On campus, the school bell is always the most beautiful melody.

Like the symphony of the opening of a dance party, the quiet classroom becomes boiling in the next second, and the huge noise quickly fills the entire teaching building and spreads to every corner of the campus like a flowing water wave.

Qingshui You, who has been impatient for a long time, quickly packed her schoolbag and looked at Hoshino Gen who was sitting by the window in the front row. She found that the guy did not leave his seat immediately after school. Instead, he lowered his head and wrote something.

She was about to go over to take a look, but the voice of her good friend Suzuki Zemi came from her:"Xiaoyou, let's go to the club together~"

Hearing her good friend's words, Qingshui You remembered that she had not told the other party that she had quit the club. However, a few days ago, when she was still worried about not having enough pocket money, she had discussed the topic of"abandoning swords and taking up industry" with Suzuki Zemi, so now it was just a matter of saying a word.

"Ah, sorry Zemi, I forgot to tell you, I submitted my application for resignation this morning, so I won't go to the club anymore."

Suzuki Zemi was not surprised, she was just stunned for a moment and asked curiously,"You decided to work part-time?"

Shimizu Yutaka nodded in acknowledgement

"Eh——"Suzuki Zemi stretched out her voice but said in a coquettish tone:"Wouldn't it be boring for me to be in a district club in the future~" After that, she stared at Qingshui You with burning eyes:"Xiaoyou, where are you working part-time? I'll quit the club and accompany you! It's super interesting just thinking about it!"

Qingshui You was in a dilemma.

"Um, this……"She subconsciously turned her gaze towards Gen Hoshino and found that the guy had finished writing and was slowly tidying up his desk. She instinctively felt that this matter should be kept secret. After hesitating for a moment, Qingshui You made an excuse and said,"But it seems that there is only one person missing there. How about I go and ask for you while I'm working part-time today?"

"OK, do you want me to go with you? It would be a shame if you got cheated."

"No need, we are acquaintances, we won't be cheated"

"Is that so?"Suzuki Zemei looked at Shimizu Yu's somewhat unnatural face suspiciously, but she caught a glimpse of the clock on the wall of the classroom from the corner of her eye and found that the club activity was about to start, so she had to give up:"Okay, I'll go to the club first, and contact you after school~"

Suzuki Zemei walked to the door of the classroom, wondering why the stupid little Yu was acting strange today. But just as she was about to leave the classroom, a figure that made the surrounding space seem bright appeared in front of her, accompanied by bursts of candy-like sweetness.

Snow-white skin that seemed to be glowing, a face that was so delicate and beautiful that it was unreal, and blue-black eyes that were so beautiful that people couldn't help but hold their breath.

Suzuki Zemei is actually very confident in her appearance. From childhood to adulthood, except for her good friend Shimizu Yu, she felt that she was absolutely the best in terms of appearance, but at this moment, facing the person in front of her so closely, she actually felt ashamed of herself?!

"Ah, sorry!" Hoshino Rin realized that she seemed to be blocking someone's way, so she quickly stepped aside and then flashed into Class A. The noisy classroom became quiet the moment the girl came in. Hoshino Rin ignored her, her eyes filled with smiles. She waved at Hoshino Gen, her voice light and sweet:"Onii-chan, let's go home~!"

Suddenly, there were bursts of exclamations in the silent classroom, and then they turned into heated whispers. It might be because there were not many people in the class, and they were all classmates. Although everyone was amazed at the appearance of Hoshino Rin, they just watched from a distance with reserve.

After packing his schoolbag, Hoshino Gen stood up and walked towards his dazzling idol sister. Hoshino Rin naturally took his brother's arm and excitedly told him about the interesting things that happened at school today.

Watching the brother and sister go away, the classroom, which was originally slightly restrained, suddenly exploded. Words such as"Rin-chan","beautiful", and"envy" filled the classroom.

Shimizu Yu was stunned, not knowing whether she should chase after him.

But at this time, she saw Hoshino Gen passing by the classroom window and hooked his finger at her. Suddenly, Shimizu Yu understood what he meant, but when she picked up her schoolbag and rushed out the door, she was stopped by Suzuki Zemi who was still outside.

The other party freely confided to Shimizu Yu about how he was just amazed, and expressed the fact that he had become a fan of Hoshino Rin.

Shimizu Yu blessed his good friend's star-chasing journey, and the two parted in the corridor outside the classroom.

Shimizu Yu found Hoshino Gen in the shoe cabinet area. He stood with her idol sister, and his presence was really too high.

The students coming and going frequently cast their eyes over there. The bolder and more social ones would come over and ask Hoshino Rin for"photos" and"autographs".

As an idol, Hoshino Rin seemed to have no airs at all, and she accepted all requests from her classmates.

When Shimizu Yu changed her shoes and went over, Hoshino Rin had been surrounded by a group of people. Hoshino Gen was leaning against a cabinet on the side and looking down at his phone. When he saw Shimizu Yu coming over, he put away his phone and handed over a piece of note paper.

Shimizu Yu took it subconsciously and glanced down, and found that it seemed to be a list, but the items on the list were a bit strange

"Cockscomb blood, pigeon blood, gold... what are these all related to?" Qingshui You was confused.

"You don't need to know for now. Your next task is to buy all these things and send them to the antique shop."

""Ah?" Shimizu You was stunned:"You want me to buy these things?"

The students all gathered around Hoshino Rin, no one paid attention here, Hoshino Gen took out a bulging black wallet from his pocket and put it in Shimizu You's hand:"Shopping funds, when you finish buying things and go to the store, I will explain to you the purpose of these things, and then you can decide whether to work for me or not."

After that, he turned and left, without even caring about Hoshino Rin who was actively developing fans.

Fortunately, Hoshino Rin had been paying attention to the movements here. Seeing Hoshino Gen leave, she immediately said goodbye to her classmates, put on a mask and a baseball cap, and chased after him.

"Brother, who is that girl?"

"classmate." Hoshino Gen said succinctly.

"Eh - really? But I saw you gave your wallet to someone else!……"

"Ask her to buy something for you." Hoshino Gen glanced at his adopted sister and said,"Don't think too badly of others."

Hoshino Rin stuck out her pink little tongue and said unhappily,"I haven't even said it yet, how do you know what I think?"

Hoshino Gen rolled his eyes and ignored her.

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