After the reasoning, Hoshino Rin fell into deep thought.

Although the conclusion was deduced by herself following the intuitive logical chain, Hoshino Rin felt that this should be the fact. But why can the game only be played when she is not at home? Hoshino Rin also quietly had a guess in her heart.

She also read the post. The characteristics of the game are weird. Although some people in the comment area speculated that it was an H-type game, she didn't think her brother went for this. But if he just wanted to play horror games, he wouldn't have to care about her at home.

So after eliminating all the impossibilities, no matter how outrageous the final answer is, that is the truth!

"Supernatural powers... do they really exist?" Rin Hoshino thought about it and decided to verify it a little.

First of all, her brother's plan is very likely to wait until he is alone at home before starting to play that strange game. From this, it can be inferred that her brother is either worried that she will be affected by supernatural powers like last night, or he wants to conceal something about supernatural powers. Of course, the possibility of both is the greatest.

So as long as she shows interest in the game, if her brother stops her, then her reasoning is most likely correct! That means that supernatural powers really exist in the world!

Taking a deep breath, Rin Hoshino left the kitchen and knocked on the door of Hoshino Gen's room.

The door was opened, and Hoshino Gen stood behind the door and asked curiously:"What's the matter?"

Rin Hoshino swallowed, made her expression as natural as possible and asked:"Onii-chan~Did you buy the game that you wanted to spend 10,000 yen to buy last night?"

Hoshino Gen raised his eyebrows:"Why are you asking this?"

"That is... I also saw that post. I am a little interested in the game mentioned above. If you buy it, can you send me a copy of the file as well?"After that, Hoshino Rin added:"Of course, if it is inconvenient, I can buy it myself from the poster.……"

Hoshino Gen stared at Rin Hoshino's somewhat unnatural face meaningfully for a while, and finally said calmly:"Whatever you want."

After that, he returned to the room and the door closed again.

Rin Hoshino, who was locked outside, blinked her big eyes, and after a moment, she stuck out her tongue and made a face at the door.

It was different from what she thought, but Rin Hoshino had already made up her mind. Her brother did not directly answer whether he bought the game or not, which probably meant that he had agreed. He did not agree to give her the game file directly, which probably meant that there was indeed a problem with the game. As for the last word of"whatever you want"... well, this was a miscalculation.

Although they did not spend much time together this year, in her impression, although her brother Hoshino Gen was a little taciturn, he was actually a very gentle and polite person. However, now she thought that those were just appearances. Now, maybe because he felt that his image had been shattered after last night, he simply exposed his true nature and was too lazy to pretend in front of her.

Looking at the current performance and thinking about it carefully, Hoshino Rin guessed that the gentleness shown by the other party in the past might be to reduce unnecessary communication with others. As for the politeness, it might be indifference and alienation to others.

Hoshino Rin became more and more curious about her brother who had disappointed her before. It felt like drawing a card in a game. She had been looking forward to getting an SR for a long time, but found out that it was just an R. However, when time peeled off the rough shell of the R, there was a golden glittering card hidden inside."SSR"

She thought about it, took out her phone and searched for the post again, clicked on the poster's homepage, and entered the private chat

"Hello, I want to buy the game you mentioned in the post,"Red Skirt》"......

The spacious bedroom is decorated in a girlish style with a main color of blue and pink. On the carpet, bed, and desk, there are neatly arranged plush dolls everywhere. The largest one is bigger than a person, and the smallest one is only the size of a palm.

Qingshui You tightly grasped a stack of talisman papers in her hand, and walked around on the carpet with a pair of bare white feet. Her eyes were fixed on the talisman papers in her hand, and her pretty face was full of entanglement.

Since she came back last night until now, she has been struggling and hesitating whether to test the functions of these talisman papers at home.

But think about it, there are only eight pieces in her hand, and they will be gone after they are used up! If she wants more, she can only find Xingye Yuan, but...if the conditions for getting the reward are the same as yesterday evening, she will not do it even if she is beaten to death. After all, she was almost beaten to death yesterday afternoon! Sure enough, it is a waste to use one here, right? Precious superpowers!

But, there are eight pieces in total, so it doesn’t matter if one is wasted, right? Eight minus one still has seven!

Qingshui You suddenly stopped where she was, holding the talisman paper tightly with both hands, and decided! Just use one! Just treat it as verifying the authenticity! After all, that guy is a guy who can use a cute girl like me to block mud, he is not a good person! What if he gives me a fake.

Thinking of this, Qingshui You successfully convinced herself. She put the seven talisman papers into the iron box in the drawer of the desk, and kept one in her hand.

How to activate it? It seems to use your own blood at the moment of leaving the body, right? By the way, did that guy bleed when he used the talisman?

Qingshui You rummaged through the drawer of the desk and found the thumbtacks that had not been used before. He lit the unburned scented candle on the desk and roasted the tip of the nail on the fire.

Qingshui You took a deep breath, pursed her lips, and pricked her left finger with a thumbtack. As the pain came, a hint of scarlet flowed out of her fingertips. She did not dare to neglect it, and quickly picked up the talisman paper and wiped it on her fingertips.

Suddenly, in Qingshui You's shocked but relieved eyes, the bright yellow talisman paper in her hand was swallowed by a wisp of flame, and then quickly expanded into a basketball-sized fireball floating on her palm.

A mysterious connection made her seem to be able to control the fireball. Qingshui You thought that this was probably because the fireball was stimulated by her own blood.

This is incredible.

A feeling of floating, as if she was in a dream, came to her mind.

"so beautiful……"The fiery red light was reflected in the watery big eyes, and Qingshui Yu murmured to herself


The piercing ring of the phone suddenly rang, and Qing Shuiyou's heart jumped, and the mysterious connection was instantly cut off.

"Ah!" With her short exclamation, the fireball exploded and turned into tiny sparks that dissipated in the air.

"ah——!"Qingshui You fell to her knees with a scream, desperately searching on the carpet, perhaps hoping to find some unburned talisman paper, but unfortunately the talisman was not a candle, and it turned into ashes the moment it was ignited. Qingshui You naturally found nothing. With a long sigh, she puffed up her cheeks and stood up to pick up the phone on the bed. She glanced at the caller, and it was indeed Suzuki Zemi.

When the call was connected, Qingshui You shouted with resentment:"Zemi...——~!"

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