"Student Union?"

Seeing the sophomore senior who introduced herself, Hoshino Gen and Shimizu Yu who were called to the corridor were a little confused.

The sophomore senior nodded:"Yes, both of you have been recommended to join the union. Please come to the meeting room after school this afternoon for a meeting."

Hoshino Gen frowned and asked in confusion:"Recommendation for membership? Who recommended it?"

The girl also asked in confusion:"Didn't you submit your application to the teacher, and then the class teacher recommended you to join the union?"

Shimizu Yu was surprised and said:"No, I have never applied to join the student union!"

"Is that so?" The senior was also surprised:"There shouldn't be any mistake!"

After saying that, she lowered her head and flipped through the roster in her hand:"Class A, Grade 1, Hoshino Gen, Shimizu Yu... Are these your names?"

"The name is correct, but no matter what, we did not actively apply to join the student union."Gen Hoshino said:"Can you please erase our names, senior sister?"

Shimizu You nodded repeatedly on the side. In order to work part-time after school, she even quit her favorite kendo club. How could she have the time to join the student union?

But this second-year senior sister was in trouble. She said helplessly:"But you two have already registered. How can you just erase your names? The student union of our school is not a place for fun. The last president has stipulated that you cannot withdraw within at least one month after joining!"

Gen Hoshino's eyebrows moved slightly. He suddenly changed his attitude and nodded:"Okay, senior sister, we got it."

Shimizu You looked at Gen Hoshino in astonishment. He was inexplicably"forced" to join the student union. This guy actually accepted his fate? Is he such a character?

Hearing this, the senior sister also breathed a sigh of relief:"That's good, then please don't be late."After saying that, she nodded to the two of them, and rushed to other classes with the roster.

"Hey, are we really going to join the student union? I still don't understand what's going on.……"Qingshui You looked at Hoshino Gen and asked with frowned eyebrows.

Hoshino Gen shook his head:"Whether to join or quit, it is not up to the senior sister just now. In this case, why waste time with her here."

He frowned, his voice still flat:"You go back and wait for news, I'll go ask the real boss."

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the office.

Qingshui You scratched his head, his face still puzzled. There were not many people in the teacher's office, so at this moment, the young and beautiful, slender figure wearing headphones while listening to music and drinking a drink seemed even more eye-catching.

Hoshino Gen walked into the office and went straight to the desk of the female teacher. The other party seemed to be listening to the music very intently and did not notice the arrival of Hoshino Gen at all. It was not until Hoshino Gen knocked on the other party's headphones that the female teacher noticed that someone had come to her side.

She took off her headphones and hung them on her slender white neck, raised her beautiful face with a little makeup towards Gen Hoshino, and smiled warmly:"Mr. Hoshino, what can I do for you?"

Risa Fujiwara, the head teacher and English teacher of Class A, Grade 1, Segawa Private High School, had just graduated from college and this was her first year at work.

Because the age difference was not big, and she was fashionable and generous, and beautiful, not only the students in her class loved her very much, but many students in other classes were also very keen to communicate with this teacher.

But perhaps it was because she had no experience in her first year of work that she always took too much responsibility for her students.

Gen Hoshino was quite troubled by this. Not long after the start of the school year, the school held a parent-teacher meeting. Parents from all walks of life poured into the spacious and bright classroom. The students were either full of smiles or led their parents to their seats helplessly.

In such a mess, Risa Fujiwara saw Gen Hoshino sitting in a seat by the window, holding his cheek and staring at the cherry blossoms outside the window boredly.

She didn't say anything at the time, but just wrote it down silently. After the parent-teacher meeting, she found Hoshino Gen to inquire about the situation.

At that time, Hoshino Gen's answer was"I forgot to notify the parents."

Fujiwara Risa believed it, and then, with the mentality of being responsible for the students, she called Hoshino Gen's father, intending to hold a"parent-teacher meeting" for the child alone.

Then she got a sentence from Hoshino Gen's father,"I am not in the country at the moment. If you have any questions, please talk to my assistant."

In astonishment, Fujiwara Risa called Hoshino Gen's mother again, but the result was almost the same. The lady on the other end of the phone told her in awkward Japanese mixed with English that she didn't know about the child's situation, and if she had any questions, please consult the child's father.

At that time, Fujiwara Risa vaguely understood something. Since then, Hoshino Gen has become the student she pays the most attention to in the class. However, Hoshino Gen's usual weird performance at school made him naturally become the"problem teenager" in Fujiwara Risa's heart who needs the most care and responsibility."

"Just now, a senior from the second year of high school told me that I was recommended to join the student union. Teacher Fujiwara, do you know what's going on?" Hoshino Gen looked into the teacher's smiling eyes, with a plain and polite smile on his lips.

"Isn't that great?" Fujiwara Risa smiled and said,"Joining the student union will allow you to learn a lot. All activities in the school, whether it's festivals or sports meets, are organized by the student union."

"But the problem is, I don’t want to join the student union.

"So that's it……"The smile on Fujiwara Risa's face faded, revealing a thoughtful look. After a moment, she smiled apologetically at Hoshino Gen,"I'm sorry, Hoshino-san. Last week, the president of the student union came to the office and asked the head teachers of each class to recommend two good students from each class to join the student union."

"Almost all the students in our class have joined the club. Although they will not be unable to participate in club activities after joining the student union, it will have some impact. I was originally worried, but at this time, you and Qingshui You suddenly applied to withdraw from the club and became the only two idle people in the class, so I recommended you to join."

After that, she apologized to Xingye Yuan with her hands clasped together:"I am very sorry for not asking for your opinions. The teacher already knows that I was wrong, but now it is done, how about Xingye classmate do the teacher a favor? As compensation, the teacher can agree to one request from you and Qingshui classmate~"

Xingye Yuan was silent for a long time, and also put away the smile on his mouth. He lowered his eyes and said calmly:"Teacher, you may have some misunderstandings about me, but in fact, you really don't have to waste time on me. What really needs your concern are other students who are really interested in studying. I will not go to the activities of the student union, and Qingshui classmate may be the same. Please help us settle it, thank you."

After saying that, Hoshino Gen turned around and left the office without looking back.

Watching Hoshino Gen's back disappear outside the door, Fujiwara Risa also sighed slightly in her heart.

This child is really worrying.

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