"Now, let me confirm with you one last time." Hoshino Gen turned around and smiled at Shimizu Yu:"Are you still willing to work here when you may encounter supernatural things at any time?"

Shimizu Yu swallowed, and her heart was beating hard in her chest.

Her beautiful eyes reflected Hoshino Gen's face. She couldn't help but look back at the contract on the table. Suddenly, she felt that the door on the mysterious side was waving at her. As long as she wrote her name, the door would open to her.

Shimizu Yu did not answer Hoshino Gen's question. In silence, Shimizu Yu returned to the table and sat down. He picked up the pen that was pressing on the contract and signed his name on it at a very fast speed.

Then, he looked at Hoshino Gen with a burning gaze.

The originally plain smile on Hoshino Gen's face suddenly became warm, and he said in a friendly tone:"In this case, then from now on, you, Shimizu classmate, will be a member of the antique shop. I suggest that you read the contract carefully so that you can know what obligations and rights you have."

Shimizu Yu is a person who listens to advice. Since Hoshino Gen said so, she guessed that there must be some special clauses in this contract that need to be paid attention to.

While Shimizu Yu was reading the contract, Hoshino Gen went over and took the bag of alchemical raw materials to the backyard, and Hoshino Rin followed closely behind him.

The backyard is very large. Except for the part connected to the main body of the house, the other three sides are surrounded by tall walls. Two cobblestone paths are in a cross shape,"cutting" the entire courtyard into four areas. Flower beds, peach trees, pavilions, and even fish ponds... In this metropolis made of steel and concrete, it is as beautiful as a garden in the world that is not here.

But such a beautiful scenery did not make Hoshino Rin's eyes move even for a moment. From beginning to end, her eyes were glued to Hoshino Gen, and her heterochromatic pupils were frighteningly bright.

Hoshino Gen ignored her, as if Hoshino Rin didn't exist, and walked through the cobblestone path by himself, and came to the stone mill beside the pavilion. This was a very strange-looking stone mill, and the strange thing was not the shape, but the material.

It was called a stone mill, but in fact, it was obvious that this mill was not made of ordinary stone. The pitch-black color that could even reflect the surrounding objects looked more like obsidian.

When Hoshino Gen took out the things in the bag one by one, Hoshino Rin couldn't help but curiously touched the black stone mill. It felt smooth, but unexpectedly warm, probably because of the sun and the heat absorption of black. But after a careful feeling, it didn't feel like the touch of obsidian...

She was about to ask her brother, but at this moment, Hoshino Gen had already taken out a thumb-sized gold bar and stuffed it into the eye of the mill. This operation surprised Hoshino Rin. Hoshino Gen looked at his right hand wrapped in gauze, and then looked at Hoshino Rin who was standing next to him. In the stupid and puzzled eyes of his sister, Hoshino Gen gestured to her about the black stone mill beside him.

"……"Hoshino Rin blinked, then asked uncertainly:"Onii-chan... do you want me to grind the mill for you?"

Hoshino Gen looked down at his injured right hand again.

The corners of Hoshino Rin's pink and thin lips moved. As a super popular idol, she has an exceptionally good family background and has never lacked film contracts. She has participated in many movies, TV series, and variety shows, so it is not an exaggeration to say that she is an actor.

When she played a role in the play, she did a variety of things, but to be honest, she had never experienced grinding the mill, a job that donkeys are more capable of than humans.

Although her physical strength was not particularly poor, she did not have the idea of competing with donkeys in this regard. However, facing her brother's request, Hoshino Rin pursed her lips and reluctantly reached out to hold the grinding rod.

She tried to turn the stone mill like the donkeys she saw in the movies and TV series, but perhaps because the gold was too hard, the entire millstone seemed to be stuck by something and could not be turned.

Hoshino Rin's white little hands tightly grasped the grinding rod, her teeth clenched, and she used all her strength to suck milk, but the stone mill still did not move. She pouted and looked at Hoshino Gen with grievance, as if to say that it was not that she was useless, but that using a stone mill to grind gold was unreliable in itself...

Hoshino Gen did not speak. He did not know where he took out a bright yellow talisman paper. He threw the talisman paper gently, and the thin yellow paper shrank into a ball very delicately and fell into the eye of the mill. The next moment, the eye of the mill burst into flames, and all the gaps above and below the entire stone mill were full of red light.

Hoshino Rin was stunned and looked at her brother as if she had seen a ghost. She had long guessed that her brother might have some special abilities, and it was verified a few minutes ago, but this scene still brought her a strong impact that was no less than the collapse of her worldview, although her original worldview had been shattered once in the"dream" that night.

Hoshino Gen signaled Hoshino Rin to continue pushing.

Although Hoshino Rin had so many questions to ask and so many things to say at this moment, she said nothing in the end. She silently followed her brother's instructions and pushed the millstone. This time there was no obstruction or jamming. Although the strength required was still great, it was already within the acceptable range.

She pushed it in circles. In the middle, Hoshino Gen threw cockscomb blood, pigeon blood, octopus eyes, amaryllis flowers, cinnabar and a strand of his own hair into the millstone.

The fire in the millstone became more and more dazzling, but strangely, there was not a trace of smoke.

Until Hoshino Gen suddenly said"stop", Hoshino Rin stood still reflexively, so the flame that was still burning fiercely in the millstone in the last second suddenly went out, and then a wisp of smoke slowly flowed out of the millstone, like liquid flowing into the silver cup that Hoshino Gen had prepared in advance.

Such a magical scene that completely violated the law of conservation of matter made Hoshino Rin stare at it, intoxicated, and even held her breath unconsciously.

Hoshino Gen bit his left index finger and whispered softly.

"Below is like above, above is like below, thus completing the miracle of Taiyi……"

It was like whispering, like praying, but it was not chanting a"spell", but rather like talking to himself to remind himself of something.

Hoshino Gen placed his index finger on the silver cup filled with smoke, and a dark red crystal quickly gathered at the fingertips, and finally left the finger and dripped into the smoke.

Zizi - in an indescribable sound of joy and happiness, the smoke dispersed from the bowl, just like the sun shining through the clouds, and a thin layer of liquid red agate-like beautiful things appeared in the silver cup without a trace of haziness. It was so beautiful that it was intoxicating.

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