Hoshino Gen stared at Shimizu Yu's eyes meaningfully for a while. Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something and showed a malicious smile:"Are you sure you want to know?"

Upon hearing this, Shimizu Yu's eyes suddenly lit up and nodded hurriedly.

Hoshino Gen walked to the bay window and sat down, looking at Shimizu Yu with a smile:"I remember that your kendo level seems to be quite good, how about the actual combat?"

"Huh?" Qingshui You was stunned, a little confused as to why Xingye Yuan said this, but she still nodded honestly:"I participated in the junior high school student kendo national competition and won the runner-up"

"That should be pretty impressive." Hoshino Gen thought for a moment, and his smile became even brighter:"I can tell you what you want to know, but there is a condition."

"What conditions?" Shimizu Yu blinked, then hugged his chest vigilantly, his expression became fierce:"If it is an excessive request, I will not agree."

Hoshino Gen ignored it and said with a smile:"As long as you help me achieve my goal, I can not only tell you what you want to know, but also teach you some mystical skills that you can learn."

"Really?!" Shimizu Yu almost jumped up with excitement, and immediately imagined herself as a magical girl fighting against evil spirits.

But the next moment, Hoshino Gen's words were like a bucket of cold water that poured over her whole body:"I want you to help me fight the evil spirit in the gym head-on. If you succeed, everyone will be happy. If you fail, I will also help you collect your body for free."

"Huh?! Are you...are you kidding me?" Qing Shuiyou's expression froze:"I...I don't have the power to deal with ghosts."

"I can give it to you." Gen Hoshino smiled and said,"Dealing with ghosts is not as difficult as you think, as long as you have the corresponding tools, just like you saw yesterday, I just used a wooden sword with added materials to fight that guy. Isn't your kendo level very good? I can help you add materials to the wooden sword, and then you go up and fight the ghost like I did yesterday - you don't need to kill it, as long as you can delay it for thirty seconds."

Through the screen or through the book, watching the protagonist in the story go on adventures and challenge powerful enemies may feel very exciting and exciting, but if the monsters in the story are put into reality and you are asked to face them in person - I believe that most people will not be too interested in this kind of thing that is several times more dangerous than"fighting armed gangsters with bare hands".

After all, no one likes to joke about their own life.

So at this moment, facing Gen Hoshino's words and expressions that were not at all joking, Shimizu You's high interest in"superpowers" suddenly wilted.

"Can... you change the conditions?" Shimizu Yu tried hard to force a cute smile:"If I were really killed, you would be in trouble too, wouldn't you?"

"That's true." Hoshino Gen said with a smile:"But your only value to me is this. Even stray cats know that there is no free lunch in the world. You will understand this, right?"

"……"Qingshui You was silent. She lowered her head slightly and quickly weighed in her mind whether the reward of"gaining superpowers" was worth"risking her life".

Maybe she had read too many novels and animations, or maybe she was still in her middle school years. The temptation of"superpowers" was almost irresistible to boys and girls of this age, so Qingshui You made a decision quickly. She gritted her teeth and said,"If I succeed, will you teach me superpowers?"

"I don't have any superpowers, and I can't teach you any." Xingye Yuan shook his head, thought for a while and said:"If you are talking about the mysterious abilities I have, then it can probably be summarized as a little bit of Taoism and a little bit of alchemy."

Then he said:"And even if you really succeed, I can only teach you some simple and easy techniques at most, and you won't be able to learn more."


"You don’t have that innate talent." Hoshino Gen’s words were concise and to the point.

""Woo!" Shimizu You's cheek twitched, as if she was hit.

She asked unwillingly:"How did you know?"

Hoshino Gen smiled and looked at her quietly. Shimizu You twitched the corner of his mouth and looked away.

"What do you think? Do you want to agree? If you agree, we'll get ready and set off. If you don't agree... it's getting late, so I won't keep you for dinner."

Qingshui You lowered his head and remained silent for a long time. Finally, he raised his face and asked tentatively:"What little tricks can you teach me?"

Hoshino Gen casually touched his lower back, and a bright yellow talisman paper appeared in his hand. He shook it lightly, and the talisman paper instantly turned into ashes, replaced by a bright red fireball floating quietly in the palm of Hoshino Gen. Qingshui

You's chin made a crisp"click" sound, and his eyes stared at the fireball in Hoshino Gen's hand, with his mouth wide open.

Although he knew in his heart that Hoshino Gen had some incredible abilities, the shock of seeing it with his own eyes at such a close distance was still a bit too great. It was not until Hoshino Gen waved his hand to disperse the fireball that Qingshui You gradually came back to his senses, her voice a little trembling:"You...you want to teach me how to make a fireball?"

"Can't you see that the fireball is manifested by the talisman paper?" Gen Hoshino tilted his head to look at Shimizu Yu, probably curious about why this guy's IQ is so low. Shimizu

Yu didn't care. At this moment, her enthusiasm for exploring the mysticism was unprecedentedly high. She still couldn't suppress her excitement:"Then are you going to teach me how to make talisman paper?"

Gen Hoshino sighed:"I've told you that you don't have the qualifications. Even if I teach you to draw talismans, you will at most compete with the shrine for business in the future, and you will definitely not be able to compete with it."

"……"Qing Shuiyou's face darkened again, and his mouth pouted slightly:"Then what are you going to teach me?"

"Teach you how to activate the talisman"

"But you said I can't learn to make……"In the middle of the conversation, Qing Shuiyou realized something, and asked with her eyes twitching:"So even if I learn how to activate it, I can only get the real talisman from you.——"

"That's about it."Hoshino Gen said with a smile:"So what is your answer?"

Shimizu You pinched the hem of her clothes in confusion. The gap between reality and expectation was too big. She felt that such benefits were not worth risking her life to get them. But deep in her heart, she really wanted to touch the fantasy of moving into reality with her own hands, or the appearance of a big fireball when Hoshino Gen flicked his palm just now was too desirable.

She almost gritted her teeth and asked the last question:"If I can't hold on... will you save me?"

"Probably, but don't hold your hopes too high, it's too late." Xingye Yuan smiled gently, but his words were cold.

Qingshui You took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and almost took out the greatest courage in his life.——

"I'll go with you."

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