Her heart seemed to skip a beat. To be honest, Qingshui You was a little stunned. If possible, she even wanted to take a picture with her mobile phone and use it as a wallpaper.

But soon, Qingshui You came back to her senses. She slapped her cheeks with both hands a little harder. What a close call! She was almost fooled by this guy's appearance! Qingshui You, Qingshui You, how can you be like those superficial guys who judge others by their appearance! This is not right.

Qingshui You, who claims to have a noble heart, quickly broke free from the special artistic conception of this picture, so that she could look at the guy who dared to sleep in the classroom with a normal mind.

Tsk, actually, it’s nothing to take a closer look. He just took a nap. He must have stayed up late last night.


Shimizu Yu, who was walking absent-mindedly, was suddenly called by the teacher on the podium. She was immediately startled, but as the runner-up of the national kendo competition in junior high school, she reacted quickly.

She quickly stood up and replied,"Yes"

"You come and answer the question just now." The math teacher who spoke was an old lady in her middle age. Perhaps because she was used to the early days when relaxed education was not popular in Japan, she was strict and old-fashioned. In contrast to the young and fashionable English teachers, she was the type of teacher that students disliked the most.

And according to gossip, at the beginning of the school year, this menopausal math teacher had a big fight with the dean of studies because of her inability to become the head teacher...

The moment her name was called, Qingshui You's heart sank.

Not to mention answering the question, she didn't even know what the question was.

Pouted, Qingshui You lowered her head, and honestly admitted her mistake:"I'm sorry, teacher, I was distracted."

The attitude was good and the apology was sincere, but the menopausal old lady didn't buy it. She pointed outside the classroom with a sharp look in her eyes.

Qingshui You sighed slightly and stood outside the classroom in disappointment.

At this time, the math teacher called the name again:"Hoshino."

The classroom was silent, no one spoke, and no one responded. The scene just now obviously served as a warning to others. The previously lax classroom discipline suddenly became serious. However, this made the sleeping guy even more conspicuous.


The angry voice echoed in the classroom, tearing the flowing oil painting into pieces.

Hoshino Gen opened his slightly hazy eyes. He raised his face and was dazed for a moment, but soon realized what happened.

He stood up with his left hand on the desk and silently looked into the teacher's eyes, which were filled with suppressed anger.

"Let me repeat what I just said."The teacher said.

Hoshino Gen had nothing to say. The teacher pointed outside the door angrily. Hoshino Gen took a look in that direction and immediately understood what this meant. It was his own fault, so Hoshino Gen left his seat and stood outside as a punishment.

In the quiet corridor, Shimizu You and Hoshino Gen were leaning against the wall side by side. Although Shimizu You guessed what was happening when she heard the math teacher shouting"Hoshino" in the classroom, she couldn't help but want to laugh when she saw this guy yawning and standing against the wall as a punishment.

She looked at Hoshino Gen with a face full of gloating, and her beautiful big eyes seemed to be saying,"You have come to this day too."

Hoshino Gen also noticed the sight around him, turned his head and looked over, a little speechless, but he didn't care much. He habitually gave her a polite smile, and then shifted his sight and looked elsewhere.

This made Shimizu You feel a little bored.

She pouted, hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but whispered,"I've tried the talismans you gave me."

Gen Hoshino nodded, although it was not known whether this was a response to Shimizu Yu's words or because he was sleepy.

But Shimizu Yu automatically understood it as the former. She moved a little closer to Gen Hoshino and said a little embarrassedly:"Um, can I use my money to buy talisman paper from you?" Gen

Hoshino leaned his head against the wall, half-closed his eyes, and looked so listless that people worried that he would fall asleep while standing.

"How much do you think is appropriate for one piece?"A casual remark from Hoshino Gen made Qingshui You speechless for a moment.

How much is appropriate? This question is a bit difficult. In real life, it is actually a very simple thing to put a price on an item. If you really want to buy or sell it, then the psychological price may have automatically appeared in your mind when you have this idea.

The reason is very simple, because there is a reference.

But now Hoshino Gen asked Qingshui You to put a suitable price on a talisman that can stimulate"superpowers", which Qingshui You can't do.

If time goes back three days, she didn't even know that there was such a thing in the world. Without any reference, how to put a price on something that does not exist in the world... This is probably the difficulty of this question posed by Hoshino Gen for Qingshui You.

"I don't know, how much do you want to sell it for?" Shimizu You asked in a low voice.

She thought Hoshino Gen would give her a very high price, but Hoshino Gen cast his eyes on her and looked her up and down thoughtfully.

Hoshino Gen's look made Shimizu You feel a chill all over, and just when she was hesitating whether to punch this bastard in the eye, Hoshino Gen spoke.

He asked:"Your name is Shimizu You, right?"

Shimizu You looked suspicious, but still nodded.

"Are you brave enough?" Xingye Yuan continued to ask

"Still... okay?" Although she didn't know why Hoshino Gen asked this, Shimizu You still answered truthfully. After all, if she wasn't very brave, she wouldn't be so keen on horror novels with supernatural elements.

After getting a satisfactory answer, Hoshino Gen fell into thought again. He looked at Shimizu You carefully and found that she had black hair, white skin, bright and clear almond eyes, small and rosy lips, and most importantly, a slender and tall figure, slender and straight legs. She is a rare and authentic beautiful girl.

Well... her IQ is not high, but she is strong, receptive, and courageous. The most important thing is that she will not only not lose face when you are around, but she is even a little pleasing to the eye - for a moment, the idea that she had long ago, but then gave up because of fear of trouble, came to her mind.

Just when Shimizu You was stared at and his whole body was hairy, Hoshino Gen smiled and spoke:"I have a job here, are you interested? The reward is the talisman you want, one per week."

Qing Shuiyou's heart skipped a beat. When she heard that she still had a chance to get the talisman, she almost agreed without hesitation. But when the words were on her lips, she suddenly remembered the way Hoshino Gen had been staring at her body. She crossed her arms and asked cautiously,"What job?"

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