctorily,"Don't be nervous, just practice like you normally do."

"That's what I said." There was a sense of powerlessness in the sweet voice of Hayakawa Yukina:"But a performance is a performance after all. Didn't more than 8,000 tickets sell out in an instant? If I were to be stared at by so many people on the stage... Wow~ It's scary just to think about it!"

"Don't worry, there won't be many people staring at you. After all, everyone is here for Rin-chan and Xiaoxun."

Another voice suddenly came from the side, causing Hayakawa Yukina and Hoshino Rin to look over and found that the person who spoke was the captain, Hayami Seiko, who had stood next to them at some point. Hayami

Seiko grinned at Hayakawa Yukina:"It's just a joke, don't mind it."

After that, she expanded her sight to include Hoshino Rin, and the smile on her lips became even wider:"We're about to go on stage, are you ready, ladies?"......

The soothing music gradually faded away, and the main melody in my ears was replaced by the sound of rain and the noise on the street. Shimizu Yu carried the shopping bags and left the clothing store behind him with his good friend Suzuki Zemi holding an umbrella.

"How is it? I told you this store is awesome!"

Suzuki Zemi swung the same shopping bag as Shimizu Yu, her face full of excitement:"For the same brand store, this one is 10% cheaper than other places!"

"It's still expensive though.——"

"Ah! Why do we have to wear school uniforms at school? It's rare to buy beautiful clothes.~"

"By the way, Xiaoyou, I heard from other classes yesterday that there will be an exam on Monday. Do you think we should hold a study session when we get back? It will be a good opportunity to show off our new clothes.~"


As she spoke, Suzuki Zemei's voice gradually became softer. She looked at Shimizu You's face and frowned slightly:"Xiao You?"


"Ah...ah?" Shimizu You turned to look at her friend as if waking up from a dream, and blinked in confusion:"What's wrong?"

Suzuki Zemi slapped her forehead, her face speechless:"I should be the one asking 'what's wrong'! What's wrong with you today? You looked absent-minded since you left the house. Didn't you sleep well last night?"

Shimizu You's expression froze at her friend's words. She really didn't sleep well last night, or to be more precise, she almost didn't sleep last night.

But there's nothing she can do about it! After all, the shock of a completely shattered worldview is not so easy to digest. She saw it with her own eyes in the abandoned gym yesterday. It was almost a scene that fantasy moved into reality!

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