"Brother, are you going to school today?"

Hoshino Rin's weak voice came from his ear. Hoshino Gen, who quit the game again, glanced at his sister who was swaying like a tumbler next to him. He was worried that she would hit her head on the coffee table.

It's okay to break a coffee table worth millions of yen, but if the head or face of this super popular idol was damaged, the loss of the Hoshino family would be huge.

Hoshino Gen stood up with the help of the coffee table:"Go"

"Oh~" Rin Hoshino also forced herself to cheer up. She shouted to Gen Hoshino who was returning to the room:"Then brother, wait for me, I will go with you."

Gen Hoshino did not respond, but it was considered as a tacit agreement.

When he finished washing up in the room, changed the gauze on his right hand, and changed into school uniform, Rin Hoshino had already changed into the school uniform of Segawa Private Academy, and was waiting for Gen Hoshino at the entrance with a leather handbag.

The girls' school uniform of Segawa Private Academy is not much different from that of ordinary colleges and universities.

Except for the more refined workmanship, it is also a normal short skirt JK.

At this moment, Rin Hoshino's slender, straight and white legs are wearing white over-the-knee socks, and her small and exquisite feet are stepping on beautiful round-toed leather shoes.

She has a slender figure and a pretty face.

Li, she is really a girl who is as sweet as candy.

Hoshino Gen was a little surprised, not because of how cute and pretty his cheap sister was, but because he thought that when Hoshino Rin said she wanted to go with him, she meant that he would accompany her to take the elevator, and then go their separate ways downstairs, one to be a student and the other to be an idol...

In his impression, Hoshino Rin seemed to have never worn a school uniform except for the day of the high school entrance ceremony.

While changing his shoes at the entrance, Hoshino Gen asked casually,"Don't you have to work today?"

""No, the concert is over, and the drama I was filming a while ago has been completed.

Advertising and endorsements are for next week.

I did receive invitations to a few variety shows, but I rejected them all.

Even idols need to rest!

" Hoshino Rin answered her brother’s question while putting on a mask and a baseball cap.

Although she became an idol because of her hobby, idols also have their own troubles, especially the need to hide when going out, which once made Hoshino Rin very unhappy.

Although she likes the feeling of being the center of attention when she is on stage, she still hopes not to be so in the spotlight when she is resting...

Of course, staying at home and playing games is also good, but the problem is that in the current situation, Hoshino Rin really doesn’t have the courage to stay at home alone, especially when there is a suspected ghost living in her computer.

When taking a taxi to school, the campus The room seemed a little quiet, which was naturally because it was the third class in the morning. Although happy education is popular in Japan now, basic classroom discipline can still be maintained.

After changing into the indoor shoes in her schoolbag, Hoshino Rin stuffed her own round-toed leather shoes into her brother's shoe cabinet. This was her second time coming to this school, and she had long forgotten the location of her shoe cabinet.

Hoshino Gen and Hoshino Rin are not in the same class. Hoshino Gen is in Class A on the first floor, and Hoshino Rin is in Class C on the second floor, so after changing shoes in the shoe cabinet, the two should go their separate ways.

At the stairs, Hoshino Rin waved goodbye to Hoshino Gen:"Onii-chan, remember to wait for me after school in the afternoon!"After saying that, she turned around and went upstairs.

Hoshino Gen's high school grades were not ideal. He was usually a taciturn student in class. If you ignore that unreasonable face, he should be the least noticeable person in the corner of the classroom.

But this world is a world of appearance, and this society is a society that recognizes money and status. Hoshino Gen has a good face and a pair of rich parents, so he can get preferential treatment in school.

Even if he is late, the teacher will just say"Come in" and lightly let the matter go. As soon as he sat down in his seat by the window in the front row, Hoshino Gen heard a lot of exclamations coming from a classroom upstairs. Others didn't know what was going on, but he could guess it. It was nothing more than his sister who was an idol found her classroom...

Hoshino Gen was unmoved and took out the textbook for the corresponding class from his schoolbag and spread it on the desk, then fell asleep.......

Qingshui You was a little distracted today. Although she was not very serious in class, it was rare for her to be so absent-minded since she came to school today.

After all, what she used to do most in class was to secretly read novels and comics, but now, or to be more precise, since last Friday night, she suddenly lost her enthusiasm for her previous hobbies.

Now, her mind is full of that bizarre world with ghosts, spirits, and superpowers. That world is out of reach and can't be obtained.

The feeling of being unable to push the door open even though it is right in front of her is really maddening. Qingshui

You originally thought that she came to school today just to chat with Hoshino Gen. Although it might be an illusion, when she was with Hoshino Gen, she always felt like she had stepped into the door of another world. The city scene that she had been tired of suddenly became novel. That feeling was much more interesting than reading novels and comics!

But what she didn't expect was that the seat of Hoshino Gen was empty the whole morning. Then she remembered that Hoshino Gen's hand was injured while hunting ghosts the night before, so it was natural for him to take a leave today.

After realizing this, her originally quite excited spirit immediately deflated, and she felt that she was completely wasting her time in school, so she became more distracted.���She was so daunted that she didn't even notice when Hoshino Gen entered the classroom.

But at this moment, a small paper ball suddenly flew from behind to the desk in front of Shimizu Yu, which woke her up from her distraction. She turned around and looked around, and soon found her good friend Suzuki Zemi winking at her.

Suspicious, she unfolded the paper ball.

"Look at the window."

Qingshui You blinked, not quite understanding what was going on. She turned her head and looked at her good friend again, but she was surprised to find that a large group of classmates around her were looking at the seat by the window in the front row, with expressions of dullness, admiration, or spring in their hearts.

Qingshui You vaguely realized something, and she subconsciously cast her eyes to the left front - the pink cherry blossoms were carried into the open window by the warm wind, and floated down on the boy's forehead.

He lay on the table, his eyelids closed, his long and thick eyelashes trembling slightly, his black hair drooping slightly, his skin white, he was bathed in the golden sunlight slanting in from the window, and he was as ethereal as a fairy from a fairy tale.

The classroom and the cherry blossoms, the breeze and the boy, the picture was as beautiful as a slowly flowing oil painting.

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