Ignoring the obvious misunderstanding of Shimizu Yu, Hoshino Gen smiled and said,"I remember you seemed to like the novel called"Psychic Detective Notes" very much?"

Shimizu Yu didn't quite understand what Hoshino Gen wanted to express, and frowned and asked in confusion,"Is there any connection between the work you mentioned and this?"

Hoshino Gen didn't answer Shimizu Yu's question, but asked,"Have you read other works of this type?"

"Of course, I have seen all the slightly famous ones!"Qi Shuiyou said with a proud smile

"For example?"

Speaking of this, Shimizu Yuu became a little excited, and she opened her mouth and said:"The Phantom Tale》、《Onmyoji's Work》、《Hundred Ghosts》……"

Every time she mentioned a work name, Hoshino Gen nodded. Finally, he interrupted Shimizu Yu, who had already mentioned more than a dozen works and was still willing to continue, and said with a smile:"Then have you noticed that in these works, all the characters who use exorcism as a profitable job have one thing in common?"

"Um... do they all have special abilities?" Shimizu You blinked her beautiful big eyes and said tentatively.

Hoshino Gen shook his head and his smile became gentler:"No, they all have an assistant who is used to do some tedious and boring, but indispensable preparatory work."

Shimizu You slightly widened his eyes and said in surprise:"You want me to be your assistant?"

The surprise was not because of unwillingness, but because of surprise, just kidding! She dreamed of getting a deeper understanding and touching those mysterious supernatural things. As for being an assistant and doing boring and tedious preparatory work, that was not a problem! After all, it was boring, but that must be because the kid had been used to it. As the saying goes, a full man does not know the hunger of a hungry man!

The things that kid is used to must be super novel and incredible things for himself! And if you are this guy's assistant, doesn't it mean that you are indirectly participating in and solving some"supernatural" events?

Shimizu You's eyes were sparkling, and suddenly he felt that Hoshino Gen had become super pleasing to the eye.

Hoshino Gen asked with a smile:"What is your answer?"

"Of course I am willing! When will it start?"Qi Shuiyou suppressed his excitement and asked impatiently.

"No hurry." Hoshino Gen thought for a moment and said,"I'll print out a contract after school, and you can start work after you sign it."

Shimizu Yu had no objection to this, but at this moment she suddenly saw Hoshino Gen take out an A4 paper from somewhere and was writing something on it with a pen he carried with him. She couldn't help but ask,"What are you writing?"

"Application for resignation."

"Application for withdrawal?!" Shimizu Yu was surprised and said,"Are you going to withdraw from the Kendo Club? Didn't you just join last Friday?"

Hoshino Gen paused and said,"I joined the Kendo Club to practice swordsmanship and to take a bamboo sword to the gym in the woods after school. Now I don't need it anymore. Of course, the Homecoming Club is more suitable for me." As if he had thought about the wording, he continued to write furiously after he finished speaking.

"No way, you joined the Kendo Club just to steal the school's bamboo swords?" Qingshui You opened his eyes wide, he didn't expect this guy to be a part-time thief!

"Don't say such harsh words." Hoshino Gen smiled and said,"The money my father donates to the school every day is enough to build several new dojos. What's wrong with me borrowing a few bamboo swords?"

"……"Shimizu Yu was speechless

"Oh, right." Hoshino Gen suddenly remembered something and turned to Shimizu Yu and said,"I remember that you seem to be a member of the Kendo Club. If you decide to be my assistant, you'd better quit the club as soon as possible, because after school is your working time."

"Huh?"Qi Shuixian was stunned, but after comparing the weight of"superpowers" and"kendo" in his mind, he nodded reluctantly:"Oh"......

"Eh!? Is this true? Is that Rin-chan? Rin-chan from TKY02 is coming to school?"

"Of course it’s true! I just went to see it during the break!"

"How is it? Is it as pretty as on TV?"

"She's much cuter than on TV! If I could have Rin-chan as my girlfriend, I'd be willing to lose 30 years of my life!"

""Tsk——Come on, even if you jump off the building and commit suicide now, no one will even look at you~"

The noisy voices in the school cafeteria at noon were continuous. Whenever there was a little bit of movement on campus, you would definitely hear the news here. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a transfer station for campus intelligence.

And the biggest news of Segawa Private Academy today is naturally that the current super popular idol, Hoshino Rin, came to school.

Although it is not to say that it has set off any craze, at least when Hoshino Gen walked in the cafeteria, for every ten people he passed by, at least five were talking about Hoshino Rin or TKY02, so it was also a topic of great concern. , Hoshino Gen, the"older brother of the idol", has also received several times more attention than usual.

Hoshino Gen does not have the habit of bringing a lunch box. Although girls from other classes often come to talk to him, share tables, or ask for contact information when he eats in the cafeteria, they are basically discouraged by Hoshino Gen's perfect"death smile". Over time, he was naturally labeled as"weird", so basically no one bothered him.

However, due to the incident of Hoshino Rin coming to school today, his long-quiet lunch time instantly turned into a"fan Q&A" column!

"Hoshino-san? Are you really Rin-chan's brother? Do you usually live together?"

"Why didn't Rin-chan have lunch with you?"

"How is your relationship with your brother and sister? I also have a sister, but she ignored me after she reached puberty. Is Rin-chan like this at home too?"

A bunch of inexplicable and privacy-related questions stopped him at the food window. The silent Gen Hoshino turned around decisively, went to the vending machine to buy a piece of fried noodles bread and left the cafeteria.

In Japan, there are far more students who bring lunch boxes than go to the cafeteria. The classroom during lunch break is always accompanied by the aroma of food and a lively atmosphere.

Classmates who have been together for almost a month already know Gen Hoshino's personality, so no one here would be so tactless as to run up to him and ask him questions, because everyone knows that they can't ask anything and will only get an embarrassing smile.

Gen Hoshino sat in his seat, chewing bread slowly, while casting his eyes to the blue sky outside the window. In the classroom where everyone is sitting at the same table, he has a sense of"unique and independent".

This scene fell into Suzuki Zemei's eyes, and it became——

"He's really a loner."

Suzuki Zemi picked up a meatball and put it in her mouth, complaining to her good friend Shimizu Yu who was eating lunch with her:"If you hadn't told me that he used you to block the mud, I would have almost thought that guy was a cool male god."

At this time, Shimizu Yu was looking at Hoshino Gen and casually defended him:"Maybe he is just too lazy to communicate with ordinary people"

"An ordinary person?" Suzuki Zemi asked curiously,"Isn't he?" Shimizu Yu opened her mouth and was about to nod subconsciously, but fortunately her head had not been completely overwhelmed by excitement and expectations. Her low IQ came online in time, and she quickly laughed,"Look, he is the idol's brother, his family is so rich, and he is mixed-blood... You can tell from looking at him that he is not from the same world as us, right?"

"How come we are not from the same world?" Suzuki Zemei puffed out her rather large chest in dissatisfaction:"Uncle Shimizu is……"

Before she could finish her words, Suzuki Zemei was interrupted by a knock on the classroom door.

Many students in the class fell silent, and then looked towards the classroom door. The one knocking on the door was a senior girl. She glanced at the scene in the classroom and asked:

"Excuse me, are Hoshino Gen and Shimizu Yuu here?"

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