It was 11:08 pm.

Qianjiang's favorability towards Y-san was 29 (familiar).

Hoshino Gen yawned out of boredom. On the coffee table were several bags of snack packaging, with only a box of instant noodles with soup, a half can of Red Bull and an unopened can of espresso left.

In the middle of the mess of snacks and drinks, the black demon sword was placed there casually. As long as you stretch out your hand, you can grab the handle at any time, and as long as you exert a little force, you can immediately unsheathe it.

Hoshino Gen now wanted to draw the sword and chop the TV. Today, he almost threw all the sweet words in his life into this TV. Since the input box appeared in the evening, it has never disappeared. The multiple-choice questions are gone, and all the conversations with Qianjiang have become manual input!

Although there is nothing wrong with talking nonsense to a ghost, after saying so many nonsense in a row, Hoshino Gen not only felt that his emotional intelligence was soaring, but he was almost turning into a ghost!

He couldn't help but yawn out of boredom. Just as Hoshino Gen was thinking that there were so many evil spirits in the world, why not give up one, his cell phone that was thrown on the coffee table rang.

He leaned over to look at the caller, and the caller showed"The World's Cutest Sister"~(ღ˘⌣˘ღ)",

"……"Hoshino Gen was silent for a moment and answered the phone

""Onii-chan, can you come downstairs to pick me up?" The voice on the phone was very soft, just acting like a spoiled child, but if one's hearing was sensitive enough, one could notice the slight tremor in the voice, which was obviously an effort to hide one's fear.

How should I put it, this sister has completely become a coward

"Got it." Gen Hoshino's voice sounded a little helpless. He wanted to ignore it, but it was actually his fault. After all, he was the one who brought the knife back, and this house was also Rin Hoshino's home. The elevator usage rate dropped significantly late at night. Gen Hoshino was only out for three minutes when he brought Rin Hoshino back downstairs.

The brightly lit living room allowed Rin Hoshino to completely relax. She changed her shoes at the entrance, took off her mask and baseball cap, stretched her body and followed Gen Hoshino into the living room.

Seeing the mess on the coffee table, Rin Hoshino widened her eyes in surprise:"Brother, those aren't your dinners?"

Xingye Yuan ignored her and yawned uncontrollably.

He sat back behind the coffee table.

The favorability of this unfortunate game will decrease as players leave.

The longer the time, the more it will decrease.

Fortunately, this is not a serious game, otherwise, if it is released through a serious channel, the sales will definitely plummet!

Although it has only been more than a day, Xingye Rin has already adapted to the way this brother exposed his true nature.

If he doesn't want to answer, then he doesn't want to answer.

Who made you...

"SSR"Well, as a senior internet addict, Hoshino Rin deeply understands the truth that the harder it is to get something, the more precious it is.

Hoshino Rin went forward to tidy up the coffee table, but as soon as she got closer, she saw something familiar.

It was a long knife that was completely black. Even though it was about to be submerged in the snack packaging bag, its existence was so conspicuous.

Hoshino Rin's face turned a little pale. She remembered that she accidentally touched the knife last night, and then she began to die repeatedly in her dreams...

Hoshino Gen, who noticed the abnormality, calmly picked up the knife on the coffee table and stuffed it under the carpet. He was so confused while playing games that he forgot to put the knife away before going downstairs.

The thing that brought psychological shadows disappeared from her sight, and Hoshino Rin's expression relaxed. She swallowed her saliva:"Oh... Onii-chan, what is that?"

"Crafts found on the street"

"Liar!"Rin Hoshino decisively expressed her distrust of her brother.

"If you don't believe it, forget it." Gen Hoshino didn't care at all, his lazy eyes were cast on the TV screen, and then he was surprised to find that the chat input box disappeared at some point, and the interactive dialogue with Qianjiang had options again.

After a little thought, Gen Hoshino found the problem. He glanced at his sister who was staring at him angrily - it seemed that those dialogue options disappeared after Rin left in the afternoon.

Could it be that this ghost still knows how to be shy? Will he be embarrassed when there are too many people?

Gen Hoshino raised his eyebrows. Good thing, multiple-choice questions are much easier than subjective questions!

And Rin Hoshino, who was standing aside, saw that her brother quickly immersed himself in the game again and no longer paid attention to her. She was immediately deflated, and finally made a face at Gen Hoshino and turned away.

Rin Hoshino, who had just finished taking a shower, lay on her side in her nightgown at the back While the other girl was sleeping on the sofa opposite him, Gen Hoshino was still sitting in front of the coffee table working hard.

Originally, Gen Hoshino wanted to stay up all night to see if he could raise his favorability to 60 before going to school, but in the end he overestimated his patience. For him, who is not a lolita control nor a love-building enthusiast, the boredom of this game can be said to be second only to math class! At around four in the morning, with the soothing and quiet BGM lingering, Gen Hoshino fell headfirst on the blanket under him and fell into a deep sleep.


The TV screen flickered slightly, and the game screen and the snow screen switched back and forth, but at this time, the demon sword that Gen Hoshino had stuffed under the carpet trembled twice, and the flickering screen instantly returned to normal, and even the game automatically quit.

The dim living room finally became completely quiet.......

Hoshino Gen was woken up by his sister. When he opened his eyes dazedly, the world outside the floor-to-ceiling windows was already bright.

Hoshino Rin was still wearing the same white nightgown, and her messy hair showed that she had just gotten up.

Hoshino Rin sat on the carpet. When she saw Hoshino Gen open his eyes and sit up, she covered her mouth with one hand and yawned, and handed her mobile phone showing the time to her brother with the other hand. She said in a soft but listless voice:"Onii-chan, you seem to be late for school."

Maybe he was a little dazed and didn't have a good sense of space, so the latest iPhone was just about to make close contact with Hoshino Gen's face.

Hoshino Gen was not nearsighted, on the contrary, his eyesight was surprisingly good, so he had to lean back a little to see the time displayed on the phone clearly - 9:35. The morning class of Segawa Private Academy High School was at 8:40 in the morning, so he was not going to be late, but he was already late.

Hoshino Gen said"hmm" in a similarly spirited manner, wanting to go back to sleep, but he soon thought of something and woke up with a start.

He hurriedly looked at the TV screen and found that the game screen of"Red Skirt" had disappeared. Now the screen showed the desktop of the computer connected to the TV.

Hoshino Gen quickly grabbed the mouse on the coffee table and double-clicked the icon of"Red Skirt". When the familiar game screen appeared in front of him, his eyes turned to the column of favorability. Just like the last time he looked there last night, it was still"37 (familiar)".

Hoshino Gen breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, his work was not in vain.

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