Although she was a little unhappy about being rejected, what the other party said made sense. Hoshino Rin thought that this brother cared about her. After all, her goal was to stay with Hoshino Gen, and sleeping on the floor was just a means to achieve her goal.

After all, it was true that she was very tired and sleepy, and it was also true that she was so scared that she couldn't sleep alone, but more importantly, she was now super curious about this brother whom she had never really known before!

As she said before, she remembered clearly all the incredible things she had experienced since she entered Hoshino Gen's room and picked up the strange black long knife.

But it was too bizarre after all. After thinking about it, only supernatural power could explain it. But she grew up in a scientific society after all. Although her intuition and her own experience told her that those were inseparable from Hoshino Gen, she still felt a little unrealistic deep in her heart. She doubted whether it was really like what Hoshino Gen said, this was just an extremely real and extremely strange dream she had after she was tired and confused.

She wanted to get to know this brother more deeply.......

In the dimly lit spacious living room, Hoshino Gen was leaning on the sofa, browsing his phone to kill time. Not far from him, on another long sofa, Hoshino Rin was curled up on her side, covered with a light pink blanket.


The light voice of Hoshino Rin suddenly rang out in the quiet living room. Hoshino Gen stared at the phone and responded casually,"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, we are twins, but I didn't have that feeling when I was with my brother before.……"

"Well, after all, we are not familiar with each other." Hoshino Gen answered casually. He was absorbed in reading the urban legends shared by netizens on his mobile phone, trying to find a trace of the supernatural from these legends.

Hoshino Rin, curled up in the blanket, was a little speechless for a moment. What kind of answer is this? Not familiar? Even if we are really not very familiar with each other, is it really okay to say this to your own sister?

"elder brother……"Hoshino Rin couldn't sleep anymore. She sat up, hugged her knees and leaned against the back of the sofa. She looked at Hoshino Gen with a resentful expression, who didn't even raise his head:"Don't you think of me as your sister at all? Am I just a blood stranger in your eyes?"

【Friends, have any of you played the game"Red Skirt"? This game is super weird! Can anyone who has played it tell me, after your intimacy with the heroine exceeds 60, does the heroine also become a ghost? And it's so scary to stick her face on the screen!】

【The game still wouldn't close, so I unplugged the power cord and restarted the computer to recover. Then when I entered the game again, the intimacy became 59 again. I suspected that I had encountered a bug, but I tried it several times and it was the same! 】

Hoshino Gen saw an interesting post and blurted out Hoshino Rin's question without even thinking about it.

"Roughly the same……"

"……"Hoshino Rin stared at Hoshino Gen in astonishment:"This is too hurtful!"

Hoshino Gen ignored him and switched to the search engine interface and typed"Red skirt" in the search bar, but all that popped up were some online store advertisements promoting their own red skirts.

He raised his eyebrows and switched back to the previous post, reading the comments below

"You can try uninstalling and reinstalling the game"

"Check file integrity"

"Is there such a game? I searched but didn't see it."

"Are you kidding me? How can there be such a weird game?"

"Can you share the game file or tell me where to download it?"

"What type of game? There is an intimacy setting, and it can't be searched. Is it a blowjob game?"

Hoshino Gen looked around and didn't find anyone else who had played this game in the comments.

After thinking about it, he clicked on the poster's homepage and started a private chat.

"Hello, I am very interested in the game you described in your post at 8 o'clock last night. I am willing to buy the game files for 10,000 yen. If you are interested, you can reply to me."

After clicking send, Hoshino Gen suddenly found that someone was standing next to him, very close!

For a moment, Hoshino Gen's whole body tensed up, and he wanted to raise his elbow to hit him almost as a conditioned reflex, but fortunately, before the impulse turned into action, he realized that the person next to him was his sister who came over at some point.

He turned off the screen of his mobile phone calmly, turned his head and looked at Hoshino Rin, who was standing barefoot on the ground, with his hands behind his back and looking at him curiously:"Are you not sleeping?"

"I couldn't sleep and wanted to chat with my brother, but you ignored me, so I was curious about what you were doing."Hoshino Rin paused, with a slightly strange expression,"Are you looking for...h games?"


"When my sister was sleeping next to me... I spent 10,000 yen to buy an H game." Hoshino Rin smacked her lips and took a step back:"And when I asked you just now if you didn't see me as your sister, you admitted it.……"

"……"Hoshino Gen was silent for two seconds, then suddenly stood up, scaring Hoshino Rin to take two and a half steps back, as if she was really afraid that Hoshino Gen would suddenly go wild and do something to her. She was not bragging, she fully understood how much her cuteness attracted the opposite sex!

And just like she asked Hoshino Gen before if he didn't treat her as a sister, she could ask such a question because she had a deep understanding of it. At least before yesterday, she didn't treat Hoshino Gen as a brother at all.

However, what surprised her a little was that after Hoshino Gen stood up, he just said to her calmly:"When you sleep, there is someone you don't trust next to you. It will only increase your psychological pressure and has no other effect, so I suggest you go back to your room, lock the door and rest."

After that, he walked towards his bedroom.

Eh? Even if you don't go wild, at least explain or find an excuse to prevaricate about the h game! Don't you care about your image in the eyes of your cute sister! ?

"Wait!" Hoshino Rin quickly grabbed Hoshino Gen's sleeve:"I'm not worried about you!"

Her face flushed, and her eyes wandered to other places:"I know it's normal for boys of this age to be interested in that kind of thing... and I really don't dare to stay in the room alone."

Hoshino Gen sighed, not wanting to explain, and not knowing how to explain. He turned around and said helplessly:"Then you just go to bed honestly, and don't pry into other people's privacy casually."

"Huh? Oh……"This sounded strange. As a super popular idol, people have always been keen to pry into her privacy. She never expected that one day someone would accuse her of invading other people's privacy.

Hoshino Rin obediently returned to her sofa and curled up, but this time she was wrapped much more tightly in the blanket.

Hoshino Gen also sat back down. He opened his phone and took a look. He hadn't received a reply to the private message just now, so he exited and continued to look for other posts that seemed to be about supernatural events. What he didn't notice was that Hoshino Rin, who was on the sofa on the other side, also took out her phone and opened the forum.

Hoshino Rin recalled the content on the page on Hoshino Gen's phone just now, and entered a few keywords based on her memory. Sure enough, she also found the post about"h games" that Hoshino Gen had read before.

In fact, she didn't quite see what was written in the post just now. She only saw the title and a few replies, as well as a private message from Gen Hoshino who asked the poster to spend 10,000 yen to buy the game files...

However, when Rin Hoshino carefully read the poster's description of the game from top to bottom, she suddenly felt a chill on her back. This game sounded so weird.

Is it really an H game? Rin Hoshino recalled what happened in her previous"dream" and shuddered slightly. If her brother didn't buy the game for the"H" part, then he must have bought it for the weirdness, right?

Rin Hoshino quietly looked in the direction of Gen Hoshino.

The handsome face that was absolutely attractive to girls looked a little melancholy under the light of the mobile phone. He was wearing a loose white shirt, clean and refreshing. When the moonlight poured on him through the floor-to-ceiling windows, it really felt a bit like a dream.

"Sure enough, with such looks, there is actually no need to play any H games……"

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