After the last test, it was time to go home.

The weather in Tokyo today was not very good. The sky was gloomy and it might rain at any time. At the end of April, it was about to enter May, and the rainy season was about to come. It seemed reasonable to have a few heavy rains to warm up the atmosphere.

In order not to get soaked halfway, Hoshino Gen took a taxi directly outside the school gate to the antique shop.

After yesterday afternoon's hard work, Qianjiang's favorability towards Y-san had increased to 43 points. If he worked harder, he might be able to achieve his goal today. After making himself a cup of coffee skillfully, Hoshino Gen sat on the carpet behind the desk, peeled off the talisman paper he had pasted yesterday, and turned on the computer.

With the familiar melody, he tried his best to shift his attention to"Red Skirt".

The cute painting style and healing music, if this game had not been subconsciously labeled as"supernatural" and needed to be on guard against possible attacks at all times, Hoshino Gen would actually be happy to play it as a way to relax in his spare time.


A muffled thunder exploded in the sky, and then there was the sound of raindrops hitting the eaves.

Almost at the same time as the rain, Qingshui You, carrying a schoolbag, pushed open the door of the antique shop and rushed in.

She changed her shoes while panting:"Ha... huh! It was a close call, I almost got soaked."

She sat down opposite Xingye Gen and asked curiously:"Why are you running so fast? I ran all the way here."

"Two legs can't outrun four wheels, no matter how fast they are." Gen Hoshino replied with a smile.

Qing Shuiyou understood what he said as soon as she heard it, and she couldn't help but curl her lips:"Tsk, so rich."

In Japan, taking a taxi is actually a luxury. The price is ridiculously expensive for ordinary people. If there is no emergency, the tram is the mainstream means of transportation for people.

And the school is not far from here at all, and he still took a taxi back. He is really a big spender.

After sitting on the soft carpet and resting for a while, Qing Shuiyou saw that Gen Hoshino was still playing on the computer, and couldn't help asking:"What game are you playing? The BGM is nice."

In fact, Qing Shuiyou wanted to ask yesterday, but she was so angry at this guy yesterday that her stomach hurt, and she was worried that she would pick up the bamboo sword and fight with him if she talked to this guy, so she barely resisted her curiosity.

Fortunately, things are over now, and Qing Shuiyou feels that their relationship should have recovered to the point where they can have a normal conversation.

"《Red Skirt", a galgame about useless cute love."

Shimizu Yu was shocked and stared at Hoshino Gen as if she had just met him. She had always thought that this guy was a cold guy who was gentle and distant on the surface, but actually dark and shameless. She really didn't expect that he would be so addicted to beautiful girl games and love games. Could it be that this guy is unexpectedly an otaku?!

Wait, think about it carefully. This guy almost never talks to others in class. Is it possible that he is not cold in character, but social phobia! Is he using a smile to cover up his fear? Amazing!

Shimizu Yu's expression changed again and again. She was wrong. This guy actually hid so deeply.

Hoshino Gen didn't know what Shimizu Yu had imagined because of his casual words, but just from her expression in the corner of her vision, she could tell that it must be something inappropriate. He has time to daydream but doesn't know how to work. He is really an unconscious stupid coolie. Hoshino

Gen played the role of a black-hearted capitalist and never gave his employees any time to slack off. He gave orders:"Shimizu classmate, if you have rested well, you should work."

"Huh? Oh."Although Qing Shuiyou is a lazy guy, she is very professional. Since she agreed to be someone's assistant, she will not be lazy during working hours. It is better to say that she still has considerable enthusiasm for this job, provided that Xing Yeyuan does not act like a human being like yesterday and let her continue to be a housekeeper.

"What do you need me to do?" asked Qing Shuiyou

"Just do what you did yesterday."Gen Hoshino said as a matter of course:"It seems that you only cleaned the living room on the first floor yesterday. It's raining today, so forget about the backyard. You need to clean the exhibition hall and the second floor carefully. Don't forget to clean the stairs. Oh, by the way, don't enter the innermost bedroom on the second floor. You can do whatever you want in other places."

Ignoring Shimizu You's dumbfounded expression, Gen Hoshino controlled the mouse and said to himself:"From now on, no matter whether it is the first or second floor, you have to clean it every two days. This is the main content of your future work."

Shimizu You's eyes were almost red. This bastard has a social phobia. He is obviously a purebred black-hearted psychopath!

She slammed the table and stood up and shouted:"This is not the job of an assistant. I don't do it!"

Gen Hoshino's expression did not change. He didn't even look up. His voice was still kind:"Are you planning to breach the contract, Shimizu You? No problem, you know the cost of the materials to make the talisman on your arm, and this does not include the labor cost when I refined it into an alchemical item. For the sake of our friendship, I will give you a total of one million, ten times the compensation, ten million sincerely."

After saying that, he raised his face and smiled gently at Qingshui You.

Qingshui You took a deep breath, turned around with a dark face and walked towards the utility room. This bastard deserves to be struck by lightning! Ten million, why don't you go and rob it!?

Listening to the crackling sound of rain outside, Qingshui You sincerely prayed that a lightning bolt would fall and hit that bastard. Looking at

Qingshui You's back, whose resentment was about to condense into substance, Xingye Gen was thoughtful. He took out his mobile phone and dialed a hotline for ordering food.

"Hello, please send a five-level set meal to 18, 2-chome, 3-dan, August Town, with double servings of rice.……"......


Amid the thunder, the rain was getting heavier and heavier, as if it was going to drown the world.

Deep in the woods, the rain formed small streams of water pouring down from the hem of the yellow raincoat to the ground.

Under the raincoat was a beautiful girl with teardrop moles at the corners of her eyes. She looked about eighteen or nineteen years old, but her young face was indifferent to her age. She looked like she had seen through the world and had no interest in anything. She had the flavor of a three-no girl.

The girl stared at the dilapidated gym in front of her and was silent for a long time. Finally, she reached into the hood of her raincoat, pressed the earphone hidden under her crystal ears, and said in a flat voice:"Ghost Cut, it disappeared."

The voice of a vicissitudes of life middle-aged man on the other end of the earphone:"Ah... It's so troublesome. Can you confirm whether the nest has been moved or solved by someone?"

The girl shook her head, but soon realized that she was communicating remotely and the other party could not see her body language, so she had to speak again:"I don't know, but there are two strange smells, one male and one female."

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