"Onii-chan, I'm going out."

In the evening, after receiving a phone call from her agent, Rin Hoshino changed her clothes and prepared to go out to record the evening show.

Hearing her sister's farewell, Gen Hoshino, who was still sitting behind the coffee table and working hard with the mouse, looked up at her, nodded slightly, and then turned his eyes back to the game screen on the TV screen.

The door of the apartment closed, and Gen Hoshino was the only one left in the apartment.

The soothing melody in the game echoed in the living room. Staring at the cute and healing game screen, Gen Hoshino's eyes were calm, even though he had racked his brains to please the little girl in the picture all day.

But this is normal, after all, this feeling of having made countless efforts, but letting all the previous efforts go to waste just because of accidentally choosing the wrong answer to an inexplicable question is really not something that everyone can accept calmly.

In the game, under the blue sky and the blooming cherry trees, a girl with an angelic face smiled and looked out of the screen, as if she had seen through the limitations of the two-dimensional space and was looking at the three-dimensional player:"Y-san, thank you."

It was another sentence without a beginning or an end. Gen Hoshino sighed in his heart. Y was his game name, and Y-san was Qianjiang's current name for him as a player. Under normal circumstances, in such a plot, every time Qianjiang finished a sentence, several options would appear on the screen for the player to choose. The game could not be replayed, and there was only one chance to choose.

So every time he made a choice, he would think carefully before pressing the mouse.

However, what surprised Gen Hoshino was that this time, it was not an option that appeared on the screen, but a blank dialogue window. The cursor that appeared from time to time indicated that the player's reply this time would no longer be a multiple-choice question, but a subjective question with self-edited answers.

This unlucky game...

Hoshino Gen was already a little bit wanting to curse in his heart, but at this moment, the door of the apartment suddenly rang with the sound of fingerprint verification, and then the door was pushed open. Hoshino Rin, who had just left, poked her head in. Seeing Hoshino Gen looking at her, Hoshino Rin gave a slightly embarrassed and forced smile.

"Onii-chan, can you take the elevator with me for a while?"

Hoshino Gen looked at Chi-chan, who was smiling warmly on the TV screen, and then looked at his sister behind the door, who was laughing as if she was about to cry. He then decisively put down the mouse and stood up. He would rather go out for a walk and waste time than sit here and try his best to please a virtual little girl.

The Hoshino family's apartment in Jiangdong District is located on the twelfth floor. When taking the elevator, whether going up or down, it usually stops several times in the middle. Sometimes someone comes up, and sometimes there is no one outside. No one knows what will happen before the elevator door opens.

Although Hoshino Rin was not a courageous person in the past, She was a particularly large type, but she was definitely not so timid that she was afraid to take the elevator alone. As you can imagine, although she seemed fine when she was with Hoshino Gen, she actually seemed to have been scared last night.

Wearing a mask and a cap, Hoshino Rin adjusted her sunglasses to cover her special eye color, and then pinched the corner of Hoshino Gen's clothes with her slender white index finger and thumb. As the elevator was descending, she felt a slight sense of weightlessness under her feet. She unconsciously moved closer to her brother, as if this would bring her a great sense of security.

"Brother, do you think there are really ghosts in the world?" Hoshino Rin asked in a low voice.

Hoshino Yuantou, who was sending a message to the poster to ask if he could sell game strategies, didn't even raise his head, and said casually:"Don't let your imagination run wild. Since you have never encountered one in your life, it means that whether there are ghosts in the world or not has no effect on your life."

Hoshino Rin retorted:"Then what happened last night?……"

"You're having a nightmare." Hoshino Gen interrupted her.

Hoshino Rin slowly puffed up her cheeks, and her beautiful big eyes stared at Hoshino Gen's profile through her sunglasses angrily. However, Hoshino Gen never turned his head to look at her from beginning to end. In the end, she had to pout in frustration and muttered softly:"Liar."

Because Hoshino Rin's agent and assistant had been waiting in the lobby on the first floor, when the elevator came to the first floor, Hoshino Gen didn't even go down and went back the same way.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but after returning home, Hoshino Gen always felt that the temperature in the living room seemed to have dropped a lot.

First of all, excluding environmental cues, after all, at this moment, the sunset glow of the evening was flowing into the room through the circular curtain floor-to-ceiling windows, and the living room was almost filled with warm light.

Almost in an instant, Hoshino Gen realized something.

He walked to the TV, and the game screen changed as expected.

Before going downstairs, the picture in the game was clearly blue sky and white clouds, but now the sunset is all over the world, and Chi-chan, who was originally standing under the cherry tree and smiling at him, , now she is squatting on the roadside crying.

The evening breeze lifted the ends of her hair, and in the glow of the setting sun, even the tears on the girl's face were shining brightly. If anyone with a lolita complex saw this picture, they would probably lose control on the spot, but Hoshino Gen didn't buy it.

The typing box with the flashing cursor is still there, indicating that the game link has not been skipped due to long-term inactivity.

Hoshino Gen stared at Qianjiang who was crying very sadly and thought for a few seconds, then smiled happily. It seems that there is indeed a problem with this game.

He thought about it, sat back behind the coffee table, put his left hand on the wireless keyboard, and typed quickly:"Sorry, I just left for a while because of something urgent, what's wrong with you?"

After playing for a whole day, Hoshino Gen has almost realized that there seems to be no big difference between Qianjiang in the game and the girls in reality. The so-called favorability is not a cumulative value, but the other party's attitude towards the player's affairs.

She will be unhappy because the player who accompanies her chooses the wrong words, and she will cry because the player ignores her. She will say thank you and sorry, cry and laugh.

If you really want to improve Qianjiang's favorability, you can't treat her as a string of game data, but as a"person" separated by only a glass.

After all... ghosts were also people before they became ghosts.

But that's true, but in fact he has no idea how to improve the favorability of"people".

Hoshino Gen cut out the panel and glanced at the current favorability.

21 (familiar)

He remembered that it was 23 before he went downstairs... Tsk, this is really the most difficult game he has ever played.

Hoshino Gen took out his phone and checked the time. It was now 6:40 in the evening. He didn't know if he could reach 60 favorability before dawn tomorrow. He finally cut into a chat interface. He sent a message to the poster asking for a game strategy but still didn't get a reply. He sighed. These days, whether it's catching ghosts or playing games, you have to be down-to-earth.

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