Hoshino Rin didn't know when she fell asleep. When she opened her eyes, it was already bright outside the French window of the living room.

She sat up dazedly and looked around, but she didn't see her brother Hoshino Gen.

The living room was empty and quiet without a sound. For no reason, Hoshino Rin suddenly felt a little scared. She wrapped herself tightly in the blanket and tentatively called out,"Onii-chan?"

"In the kitchen."

A response came from the kitchen.

Hoshino Rin felt relieved immediately. She put down the blanket, stepped on the cartoon shark slippers and ran to the kitchen. Then she saw Hoshino Gen in a white shirt standing in front of the induction cooker. The stove was on and something seemed to be stewing in the pot above. Hoshino Gen himself was holding a mobile phone in his left hand and tapping on the screen quickly.

"Are you cooking?"Rin Hoshino was a little surprised. She had no idea that Gen Hoshino had cooking skills.

"Well, I don't feel like going out today." Hoshino Gen replied casually.

Hoshino Rin glanced at his right hand wrapped in white gauze hanging down to the side, and then a cute smile appeared on her face:"Your hand is still injured, let me do it instead."

"What are you cooking?"Rin Hoshino didn't seem to give Gen Hoshino a chance to refuse. She walked a few steps to Gen Hoshino's side and pushed her brother away from the induction cooker with her little butt.

Gen Hoshino followed suit and decisively left the cooking area, while answering,"The broth in the pot."

"Broth? Is it so greasy so early in the morning?"Hoshino Rin wrinkled her nose.

This kind of breakfast was obviously not acceptable to her.

She curiously reached out and lifted the lid of the stew pot.

A large amount of hot steam came out, and then Hoshino Rin saw the almost unsightly hodgepodge in the pot.

The boiling light red soup exuded a fishy smell, and a large amount of unappetizing foam adhered to the wall of the pot.

Meat chunks of varying sizes and odd shapes were vaguely visible, but what was more eye-catching were the vegetables such as cabbage and tomatoes that had been cooked...

Hoshino Rin calmly turned off the induction cooker. Well, just throw away the pot later.

Sitting at the table in the restaurant area outside, Hoshino Gen heard the sound of the induction cooker being turned off, and looked up with a bit of surprise:"Is it cooked?"

"Brother, have you never cooked?"

"……Well, what's wrong?"

"What else? You will definitely get sick if you eat what you cooked! Onii-chan, please don’t go into the kitchen again, okay?"

Probably realizing something, Hoshino Gen silently lowered his head and continued typing on his phone with one hand. The private message he sent last night has been replied, and he is now communicating with the other party.

Hoshino Rin pouted, muttered something like"Ignoring me again, so rude" and left the kitchen to wash up.......

"Are you really willing to spend 10,000 yen on such a weird game?"


"Although I think you will regret it if you buy it, I won't refuse if there is money to be made. However, I still have to make some things clear."

"Please say"

"This game is super weird, not only what I said in the post, I opened the game a few times after posting last night, and found another problem, when the favorability reaches 60 and something terrible happens, every time I restart the computer and enter the game again, the favorability drops more, and Qianjiang's expression will become more and more indifferent, and at the same time, the favorability is more difficult to raise.

My favorability has now dropped to 10, and no matter how I interact, it won't rise again, even if I uninstall the game and reinstall it, it's still the same"

"I now think that this game might be a virus written by a programmer out of boredom. Do you really want to buy it?"


"Well, I hope you don't regret it.……"......

After paying 10,000 yen online, Hoshino Gen successfully obtained the game file of"Red Skirt".

At this time, Hoshino Rin, who had finished washing up, also came back. She found her mother's apron in the kitchen and put it on. She turned back and asked Hoshino Gen in a soft voice:"Brother, what do you want to eat? Or do you want to drink broth? Let me make it clear first, I don't have much confidence in stews."

"Then do what you are good at."


Hoshino Yuan checked the directory of the game files. After making sure that these were really just some data files, he uploaded them to the computer in his bedroom. He planned to go back to his room after finishing breakfast to see what the game was like.

The breakfast made by Hoshino Rin was soon served, fried eggs, bacon, ham, toast, fruit salad... and a cup of hot milk.

These are all foods that do not require cooking skills, but are very suitable as breakfast. However, it is also true that Hoshino Rin is not a girl who is particularly good at cooking. At most, she has learned a few tricks for the filming effect when she was on some shows, but at least the fried eggs on the plate are still very decent.

These breakfasts are all prepared for Hoshino Yuan. As for Hoshino Rin herself, there are only whole wheat bread and fruit salad, as well as a glass of skim milk.

Hoshino Yuan took a look and did not make any comments. He did not like to interfere in other people's affairs. He was also accustomed to Hoshino Rin's starving diet.

Hoshino Rin supported her cheeks with both hands and smiled at Hoshino Yuan who was quickly finishing the food across the table:"How is it? How does it taste?

Although the taste of these things has little to do with the cooking skills of the cook, Hoshino Gen was not stingy in praising the workers:"It's great, much better than the school cafeteria.""

"Hehe~" Rin Hoshino was a little proud and started to eat her breakfast.

Rin Hoshino cleaned up the mess after dinner because Gen Hoshino had an injury on his hand, although the so-called cleaning was just putting the dishes into the dishwasher.

Gen Hoshino wanted to go back to his room to install"Red Skirt" immediately after dinner, but looking at the delicate back of Rin Hoshino busy in the kitchen, he suddenly worried whether the game was really related to the supernatural. If it was true, what if something unexpected happened and the innocent Rin Hoshino was affected?

Considering this, Gen Hoshino asked in the direction of the kitchen:"Are you going out today?"

Rin Hoshino hummed a beautiful melody softly, ignoring the meaning of Gen Hoshino's question.

Just when Gen Hoshino thought that the other party didn't hear clearly, Rin Hoshino suddenly said:"Onii-chan, who are you talking to? Is there anyone named 'you' in our family?"

Gen Hoshino was slightly speechless, and then decisively changed the words:"Rin, are you going out today?"

""Hehe~" Hoshino Rin laughed happily, probably feeling proud of her superb ability in"bringing people closer together".

She tapped her chin with her finger and tilted her head back thinking:"It seems that I don't have any work today... Oh, by the way, I have a show to record in the evening, so I will probably go out in the evening."

After that, she looked at Hoshino Gen strangely:"Why are you asking this, brother?"

"It's okay, just asking casually."After getting the answer he wanted, Hoshino Gen got up and left the restaurant. Hoshino Rin blinked her eyes with different colors, staring at Hoshino Gen's back as he left, and suddenly an idea flashed in her mind.

In the past, Hoshino Gen had never asked her whether she was going out, and he had never even talked to her. Today he was so abnormal, so there must be a purpose! There are probably only two possible purposes for asking her whether she is going out or not. One is to ask her to help her complete something outside, such as helping to buy things and bring them back. The other is to hope that she goes out and achieves the goal of being the only one at home.

Hoshino Rin thinks the latter possibility is more likely. Let's not talk about Hoshino Gen's personality problem. If it is really the former, no matter what He should have attached an explanation after getting the exact time of going out. How could he just turn around and leave after asking?

So following this line of thought, Rin Hoshino soon remembered that Gen Hoshino spent 10,000 yen to buy a game from someone last night.

Think about how Gen Hoshino quickly tapped the screen with his thumb on his mobile phone in the morning. It was obvious that he was typing, but such high-frequency typing on a mobile phone can only be possible by chatting! But as far as Rin Hoshino knows, this brother doesn't even seem to use Line, so the most likely possibility is that the brother contacted the poster and successfully purchased the game file!

Asking her when she will go out is to play the game when she is alone at home!

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