The scene of Hoshino Gen fighting the faceless swordsman in the gym was replayed in his mind for the umpteenth time. Shimizu Yuu looked both excited and upset. In short, it was like seeing a concept product that he had been looking forward to for a long time finally put into mass production, but the price was far beyond his budget.

Or——"What does this expression mean? Are you constipated? Suzuki Zemei looked weird.

"You are constipated!" Qingshui You glanced at his friend unhappily, then drooped his head weakly:"I'm fine, I just feel a little... bored"

"Bored?"Suzuki Zemi looked at her best friend in disbelief:"Do you find being with me boring?" After that, she looked like she was about to cry:"You scum who plays with feelings, let's break up!"

Shimizu Yu looked at her best friend with dead eyes, but her eyes were attracted by a group of people holding umbrellas and running towards the gymnasium.

She pulled Suzuki Zemi's sleeve and curiously pointed to the gymnasium building in the distance that was full of people:"���There are so many people here, is there an important game today?"

Suzuki Zemi naturally put away her tearful expression, looked in the direction pointed by Shimizu Yu and said casually:"You don't know? TKY02 is holding a concert at Shinjuku National Gymnasium today."

"TKY02?" Shimizu Yu thought for a moment, then said in surprise:"Isn't that the idol group that Hoshino Rin is in?"

"Yes, the sister of Hoshino Gen in our class, she's super popular." Suzuki Zemi said with envy:"Except for the first day of school, I haven't seen her in school. It's really good to be an idol. You can skip classes whenever you want."

"……"Shimizu Yu glanced at Suzuki Zemi speechlessly, and then couldn't help but wonder if that idol knew that her brother had"superpowers"?……

"Well, let's go. Do you still want to go to their concert? The tickets must have been sold out long ago!" Suzuki Zemi held Shimizu Yu's hand and walked towards a more prosperous street.......

In the evening, the rain stopped, and the dark clouds covering the sky were cut into pieces of white rags hanging on the horizon.

The sunset after the rain is always particularly moving, and the red and purple sprinkled on the horizon give the whole city a layer of ambiguous tipsiness.

Qingshui You chased a black stray cat holding a hairband into a remote alley, because the hairband was a new product she just bought today! Although it was the change given by her mother for buying clothes, it was really not cheap!

The stray cat broke open the door of a shop in the alley and got in. Qingshui You ran to the door of the shop without thinking.

Just when she was about to push the door open and rush in, she was stunned by the exquisite and classical door. However, she had seen many high-end places. Although she was surprised why someone would open a store here and make such a beautiful door, it did not affect her rushing in to ask the rogue bad cat for her hairband back!

The door was pushed open, and a crisp sound of wind chimes rang out.

The scene behind the door came into view, and Qingshui You froze his half-raised legs in mid-air, his entire expression frozen.

In a reception room with a medieval classical atmosphere, a boy with slightly longer black hair squatted on a furry carpet, holding some cat food in one hand and handing it to the mouth of a black stray cat.

The evening sunset streamed on him through the window, and the picture was as beautiful as a healing oil painting.

The person in the painting seemed to be disturbed by the noise of the door being pushed open, and cast a glance at the"uninvited guest" outside the door. The azure left eye was as clear as the sea, and the dark right eye was as deep as the abyss.

Qingshui You came back to his senses with a start:"Hoshino-san?!"

After shouting this, Qingshui You still retreated and looked at the small vertical sign on the door frame. After confirming that this was an antique shop, he looked at Hoshino Gen with an incredulous look again:"You... come here to buy antiques?"

"No, this shop is mine." Hoshino Gen tilted his head and looked at Shimizu Yu with curiosity, but he reacted quickly and immediately thought of something. He lowered his head and picked up the dirty hairband that was thrown aside by the black cat:"This... is it yours?"

"Ah!!"Qi Shui You yelled and was about to rush in, but was stopped by Hoshino Gen."Please change your shoes first. There are disposable shoes in the cabinet on your right."

Qing Shui You looked at the dusty floor and the large patches of shaggy carpet in the room, and then looked at her shoes that were inevitably stained because she ran on the ground after the rain. She immediately threw off her sneakers without saying a word and stepped on disposable slippers through her white socks. She came to Hoshino Gen and took the hairband that was still brand new a few minutes ago, with a look of heartache.

"I will pay you back for posting the circle of friends." Hoshino Gen suddenly said

"Huh?" Shimizu You was stunned, then shook her head:"No need, I'll just go back and wash it."

After that, she looked down at the black cat that was eating the cat food in Hoshino Gen's hand, and asked uncertainly:"Is this cat yours?"

"No." Xingye Yuan thought for a moment and said,"I just met it two months ago. At that time, I saw that it was starving, so I gave it some food. After that, it would often bring some things to me to exchange for food. Sometimes it was some garbage that it thought was good, and sometimes it was some lost items of others.……"

"It's a very smart guy, isn't it?" Gen Hoshino smiled at Shimizu You.

Shimizu You was indeed a little surprised at the wisdom of this stray cat, who actually understood many truths that humans did not understand. However, thinking back, he just accidentally used too much force when unpacking the hair band and dropped it on the ground. As a result, this guy rushed over and picked it up and ran away. This is no longer the level of picking up things to exchange for food, this is robbery!

Her pretty face darkened a little, and Shimizu You pouted and said nothing.

A small handful of cat food was quickly eaten up. The black cat called to Gen Hoshino twice, then licked its paws, turned around and left, very cool.

Watching the little guy disappear outside the door, Gen Hoshino looked at Shimizu You again, smiled and asked:"Shimizu classmate, is there anything else?"

Maybe she felt that she was standing and Gen Hoshino was squatting, and it was very impolite to talk to others like this, so Shimizu You sat down cross-legged on the carpet. She scratched her cheek a little embarrassedly:"Well, your superpower……"

"Sorry, I don't have any super powers." Hoshino Gen got up and went behind the bar:"Coffee or juice?"

"Ah... no need." Shimizu Yu waved his hands repeatedly, but Hoshino Gen pretended not to hear him and poured a glass of juice and handed it to Shimizu Yu.

After taking the juice reluctantly, Shimizu Yu spoke again:"The faceless swordsman in the gym yesterday……"

"Is it a ghost?" She whispered her guess.

"……"Hoshino Gen stared at her face silently. After a while, he sighed and said,"Why do you have to dig to the bottom of it? Or are you dissatisfied with your past life? Why do you have to explore such a dangerous variable?"

"I'm just curious! This kind of thing that I always thought only existed in novels and animations suddenly appeared in reality. Anyone would be unable to help but figure it out, right?"Shimizu Yu muttered in retort.

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