"Excuse me, is this Gen Hoshino, Mr. Hoshino?"

A very enthusiastic male voice came from the other end of the phone:"I am Sato, the sales manager of Kawasaki 4S store in Shibuya District. The modification procedures and car purchase procedures of the Kawasaki Ninja H2 resold to you have been completed. If you are free, can you come over to sign and inspect the car?"

"……"After answering the phone, Gen Hoshino was silent for a moment. His first reaction was that the other party had called the wrong number, but the person on the other end of the phone had clearly stated his name. His second reaction was that his personal information had been leaked and he had received a scam call.

Gen Hoshino certainly knew what the Kawasaki H2 was.

In his previous life, he was scared by a female ghost and had to flee overseas. When he first came to the United States to live, his financial conditions were relatively tight, but in that country, it was indeed not very convenient to travel without a private car. Due to some personal reasons, he could not accept second-hand goods, nor could he afford a brand new car, so he chose a relatively cheaper motorcycle.

When considering what brand and style to buy, he also learned about various motorcycles on the Internet. Among them, the Kawasaki H2, which was extremely handsome and undoubtedly a supercar among motorcycles, naturally became his dream motorcycle for a time.

But the high price of tens of thousands of dollars was indeed not something he could afford at that time.

It was not until much later, when he was successful in his career and able to fulfill his original dream, that motorcycles had long been eliminated from his means of transportation. After all, in that free country, you can get a driver's license when you are sixteen years old.

Of course, if he becomes richer in the future, will he consider buying a motorcycle to make up for his original regret? It is still unknown, after all, he died before the age of nineteen in his previous life.

"Mr. Hoshino? Are you listening?"

The sound of the phone brought Hoshino Gen back to his senses. He sighed softly and responded,"Sorry, I can't afford your car. Goodbye."

After that, he was about to hang up the phone, but the voice on the other end hurriedly said,"Wait, the car has been paid in full. The payer is Miss Hoshino Rin. Your phone number was also left by Miss Hoshino. Don't you know?"


In silence, the corner of Xingye Yuan's mouth twitched fiercely......

After hanging up the phone call from the sales manager of Kawasaki 4S store, Hoshino Gen's expression became a little strange.

On the surface, he was still enjoying his meal, but in fact, Shimizu Yu, who was secretly observing, couldn't help but be curious:"What's wrong? You look so weird."

"……Nothing." He adjusted his facial expression and smiled at her:"It's like I received a special gift for me. It feels wonderful."

"Oh." Shimizu You nodded and shut up. Although he was still curious about what kind of gift could make this black-hearted guy show such an expression, this was his private matter after all. He and he were not even friends, so he didn't seem to have the right to ask. After the meal, Hoshino Gen gave Shimizu You the task of cleaning the table, while he continued to work hard for the last six points of favorability.


In the game, the white alarm clock in the pink room showed the same time as in reality.

Qianjiang sat on the beautiful princess bed, her watery eyes staring at Hoshino Gen who was controlling"Yjiang" outside the screen, her voice childish and sweet.

"Y-chan, if I become unlovable, will you still like me?"

A light pink selection box appears.

【[Yes] [No]

Hoshino Gen reflexively clicked [Yes], which would obviously increase his favorability.

Zizi - almost at the moment when the salesperson pressed the left mouse button, the 4K resolution computer screen suddenly flashed twice. When the picture became clear again, the dreamy pink room in the game had faded, and the world became pale and monotonous. The only color was the red on Qianjiang's originally white dress - scarlet, as if someone had splashed blood on her. The style of the painting suddenly changed.

Qianjiang lowered her head, stood up and staggered towards the screen, from far to near, like an actor approaching the camera in a play, and her figure gradually became a close-up.

In front of the camera, she suddenly raised her face, her face was pale, her eyes were empty and scarlet, two lines of blood and tears hung on her face, and she had an extremely weird smile on her face.

Only Hoshino Gen had extraordinary experience, otherwise if someone else sat in his position, they would be scared to death.

Hoshino Gen lowered his eyelids and calmly tried to move the mouse. Sure enough, there was no movement on the screen.

Win+D hides the window and shows the desktop... There was no response either.

Hoshino Gen thought for a moment, took out a piece of talisman paper from his pocket, quietly moved his hand around, and pasted the talisman on the back of the computer. He put his index finger and middle finger together and raised his sword finger, and pressed hard on the talisman.

Ding! In the strange sound, it seemed that some invisible ripples spread out.

Zizizizi--!! A large number of noise points flashed on the computer screen, and Qianjiang's pale and terrifying face suddenly became hideous.

Hoshino Gen's expression did not change at all, and his sword finger continued to hit the talisman. The"ding ding ding" sound was heard for a while, and even Shimizu Yu, who was cleaning the stairs, couldn't help but look sideways.

And once she looked, she couldn't take her eyes back.

In the piercing scream, a head that seemed to be made up of noise points with a very high flickering frequency drilled out of the computer in front of Hoshino Gen!

Qingshui You almost popped his eyes out, what the hell is this?!

Then Qingshui You, who was in extreme shock, saw Hoshino Gen suddenly pull out a talisman paper and cover the head of the noise point. The guy's palm just grabbed the head through a layer of talismans and pulled it outward fiercely.

A short figure composed entirely of high-frequency flashing noise points was pulled out and fell to the ground.

The noise point man quickly climbed up and rushed to the computer behind Hoshino Gen with all his limbs like an arthropod, but before that, Hoshino Gen had closed the computer and had a black long sword in his hand.

As if feeling a strong threat from the sword, the noise point man changed direction without hesitation and rushed towards Qingshui You on the stairs.

Qing Shuiyou took a breath of cold air, and her heart immediately rose to her throat, and she cried out in her heart that her life was over. But at this moment, her wrist suddenly shone brightly, and a golden red talisman appeared. The moment the Noise Point Man was illuminated by the light, an extremely sharp scream with an electric sound instantly penetrated the air and walls and resounded throughout the streets and alleys in this area.

Even though he wailed in pain, the Noise Point Man still swiftly dodged the black blade that attacked him from behind, and then rushed out of the door of the antique shop at a speed that left a residual image in the air, and threw himself into the pouring rain.

Hoshino Gen rushed out closely behind him, not caring about the heavy rain hitting his body. His clothes were immediately soaked, but he had just run two steps out of the alley when his heart suddenly sank.

Because at this moment, at the entrance of the alley, a figure wearing a yellow raincoat was standing in the path of the Noise Point Man!

At this distance, there was no way he could have made it in time to rescue...

However, in the next second, something happened that made Gen Hoshino stop in his tracks. The figure in the yellow raincoat suddenly took out her cell phone and held it in front of her.

The timing was just the moment when the noise person rushed into her arm's reach.

The noise person took advantage of the situation and dived into the phone screen of the figure in the yellow raincoat like a fish leaping into the sea. Then, the person in the yellow raincoat took out a red rope from somewhere and quickly wrapped the phone tightly.

In the heavy rain, Gen Hoshino, who witnessed this scene, stood with a knife in his left hand. After a moment, he raised the long knife in his hand, pointed the tip of the blade at the yellow raincoat, and said in a flat voice:"Hand it over."

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