After returning home, Hoshino Gen threw down his schoolbag and took out the black sword from under the carpet. He found a piece of clothing to cover the blade. Finally, under the puzzled gaze of Hoshino Rin, he closed the laptop connected to the TV and tucked it under his armpit.

"Lend me your computer for a while, I have something to do outside now." After saying that, Hoshino Gen went to the entrance and put on the shoes he had just taken off.

"Huh? Wait, where are you going?" Hoshino Gen, who was lying on the sofa, quickly stood up and ran to the entrance:"Take me with you, okay?"

"No."No." Hoshino Gen refused decisively.

Hoshino Rin pursed her lips and looked at her brother pitifully. She pinched the hem of Hoshino Gen's clothes with both hands and shook them. Her beautiful eyes were filled with mist, as if she was going to cry in the next second.

"……"The corners of Hoshino Gen's mouth twitched, he knew that this girl has been a crybaby since she was a child, and now she is so old, she is still like this.

Although Hoshino Gen now wants to ignore it, he believes that if he really abandons this girl, Hoshino Rin will burst into tears as soon as he walks out of the house.

Although Hoshino Gen is not a moral person, let alone a gentleman, he actually can't bear to see others cry.

After staring at his sister's misty eyes for a long time, Hoshino Gen was defeated:"Whatever you want."

The pitiful look on Hoshino Rin's little face disappeared instantly, and it was replaced by a super sweet smile as if changing her face:"Thank you, brother~"......

When Hoshino Gen brought Hoshino Rin to the antique shop, Shimizu Yu was already waiting at the door with a bag.

Shimizu Yu was a little surprised to see that Hoshino Gen actually brought Hoshino Rin with him. She thought that she was the only one who knew the secret that guy had"superpowers"! But it's true, after all, he lives with his family day and night, so it's natural for his sister to know. Just as she was thinking about it, Hoshino Gen had come up to her. He handed the laptop to Hoshino Rin and went to open the door.

Since she saw Shimizu Yu just now, Hoshino Rin's eyes have been on her. After realizing that the girl was really standing here waiting for her brother, her eyes instantly became dangerous, a kind of look that she had finally opened."SSR"The feeling of being stared at and wanted to be occupied by others came to her mind.

But when she looked at the back of Hoshino Gen, a sweet smile immediately appeared on her pretty face. She walked briskly to Qingshui You and greeted him with a smile:"Hello, I heard from my brother that you are classmates. I know that my brother doesn't like to socialize, but I feel relieved to see that he has such an excellent friend like you. Please continue to take care of me in the future~"

Qingshui You found that there was a reason why this girl could be so successful in the idol industry. It's okay to be beautiful to the point of being foul, and she speaks so nicely, and her whole body is filled with sweetness. Such a girl only needs to stand there quietly, and the sky will become bluer, the clouds will become whiter, the flowers will become more beautiful, and even the lake water will become clearer.

This is a girl so beautiful that people can't help but want to get close to her.

Qingshui You fell in love with this girl of the same age in an instant, and envied the boy Hoshino Gen even more.

The rolling door was lifted, and the classic wooden door was also opened by Hoshino Gen.

Shimizu Yu smiled at Hoshino Rin a little embarrassedly. She and Hoshino Gen had said less than a hundred sentences in total, and she didn't even know if it counted as a friend. She didn't know how to reply to Hoshino Rin, so she had to change the subject:"You are more beautiful than on TV!" If you don't know how to talk to a girl, you can never go wrong by praising her for her beauty.

Sure enough, Hoshino Rin's smile became even sweeter:"Thank you for the compliment."

The decoration inside the antique shop surprised Hoshino Rin for a moment. She really didn't expect that her brother had such an exquisite and beautiful"secret base".

Following Shimizu Yu in, Hoshino Rin imitated Shimizu Yu, who was obviously not here for the first time, and took a pair of disposable slippers from the shoe cabinet by the door to change into them.

She skipped over to sit next to Gen Hoshino who was sitting on the carpet behind the low table. She put her little mouth close to Gen Hoshino's ear and whispered,"The contract you just printed was prepared for this classmate?"

On the way here, Gen Hoshino went to a printing shop to print a contract. Hoshino Rin was originally wondering what this was for, but now she found out that her brother was running an antique shop and there was a girl waiting outside the door. The smart Rin Hoshino easily guessed the reason. Gen

Hoshino did not respond, but Shimizu Yu had already carried her schoolbag and bag and sat opposite Gen Hoshino and Rin Hoshino.

She put the bag on the table, then took out a black wallet from her schoolbag and handed it back to Gen Hoshino:"The gold bars cost 131,200 yen, and the other things added up to a total of 8,430 yen, of which 6,000 yen was for the cock's comb blood.

Originally, they didn't sell it, and I kept raising the price before they agreed to help draw blood from the cock's comb.


Hoshino Gen took the wallet and put it in his pocket without even looking at it. He was more interested in the things in the bag on the table than the wallet.

He threw the contract in front of Shimizu Yu:"You can take a look at the contract, don't rush to sign it, I'll check the things."

Shimizu Yu said"Oh" and looked down at it casually, but she was a little confused by the dense handwriting.

But fortunately, Hoshino Gen checked things very quickly, and he simply flipped through the bag to confirm that there was no problem.

"Shimizu-san." Hoshino Gen suddenly called out, and Shimizu Yu quickly raised his head.

"Are you okay with tattoos?"

"Tattoos?"Qi Shuiyou blinked, then shook his head decisively:"No, no, if my mother finds out I'll be beaten to death!"

Hoshino Gen nodded, then continued:"What if it's a tattoo that no one else can see? It's not about fingerprints in private parts, but about the tattoo itself being invisible."

""Ah?" Shimizu Yu was even more confused:"Then why do I need a tattoo?"

Hoshino Gen stood up and walked towards a double door behind the reception room:"Follow me."

Shimizu Yu quickly stood up, and Hoshino Rin on the opposite side also chased after him with a gleaming look in her eyes.

Hoshino Gen pushed open the door of the exhibition hall, and a chill that made people feel uncomfortable blew in their faces, causing the two girls to shrink their necks subconsciously.

Hoshino Gen pointed to the dark-colored exhibits in the exhibition hall that were covered with talismans, and said:"The origins of those things are similar to that black knife. Once there is a problem, any of them here will be fatal to ordinary people."

After that, he looked at Shimizu Yu:"The tattoo I mentioned means that I use alchemy to draw the talismans directly on your body. When you are bewitched by those things, the blood-transmitting talismans will automatically activate to protect you."

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