The sports car finally stopped in front of a cafe.

A wooden sign that read"Temporarily closed" was hung on the cafe's elegant and beautiful glass door, but Qianlai Mingxiang pushed open the glass door and walked in with Hoshino Gen without any hindrance.

The area of this cafe is not very large, but the decoration is very elegant and modern, with rattan tables and chairs, wooden ceilings and shiny white porcelain floors.

Most of the walls on all four sides are occupied by transparent glass.

This is the best place for modern young people to kill time and relax.

The cafe was not empty at the moment.

Not only was there a waiter in black and white uniforms behind the bar, but there were also two young men and women sitting on high chairs chatting in front of the bar.

When the glass door of the cafe was pushed open, a series of crisp wind chimes would sound, which was a bit similar to Hoshino Gen's antique shop. This movement attracted the attention of the man and woman sitting on the high chair.

The girl was about thirteen or fourteen years old, with two ponytails, wearing a white shirt and a navy blue short skirt, with a bow tied with a pink ribbon at the neckline, a pair of white sneakers, and black.���The socks cover most of the beautiful calves, the skin is very white, the eyes are big, and she is a very cute sweet girl

"Sister Mingxiang is back. Is this the one who defeated Sister Shiranai? So handsome!" She looked at Gen Hoshino with her big shining eyes, like a girl next door who admires her older brother, kind and cute.

The boy sitting next to her was about sixteen or seventeen years old, the same age as Gen Hoshino. He wore black leggings and shorts on the lower body, and a fake two-piece top with a long inside and a short outside. He had a pair of big black and red headphones hanging around his neck. He looked so cool. He glanced at Gen Hoshino, snorted coldly, and glanced away.

Qianlai Mingxiang smiled and introduced Gen Hoshino:"Kiryu Ruoha, the youngest member of the special task force, fourteen years old, and is in junior high school."

Gen Hoshino looked at the twin ponytails, and the little girl waved at him cutely.

"His childhood name is Yuto, he is the same age as you and goes to the same school, but you don’t seem to be in the same class." Qianlai Mingxiang smiled and said,"When you heard this name, did you think of anything?"

"Shiraina Chiname's younger brother?" Gen Hoshino said with a smile on his face.

Asarai Naka nodded with a smile, but Hiroto Chiname on the other side suddenly said coldly:"Gen Hoshino, I know you. Everyone in school said you were a mute, but now you can talk? You are good at pretending." These were unfriendly words, but Gen Hoshino could understand them. After all, he had just beaten up the other person's sister yesterday and electrocuted her with the Five Thunder Talisman.

""Yuto!" Asanamika stopped the young man, and Yuto pouted and showed a disdainful expression to Hoshino Gen. Hoshino Gen smiled and didn't care. It's not that he was magnanimous, but he felt a little sorry for the girl named Shiraha yesterday.

Asanamika smiled apologetically at Hoshino Gen and said,"Please don't mind. Yuto is a good person and values friendship very much. And you accidentally hurt his sister yesterday.……"She led Hoshino Gen to sit down at a rattan table and asked,"Would you like something to drink?"

"Hot milk, with sugar." It seems that there is no word"polite" in Xingye Yuan's dictionary.

Qianlai Mingxiang looked at the waiter at the bar, and the waiter made a gesture."OK"The gesture indicates receipt

"Well, this is one of the safe houses of the special task force. There are no irrelevant people here, so we can have a frank talk here." Qianlai Mingxiang sat opposite to Hoshino Gen, crossed her legs, rested her arms on the table, and supported her chin with her fingers crossed. She had delicate light makeup on and a friendly smile on her mature and charming face.

Hoshino Gen leaned back in a rattan chair, smiling even softer than the other person, and asked,"Okay, what do you want to talk about?"

"Ruoye, bring those two contracts."

"Got it~"

The sound of small footsteps"tapping" was heard in the cafe, and soon, with a scent of milk, Kiryu Ruoha ran to the table and placed two contracts written in black and white in front of Hoshino Gen, and then"tapping" ran back to the high chair in front of the bar.

Hoshino Gen lowered his head and scanned the words on the two contracts respectively. Before he had time to understand them, Qianlai Mingxiang on the opposite side took the lead to explain:"The one on your left hand is the employment contract, and the one on your right hand is the cooperation contract and confidentiality agreement."

"We have collected a lot of information about you. You have a clean background and strong abilities. Our special task force welcomes people like you. If you are willing to join us, we will strive for the best benefits for you. Of course, even if you don't join us, we can still reach a cooperative relationship. In our line of work, it is always difficult and dangerous to fight alone, isn't it?"

The waiter brought the steaming sweet milk to the table. Hoshino Gen took a sip, licked the milk stains on his upper lip, and smiled,"That makes sense, but I'm curious, how much information have you collected about me? If you want me to cooperate with you, you have to prove that you are worth it, right?"

He only mentioned the value of cooperation, but did not mention joining. He had clearly expressed his inclination. Qianlai Mingxiang seemed a little disappointed, but after a pause, he smiled and said:

"Gen Hoshino, a native of Tokyo, was born in the Tokyo University Medical Hospital with his sister Rin Hoshino. His father Sosuke Hoshino is the second heir to the Hoshino Group. When he was 20 years old, he was still in college when he founded the Star Group, which is independent of the family group. The following year, he met your mother during a business trip to the UK."

"Your mother, Tilina Adeline Isabel, is from the Isabel family in London, England. She is the third granddaughter of the current Viscountess Isabel and the eleventh heir to the title."

"Thirteen years ago, your parents divorced, your sister went to live in England with your mother, and you stayed in Japan with your father.……"

"To be honest, we haven't found out where your special abilities come from, but according to your consumption records, you have at least mastered two abilities: alchemy and talisman drawing, and the latter is most likely inherited from the mysterious country in the west.……"

""Okay." Xingye Yuan suddenly interrupted Qianlai Mingxiang's words and smiled faintly:"I almost understand. Your intelligence capabilities rely on the 'official', which is far beyond the reach of private organizations or individuals. If you can do me a favor, I am willing to enter into a cooperative relationship with you."

"What help?" Qianlai Mingxiang did not show any dissatisfaction because of the interruption. On the contrary, she was very satisfied with Xingye Yuan's statement of cooperation intention.

Xingye Yuan took out a mobile phone wrapped with red ropes and put it on the table, and said with a smile:"Teach me how to make this red rope."

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