Yu Shimizu hadn't read a few lines of the contract when she felt dizzy. It was such a thick stack of A4 paper, and each page was printed with dense small characters. She really didn't have the confidence to finish reading it.

Just as she was forcing herself painfully to take in the words on the contract word by word, Gen Hoshino came back with Rin Hoshino. He sat opposite Yu Shimizu with a silver cup in his hand, and took out a needle from somewhere and held it in his left hand.

In Yu Shimizu's puzzled eyes, Gen Hoshino smiled at her and said,"You can start now. Where do you want the tattoo?"

"Huh? It starts now?" Shimizu You looked at the needle in Hoshino Gen's hand in surprise, and asked uncertainly:"Are you going to use this?"

Hoshino Gen smiled but said nothing.

Shimizu You twitched the corner of her mouth, a little hesitant, but she is the kind of person who will never back down once she makes a decision. Since it has come to this, she will grit her teeth and go through it to the end.

She took a breath, stretched out her right hand, and spread it on the table as if she was going to have her pulse checked. She pointed to her snow-white forearm:"Here it is……"

Without saying anything, Hoshino Gen pulled her arm and began to give her an acupuncture injection.

"Wait a minute!"

Hoshino Gen raised his head and looked at Shimizu Yu's nervous face in surprise.

"Well, I'm afraid of pain, please be gentle.……"Qingshui You whispered.

Xingye Gen lowered his head and stabbed Qingshui You's arm with a needle.

""Ouch!" Shimizu You closed his eyes tightly and couldn't help but cry out in pain from his throat.

But Hoshino Gen had no intention of showing mercy to her. The tip of the needle rose and fell on the fair and flawless skin at an extremely fast frequency, leaving light red marks wherever it passed like a painting.

Gradually, Shimizu You became numb to such pain. From the beginning, he would cry out in pain with every needle, but now it has become like this, with lifeless eyes and pupils moving up and down with the rise and fall of the needle tip in Hoshino Gen's hand.

Hoshino Rin, who was watching from the side, covered her mouth lightly, with an expression of"I don't understand but I am shocked".

More than ten minutes later, the inside of Shimizu You's forearm was red, and the dense needle holes formed red lines, drawing a talisman pattern full of mysterious symbols.

Some red crystals overflowed from these lines, and Hoshino Gen took out a handkerchief to wipe away the blood.

""Is... it over?" Shimizu Yu's crying voice sounded, and Hoshino Gen couldn't help but look up and found that the beautiful almond eyes were filled with tears, and she was in pain.

Hoshino Gen smiled and said gently:"Almost, there is one last step."

After that, he took out a very small pocket brush from his treasure chest-like pocket. Hoshino Gen put the mini brush into the silver cup placed beside him, stirred it gently, and when he took it out, the originally pure white and flawless brush tip was soaked with intoxicating red.

Hoshino Rin couldn't help but stretch her head to look into the silver cup, and was surprised to find that it was clean inside, without a trace of red residue.

At this time, Hoshino Gen had already lowered his arm and touched Shimizu Yu's skin with the tip of the brush, and fell. The dot is the upper left corner of the talisman pattern.

Qingshui You felt a burning sensation on her skin. It was different from the burning pain at the place where the skin was pierced by the needle tip. This feeling was like the moment when you put your feet into the hot water while taking a bath. It was so hot that you wanted to pull your feet back, but if you grit your teeth and endure it, you will enjoy the comfort brought by the bath.

Qingshui You is like this now. The moment the tip of the brush touched her, she couldn't help but shrink her hand. If it wasn't for Hoshino Gen pressing her, there would definitely be an extra mistake on her arm. Red scratches.

But as Hoshino Gen's wrist moved, the tip of the brush moved along the talisman pattern on her forearm, and an extremely comfortable and warm feeling enveloped her whole body.

Until Hoshino Gen finished writing, Qingshui You still felt a little unsatisfied.

But the next moment, she didn't care whether it was comfortable or not, because at the moment when Hoshino Gen finished drawing the talisman, a steam dissipated from her arm, and the golden and red talisman pattern was shining, flashing with fascinating and magnificent colors.

The steam quickly dissipated in the air, and the magnificent light gradually dimmed. In the end, even the talisman pattern disappeared.

Qingshui You's arm placed on the table was smooth and flawless, as if everything that Hoshino Gen had just done on it was a dream.

Qingshui You, with his eyes wide open, couldn't help but touch the place where the talisman was with his other hand. It was still smooth and delicate, without any graininess due to being pierced with so many needles.

It was really magical, so magical that Qingshui You still couldn't believe it:"Just... it's done?"

Xingye Yuan did not speak either. He spread out the clothes that wrapped the black demon sword and pulled out the blade. A crisp"clang" sound echoed around. Xingye Yuan brought the blade close to Qingshui You. The next moment, her wrist shone brightly, and the golden and red talisman that had just disappeared appeared instantly, and the black demon sword trembled uncontrollably.

Xingye Yuan put the blade back into the sheath, and the talisman immediately disappeared again.

Qingshui You was sure that the pain she had just endured was worth it, no, it was super worth it! Even if the pain was two or three times more, she could accept it! The scene just now, which was like a dream come true, really hit a certain point in her heart, and her whole face became flushed with excitement.

"This! You...I...this……"Shimizu Yu pointed at her wrist incoherently, excited beyond words!

Equally excited was Hoshino Rin, who was sitting next to Hoshino Gen. However, she was not paying attention to the invisible and luminous tattoo on Shimizu Yu's wrist. She was looking at her brother beside her, her eyes shining.

Hoshino Gen smiled and said to Shimizu Yu,"Don't be so excited. You'd better pray that thing won't be activated again."

After that, his tone suddenly changed, and he said with a smile,"Since the contract has been signed and the preliminary preparations have been completed, Shimizu-san, it's time for you to work now."

"No problem!" Shimizu Yu was very excited now, and immediately agreed to the work order issued by the boss:"What do you want me to do?"

Hoshino Gen snapped his fingers:"It's very simple"

"Didn't Mr. Fujiwara ask us to write an English essay before school? Please write one for me, but remember it should be different from your own."He also instructed:"You can write it in Mandarin first, and then use the translation software on the Internet to translate it into English and copy it down." After that

, Hoshino Gen pulled the contract in front of Shimizu Yu, wrote two English words in the blank space with a fountain pen, and pushed it back in front of Shimizu Yu:"This is my handwriting, imitate it a little bit"


Silence, stillness.

Qing Shuiyou's expression froze on his face, and the corners of his lips twitched:"Huh?"

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