Huang Yuyi tilted her head and raised the cell phone in her hand that was tangled like a dumpling with red thread, as if asking if this was what Xingye Yuan was talking about. Xingye Yuan pointed the knife at her and said nothing.

Huang Yuyi nodded in understanding, then shook her head quickly, probably to express that she understood what Xingye Yuan meant, but the thing could not be given to him.

After working so hard for so long, the prey finally fell into the hands of others. Anyone with a little temper would not tolerate it. Although Xingye Yuan's temper was not so flammable and explosive, he was definitely not a kind person who could remain calm when his things were robbed.

The raised blade was slowly lowered, and Xingye Yuan stepped out, splashing a large amount of water. Friendly verbal communication did not work, so he had to use less friendly manual communication.

Like a ghostly figure shuttling through the rain, the blade shattered the water droplets that scattered the light and shadow of the city, and chopped at Huang Yuyi's right wrist with a cold chill. From this look, Xingye Yuan clearly intended to chop off the other party's hand holding the cell phone that imprisoned"Qianjiang".

Although the girl in the yellow raincoat looked stupid, her reaction speed was actually much faster than that of an ordinary person. Facing the fierce knife, she dodged quickly, and then squatted down like a conditioned reflex to sweep the wolf leg to knock down Hoshino Gen. Hoshino

Gen's face did not fluctuate. However, at the moment when the slender and straight long leg attacked, her right leg suddenly kicked out, and the two legs collided in the air with a low muffled sound. The girl in the yellow raincoat lost her balance instantly, as if she had not expected Hoshino Gen to have such great power. Although she looked a little stupid, she could not hide the pain and confusion on her delicate and beautiful face.

Then the next moment, a string of blood flowers splashed in the air, and was quickly covered by heavy rain, merging into a pool of light red blood.

The girl was slightly stunned. She looked at her shoulder and saw that the raincoat and the clothes underneath had been cut open. The skin that should have been white and flawless was replaced by a hideous wound with black air and blood.

Hoshino Gen shook off the rain on the blade - as for the blood, it had been completely absorbed by the black blade. He sheathed the blade and leaned over to pull the phone out of the hand of the girl in the yellow raincoat, which was already beginning to shake.

Plop! The girl fell in the heavy rain and fell into a deep coma.

Hoshino Gen first lowered his head to check the phone that was entangled by the red rope, and then suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of the antique shop door. Shimizu Yu, who appeared there at some point, suddenly shuddered all over, but seemed to have thought of something and stayed where he was.

Hoshino Gen looked down at the girl lying in the rain again, and saw that her raincoat was stained with sewage on the ground, and felt a little disgusted.

After thinking about it, he waved to Shimizu Yu, who was standing at the door of the antique shop, to signal him to come over.

Qingshui You's heart skipped a beat when she saw this, but after hesitating for a moment, she stepped into the rain, shielding her forehead with her hands to block the rain from getting into her eyes, and then came in front of Hoshino Gen. Qingshui You glanced at the girl whose shoulder was still bleeding on the ground, and then looked at Hoshino Gen with a complicated expression:"She... is still alive?"

Hoshino Gen rolled his eyes:"What are you thinking about, I'm not a murderer.

Although the robbery is quite bad, it is not a capital crime for the time being.

Let's move her into the store first.

" He assigned the task to his employees, and Hoshino Gen was about to go back to the house to avoid the rain with a knife.

Qingshui You looked at the unscrupulous boss who was not going to do any hard work in surprise, and shouted:"Where are you going? Let's carry it together!

" Hoshino Gen did not look back, but raised his right hand, spread his five fingers so that she could see the palm, only to see that the straps that should have been white were soaked with blood.

Qingshui You was speechless for a moment. She almost forgot that this guy's hand was stabbed through at the gym that day... She pouted, leaned down, and laboriously carried the girl on her back, then slowly moved towards the door of the antique shop in the rain.......

Back in the house, Hoshino Gen ordered Shimizu Yu to put the girl in the yellow raincoat on a chair, and he went to the grocery room to find a hemp rope and tied the girl to the chair with great skill.

Shimizu Yu was stunned by the process, and finally she couldn't help asking,"What are you doing?"

"Ask for information.

" Hoshino Gen said as a matter of course, then he looked up and down at Shimizu Yu, who was as wet as himself, pointed in the direction of the bathroom and said:"There are unused towels in the cabinet above the sink, you can go and wipe them.

" Shimizu Yu did not move.

She looked at Hoshino Gen vigilantly, and then at the girl who was tied to the chair, with a teardrop mole in the corner of her left eye and a rather extraordinary appearance:"Are you planning to do something shameful?"

Hoshino Gen gave her a kind smile to show his magnanimity of not caring about fools.

Shimizu Yu felt insulted, but she still puffed her cheeks and refused to give up:"Then what are you going to do with her?"

Hoshino Gen thought for a while and said:"That depends on the results of the interrogation later."

"Interrogation?" Shimizu Yu heard the sensitive words again.

Although she instinctively thought that the current situation should be reported to the police, she actually saw clearly what happened outside just now.

The girl who was tied to the chair was probably the same kind of person as Hoshino Gen.

She thought that the police probably couldn't intervene in such matters between supernatural people - at least she didn't think her father, a policeman, knew that there was really an unscientific side to the world.

"Otherwise." Hoshino Gen didn't know what Shimizu Yu was thinking, he said excitedly:"I have lived in Japan for so many years, although I vaguely feel that there should be a group of people similar to me, but this is the first time I have met them. Now I finally caught a live person, how can I not ask clearly."

As he spoke, he threw a white water talisman on the wound on the girl's shoulder in the yellow raincoat. The talisman paper dissolved into a clear stream of water that quickly washed away the blood and black air.

Hoshino Gen felt that if this guy who showed up halfway to snatch his prey was really a ghost hunter in this world, he should be able to get rid of the demon sword soon after he did this.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, the girl on the chair took a deep breath and woke up slowly, just like a suffocating person touching the air.

The first thing the girl looked at when she woke up was her shoulder, and she found the wound that looked particularly hideous on her fair skin. She couldn't help but gasp, and her cheek twitched in pain.

Hoshino Gen didn't give her time to react to the current situation, and he didn't mean to show sympathy to her. He said bluntly:"I ask you to answer, your name?"

"……"Attracted by the voice, the girl looked at Hoshino Gen's face, then looked down at the ropes that bound her, and gradually realized her situation. She lowered her head in frustration and said nothing.

In the spreading silence, Hoshino Gen pulled out his magic sword with a"clang" sound and placed it on the girl's slender white neck, and smiled and asked again:"Name?""

"……My childhood name was Bai Nai.

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