In the current era of happy education, more than 80% of Japanese colleges and universities do not have homework except during holidays, but Segawa Private Academy, which pursues a high rate of admission, is different. Although the amount is small, it is not uncommon for teachers to leave some homework after class.

Shimizu Yuu lay on the table, pouting her face, and began to do her homework unhappily. Opposite her, Hoshino Gen was holding a laptop and continuing to play"Red Skirt", and Hoshino Rin was watching beside her brother as usual.

Time passed quickly.

About an hour later, Shimizu Yuu threw a piece of English manuscript paper in front of Hoshino Gen with a cold face.

Hoshino Gen took it and glanced at it. The content of the composition was extremely boring, with several grammatical errors and even a few misspelled words. The only noteworthy thing was that the handwriting was imitated well.

This was enough to satisfy Hoshino Gen. He said nothing, nor did he intend to make any changes himself. He just smiled and nodded at Qingshui You gently:"Then next, please clean the floor, sweep it first, then mop the floor, and finally wipe it with a rag."

Hoshino Gen pointed to the door of the utility room and said,"The tools are all in there."

After that, he retracted his gaze and turned his mind back to the game.

Qingshui You, who was standing opposite, was left staring at him in amazement. She tried to hold back, but couldn't. She had never done housework at home! It would be fine if she helped him with his homework, at least she looked like a clerical worker, but now this bastard asked her to use her as a housekeeper! Qingshui You felt insulted. She glared and shouted,"I'm here to be an assistant, not a nanny!"

Hoshino Gen looked at her again with a strange expression and said,"Didn't you read the contract carefully? Article 37 and Article 42."

Qingshui You immediately grabbed the contract on the table and flipped through it, and quickly found the two clauses that Hoshino Gen mentioned.

Article 37: During the validity period of this Agreement, Party B must obey all legal instructions of Party A during working hours.

Article 42: This Agreement shall take effect from the date when Party A stamps it and Party B signs or stamps it, and shall be valid for three years. During the validity period, Party B shall not unilaterally terminate this Agreement. If Party B forcibly terminates the Agreement, it shall compensate Party A ten times the amount of the entry benefits.

Shimizu You couldn't believe his eyes. What kind of unfair clause is this?! Sure enough, it was a complete illusion that he liked this guy! This guy is a super asshole who is worse than an asshole!

Shimizu You gritted his teeth and looked up at Hoshino Gen, and found that the asshole was also looking at him with a smile.

"I reminded you to read it carefully." Hoshino Gen said with a gentle smile.

Huhu... Shimizu Yu felt that if she continued to stare at this face that looked like it deserved a beating, her lungs would explode. She angrily threw the contract on the table and walked towards the utility room with a force that seemed to crush the floor.

Hoshino Rin took the contract curiously and looked at it for a few seconds, then looked at her brother beside her in shock, probably because she was shocked that her brother was actually a bastard.

But now she has confirmed that this girl named Shimizu Yu is not coveting her."SSR", but he was an unlucky guy who was tricked by his brother to work as a laborer.

Hoshino Rin felt very sorry for some reason. After hesitating for a moment, she stood up and ran to the utility room:"Shimizu, let me help you.……"......

As the sun was setting, Shimizu You, who had been busy for half a day, finally got off work. Considering that she worked hard on her first day, Hoshino Gen made an exception and gave her a talisman as a bonus.

After replenishing the"talisman library", Shimizu You felt that the anger bar in her heart, which had been at MAX for a long time, was reduced by half, and even Hoshino Gen's face, which asked for a beating, became handsome again.

Tsk! Considering that this guy still knows that he has gone too far and knows to give me compensation, I will forgive him again!

Shimizu You happily set out on the way home with his schoolbag in the sunset.

Hoshino Rin, who waved goodbye in front of the store, did not return to the store until Shimizu You's back disappeared from her sight.

Pursing her lips, Hoshino Rin looked at her brother who was sitting behind the desk with a very helpless look:"Is it really okay to cheat classmates like this? Using the big stick and sweet dates method to deal with innocent girls?……"Hoshino Rin feels that she has renewed her understanding of her brother's moral bottom line

"Cheating? What did I lie to her about?" Gen Hoshino said with a smile. He exited"Red Skirt" and closed his laptop:"This is clearly an equal exchange. I got a cheap labor force, and Shimizu got the coveted 'opportunity to use superpowers'. Besides, the so-called 'cheap' is only for me. Others can't afford the same remuneration. It's obviously a win-win situation. How can it be related to cheating?"

Rin Hoshino was speechless. She decided to skip this topic and adjusted her expression. Little stars appeared in her eyes:"Brother, can you give me some of the talisman you just gave to Shimizu?"

"What do you want that for?" Xingye Yuan was already cleaning up the desk. He pasted a piece of talisman paper on the laptop and wrapped two pieces of talisman paper on the black demon sword next to it.

"Because you just said that it was a 'superpower use opportunity’……"Hoshino Rin's face was full of"interest, want" little expression.

Hoshino Gen folded up the English composition that Shimizu Yu had written for him and put it in his pocket. He smiled at his cheap sister, and then went to the shoe cabinet to change shoes without saying anything.

Hoshino Rin puffed up her little face and called out coquettishly:"Onii-chan~~"

Hoshino Gen ignored him, changed his shoes, stood up and walked out the door:"I'm going home."

Hoshino Rin heard this, pouted aggrievedly, and chased after him.

The wooden door was closed, the rolling door was lowered, and the antique shop was closed.......

The next morning, Rin Hoshino received a call from her agent and went to the agency to attend daily training.

Gen Hoshino went to school alone as usual.

As soon as he entered the class, he found that the atmosphere around him was not right.

Usually when there were no classes, the classroom would be very noisy.

However, today, most of the students were reading books in their seats.

Many of them were repeating formulas or the spelling letters of English words.

Among them was Yu Shimizu who was sitting behind him on the right.

Gen Hoshino took a quick look and soon understood that these people were cramming before the exam...

Exams, Gen Hoshino sleepwalked all day yesterday and had no idea about it, but he was not panicked at all. Anyway, it didn't matter what the test results were. At most, he would be nagged by the teacher.

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