"If you don't like him, why do you keep staring at him during class? Oh, right! It seems that your eyes were also looking at the direction where those boys were running... In fact, you were also looking at that boy Hoshino!"

Suzuki Zemei turned her head with an indignant look on her face and looked at the large group of boys running. It happened that they were now at the starting position of the second lap, which was relatively close to where the girls were resting. There was no need to look carefully. As long as you cast your eyes on the crowd, your sight would naturally be firmly caught by a certain unreasonable guy.

Especially at this moment when most of the boys were running with red faces, the handsome boy with a calm expression and white skin that seemed to be glowing in the sun did not even seem real. The indignant expression froze for a moment. Suzuki Zemei turned around, grabbed Shimizu You's little hand and said earnestly:"Xiao You, you can't be so superficial……"


"What? Xiaoyou likes Hoshino?!" At this time, other girls came over, looking like they smelled a melon.

Before Shimizu You could clarify angrily, Suzuki Zemi changed her expression first and said with a smile:"I'm kidding, how is it possible? Hoshino is such a weird guy, he's not the type that our Xiaoyou likes." You're kidding! It's okay to talk about it in private among family members, but if others hear it and spread it, it will have a negative impact on Xiaoyou's reputation!

"What? It's boring."Among the three girls who came over, there was a girl with short hair, pure and sweet looks, her name was Sakurajima Yui. The way she wore her gymnastics suit made people know at a glance that she was a lively athletic girl.

The other two girls were named Oguri Aino and Ito Saki.

Oguri Aino had a high ponytail, which gave her a heroic look. As the class monitor, she had a bit of a strong personality, but in private, she was just an ordinary high school girl who liked to gossip.

And Ito Saki, with her long straight black hair and cold white skin, was second only to Hoshino Gen in the class. After all, her appearance was too deceptive. She looked delicate and beautiful, like a beautiful girl from an anime. When she didn't speak, she looked like a beautiful and cold female academic bully. There were even many classmates in the school who loved the two-dimensional world and said that she was"the real Yukinoshita Yukino.""……

But unfortunately, anyone who is a little familiar with her knows that Ito Saki only has a cold and arrogant face. In fact, her grades can be summed up in two words:"terrible". She is a strong student who can compete with Shimizu Yu. As for her personality, it is more appropriate to say that she is"shy" rather than"cold". If it weren't for the two...���She won’t go near others unless she is pulled by her good friends who she has grown up with!

Three people joined the conversation between Yu Shimizu and Zemi Suzuki, and the topic of the chat suddenly changed to somewhere else.

From which street a new milk tea shop opened, to the exposure of a celebrity’s love affair... Just as they were complaining about the hit drama on Tokyo TV at 8 o'clock every night, there was a sudden commotion behind them.

Several people looked back at the same time, and saw a girl with long legs and long hair, surrounded by a group of people, holding a bottle of drink, and blushing as she walked towards the group of boys who had finished the 1,000-meter run.

Then, amid waves of boos, the bottle of drink was shyly stuffed into the hands of Gen Hoshino by the girl.

"Tsk, it's good to be handsome. Even with such a weird personality, there are still people who like him."Suzuki Zemi said half-complainingly, and at the same time, she glanced at Shimizu Yu secretly with her peripheral vision. After finding that there was nothing unusual, she breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that she was indeed worrying too much. It

's not that she can't stand seeing her good friend fall in love, but she thinks that a man like Hoshino Gen is really not something that an ordinary girl can conquer. Although her best friend is also a rare beauty, she is actually a little fool. She just doesn't want to see her best friend jump into the fire pit, that's all.

On the other side, facing the girl in the same class who shyly handed him a drink, Hoshino Gen skillfully gave a polite smile and took it out of the pocket of his sports shorts. He took out a 500 yen coin and put it into the other person's hand, and walked away with the drink in his hand amidst the disappointing"hush" sounds from the surroundings and the lost look of the girl.

The physical education class was over, and it was time to go home from school.

When Hoshino Gen passed by Shimizu Yu who was still tidying up her desk with her schoolbag, he very covertly threw a note on her desk.

Shimizu Yu picked it up with confusion and found that it said"Today is a holiday."

Just when she looked up to ask Hoshino Gen what was going on, she found that the guy had left the classroom.

At this time, Suzuki Zemi happened to run over:"Xiaoyou, are you going to work part-time today?"

Shimizu Yu blinked, put away the note and shook his head,"Today is a holiday"

"That's great! I don't want to go to the club today either, let's go shopping together later!"

"Uh... OK"......

After leaving the school gate, Hoshino Gen looked around. When he saw a red Ferrari sports car slowly driving towards him, he couldn't help but smile.

It was not unexpected.

The sports car stopped in front of Hoshino Gen, and the scissor doors automatically opened, revealing the luxurious interior. In the driver's seat, a woman with long wavy wine-red hair and black stockings turned to look at him, her voice magnetic, with the unique charm of a mature woman:"Want a ride, handsome boy?"

Hoshino Gen smiled but said nothing, but his actions had already given the answer. He took out two lollipops from his pocket and threw one of them to the driver's seat:"Fare." As soon as he finished speaking, the sugar coating of the other lollipop in his hand had been peeled off. Hoshino Gen put the lollipop in his mouth, took a step out, and got into the car. The scissor doors closed, and the sports car drove away with the roar of the engine.

The scenery outside the window was flying backwards rapidly, and the air inside the car was filled with citrus-scented car incense. The wine-red-haired lady with black stockings casually introduced herself:"My name is Qianlai Mingxiang, a member of the Tokyo Special Incident Response Team, and a colleague of the little guy you injured yesterday.""

"Hoshino Gen, he is a student." Hoshino Gen replied with a smile

"Hehe, I know, your sister's performance was very good, and most of the younger members of the group liked it very much."

"Really? Thank you." Hoshino Gen looked around at the interior, which was very feminine and had many personalized ornaments. From this, it can be seen that this sports car is most likely the personal belongings of the woman next to him. Hoshino Gen silently labeled her a"rich woman".

He casually asked:"Do you pay well for your job?"

"It’s not high, about the same as that of ordinary office workers, but the bonus for completing the task is not bad. How about, are you interested in joining us?"


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