Qingshui You was indeed a little panicked. Not to mention that she was absent-minded in class all day and was caught by the teacher more than once or twice. Just thinking about the test results, she felt that she was doomed.

In fact, although this test was sudden, the news had actually spread a week ago. Students who were interested would naturally start to review actively, but Qingshui You had been a poor student for many years. Apart from some experience in cramming, she was really not good at and did not like studying, not to mention that her mind was attracted by the real"supernatural events" recently.

Qingshui You did not have a good morning this morning. Even her favorite thing, daydreaming in class, made her walk away worried.

Until the afternoon, the test results were finally posted in the corridor. Qingshui You, with the mentality of"if you stick your head out, you will be cut by the knife, if you shrink your head, you will be cut by the knife", gritted her teeth and squeezed into the bottom of the score list with other students.

In fact, many public schools in Japan do not rank students' grades, and they don't even make everyone's grades public. However, Segawa Private High School is a high school that pursues a high admission rate, and ranking grades to promote competition is just a common practice.

Shimizu Yuu glanced at the list from top to bottom.

1. Sasaki Ayane 848 points

2. Shiraishi Ryuto 821 points

3. Sato Toru 819 points......

289, Shimizu Yuu, 378 points

Shimizu Yuu was speechless for a moment when she looked at her ranking and score. Although she knew that she had done very badly in the exam, she never expected it to be so bad.

There are ten classes from A to J in the first year of high school at Segawa Private High School. It has been less than a month since the start of the school year, and there are no transfer students yet. There are exactly 300 people in the whole grade. Although there are only 299 names in the ranking, it is because a super popular idol with a special identity did not take the exam.

So Shimizu Yuu's ranking in this exam is not too much or too little, just the tenth from the bottom of the grade...

Thinking of tomorrow's parent-teacher meeting, Shimizu Yuu felt a headache for a moment, and couldn't help but secretly smack his lips. He has quietly thought about whether he should stay at his good friend Suzuki Zemi's house for a few days to avoid the limelight.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered something. She had just glanced too quickly and seemed to have missed someone's name...

With this thought, Qingshui You hurriedly searched from the bottom to the top. Soon, she found the words"Xingye Yuan 401 points" at the 256th position.

Ha! This guy is the same as me!

Somehow, although her situation has not improved, after seeing that Xingye Yuan's score is almost the same as hers, Qingshui You's mood has inexplicably improved, and the corners of her mouth have unconsciously raised.

It's not that she is gloating, she just thinks that the arrogant guy is not so good at everything!

She couldn't help but look back at the classroom window, and saw the boy sitting by the window on the other side, supporting his cheek with one hand, looking at the blue sky outside with a smile on his lips, as if he was indifferent to everything around him, as if there was an invisible film separating him from others. The arc of Qingshui You's mouth gradually calmed down, and he looked a little dazed.

For some reason, she suddenly became very curious about what that guy was thinking about.

Perhaps her gaze was too direct, and Gen Hoshino in the classroom seemed to have noticed something. He turned around, his eyes passed through the many classmates in the classroom and the corridor, and met the girl's clear and beautiful almond eyes. Then, his eyebrows curved and he smiled, but that smile seemed a bit naughty no matter how you looked at it.


Qingshui You felt her heart skip a beat and her cheeks inexplicably became hot, but when she thought of the guy's usual shamelessness and exploitation of herself, she felt that she was timid about this evil bastard. With this thought, Qingshui You was immediately furious and glared back at him with a very unfriendly face.

But the red cheeks and bright almond eyes did not have any deterrent power at all, but the lethality was quite good, causing many classmates who were crowded nearby to look at the rankings to secretly glance at her.......

The second class in the afternoon was physical education. The physical education teacher was not a good person. He started by testing the 1,000-meter long-distance running.

The playground of Segawa Private Academy was very beautiful and spacious, with a standard 400-meter running track.

Boys and girls were tested separately, boys first and girls later.

Shimizu Yu was pulled by Suzuki Zemi to rest on the green grass inside the running track with a few girls, chatting and laughing. Today, Shimizu Yu was a little silent, a little out of tune with the noisy environment around him.

Suzuki Zemi soon noticed her best friend's bad mood, but she figured out what was going on after a little thought. She smiled and approached Shimizu Yu, and said with a malicious smile:"Are you still worried about tomorrow's parent-teacher meeting? Don't worry, I will ask Aunt Shimizu to spare your life when the time comes~"

Shimizu Yu hugged his knees and rolled his eyes, glanced at her, and then looked away to chase the group of boys running - some fell behind and became the slow-moving tail, some sped up and left the group behind to become the most eye-catching leader, and a guy who looked particularly eye-catching was still leisurely mixing in the middle.

Tsk, really good at pretending. Qingshui You curled her lips. Others didn't know what kind of person Hoshino Gen was, but she knew him very well. Although he was a shameless and black-hearted bastard, he was indeed a powerful bastard. Although she had never seen how strong Hoshino Gen was, Qingshui You felt that if that guy ran well, it should be easy for him to overtake the guy in the front who looked like a peacock spreading its tail...

And Suzuki Zemi on the side was a little unhappy when she saw her good friend ignoring her. She puffed up her cheeks and pinched Qingshui You's smooth and white face with her hands:"Xiaoyou--! I found that you are very abnormal recently!" Qingshui

You was startled, but she felt that she was in contact with supernatural powers and it was impossible for her good friend to know, so she calmly slapped Suzuki Zemi's hand away and said calmly:"How can you be so stupid?"

"It’s everywhere!" Suzuki Zemi opened her eyes wide. She grew up with Shimizu Yuu and knew that when this girl has something to hide, she will pretend to be calm, but in fact, the way she pouts is the biggest flaw!

Suzuki Zemi thought of a possibility. She looked at Shimizu Yuu with a strange scrutiny until she felt Shimizu Yuu was all goosebumps. She said with great sorrow:"Xiaoyou, are you in love?"

Now it was Shimizu Yuu’s turn to be confused. She blinked and looked strange:"How is it possible?"

But the more Shimizu Yuu was like this, the more Suzuki Zemi was sure, her face full of compassion:"Obviously, it’s there. Otherwise, why haven’t you been so close to me these days? And speaking of which, I often saw you staring at that boy Hoshino in a daze in class these days. Are you attracted to him?"

Fortunately, Shimizu Yu wasn't drinking water, otherwise, she would have probably spit out a mouthful of water at Suzuki Zemei after hearing this. Her face turned red, not because of anything else, but because she felt a little embarrassed to talk about love in public. But her good friend actually said that she liked that boy Hoshino Gen. This was just nonsense!

She wanted to beat that bastard up! She couldn't tolerate such words that were tantamount to throwing dirty water on her.

She said angrily:"What are you talking about! How could I like that bastard... that guy!"

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