Hoshino Gen's voice was not loud, but it was loud enough for everyone in the cafe to hear clearly.

Before the stunned Asarai Naka responded, Chiname Yuto at the bar on the other side could not help but sneer.

"Heh... daydreaming."

Kiryu Ruoha, who was also sitting at the bar, stared at Hoshino Gen in amazement. After all, in their opinion, what Hoshino Gen just said, if put in another context, would be equivalent to a large company expressing its intention to cooperate with a small company, and then the person in charge of the small company said,"Give me 50% of your company's shares and I will agree to your request.""

It's really... too much of a pipe dream."

Seeing their reactions, Hoshino Gen also realized that his request might be a bit too much. But he was right. Alchemy is a very powerful skill. A superb alchemist can use his alchemical creations to give a bunch of ordinary people special abilities, just like himself. Didn't he use alchemy to give the idiot Shimizu You the ability of"avoiding all ghosts" a few days ago?

What's more, the alchemist in the special task force is more powerful than himself. Such an existence is definitely the foundation of any organization that should be regarded as the lifeblood. And he asked others to teach him the skills to make a living right away. It seems that it is indeed a bit too much. There is no way to get something for nothing, right?

It seems that he is used to being alone and almost forgot the interest exchange system in this society... With a light cough, Hoshino Gen smiled and said,"Just a joke, I still understand what it means to be able to use the carrier of evil spirits as raw materials for alchemy..."

"This... is that so." Qianlai Mingxiang's eyelids twitched, and she forced a smile:"I thought you wanted to use this method to refuse to cooperate with our special task force." After adjusting her mentality, Qianlai Mingxiang's expression became natural again. She smiled and said:"But when you have established a cooperative relationship with us, when you need to use special alchemical props, we can help you submit the application……"

"No need." Xingye Yuan raised his hand to stop Qianlai Mingxiang from speaking, and said with a faint smile:"If necessary, I can refine it myself. What I value is not the special props, but the ability of your alchemy master to change the form of the carrier."

"If possible, I would like to ask that master to help me modify the material form of a certain carrier. I wonder if you can do this."

Qianlai Mingxiang pondered for two seconds and said,"Can you be more specific? I can help you write an application report."

"……I have a knife, which is probably one of the top-grade weapons for carrying evil spirits, but in modern society, such weapons are not portable enough."

"I see. You mean you want to make your weapons easier to store?"

"Roughly the same"

"Sure, I'll help you explain it in the report. Apart from that, do you have any other requirements?"

"That's it for now. I'm more curious about what kind of model the cooperation you mentioned will be carried out in."Xingye Yuan drank the last bit of milk in the cup and said with a smile.

Qianlai Mingxiang visibly relaxed her shoulders, she exhaled, and her smile became more relaxed.

"In fact, there are many special people who have established cooperative relations with our special affairs team. Most of them like to be unique. There are not many members in the special affairs team. At least compared with the supernatural events that have occurred in Japan, our manpower is completely insufficient."

"For the lone rangers who have established a cooperative relationship with us, we will sort out the supernatural events that occurred in their nearby areas and distribute them to them in the form of commissions. Of course, we will also provide corresponding support to help them solve the supernatural events. If the events are successfully resolved, we will also pay the corresponding task rewards."

After hearing this, Xingye Yuan nodded and smiled:"It sounds like the Adventurer Guild in the RPG game."

Qianlai Mingxiang is not a person who knows nothing about game terms. On the contrary, she appreciates Xingye Yuan's understanding and said:"Yes, for lone rangers, we play a role similar to the 'Adventurer Guild'. How about it, do you feel more expectations and security for the next adventure, handsome adventurer?"

Xingye Yuan laughed, grabbed the cooperation contract on the table and the mobile phone wrapped with red lines, and stood up and walked out:"I will take the contract back to take a closer look. If there is no problem, I will sign it. Today's conversation is very pleasant. See you tomorrow."

Qianlai Mingxiang's voice came from behind:"Do you need me to take you back?"

"No need."


The crisp sound of wind chimes rang, and Hoshino Gen's figure disappeared outside the glass door.

The cafe fell into silence again.

"Tsk... what a cocky guy." The indignant voice of Yuto Chiname in front of the bar broke the silence. He said with dissatisfaction:"If it were you, there's no need to be so polite to him. Either obey the management or just take him in and lock him up!"

"Senior Yuto is so vindictive, is he still thinking about how Senior Hoshino defeated Sister Shiranai?" Kiryu Ruoha next to him said with a smile.

She is a second-year student in the junior high school of Segawa Academy. There is nothing wrong with calling Hoshino Gen, who is in the same high school department of Segawa Academy as Hiroto Chiname, a senior. Even Hiroto Chiname didn't think it was wrong. He angrily put the empty drink cup in his hand heavily on the bar.

"I don't hate him for defeating my sister. I don't have anything to say about her inferior skills, but that guy actually dared to torture my sister in private. Who does he think he is? He is just one of those bastards who think they have some special powers and ignore the laws and regulations!"

""Okay, Yuto, don't be so angry. Didn't Bai Nai make it very clear yesterday when he came back? After Bai Nai introduced himself, the other party released him very readily. If he is really an unforgivable person, it might not be so easy for Bai Nai to get away."

Qianlai Mingxiang crossed her arms and looked at the busy streets outside the glass wall. She sounded a little absent-minded:"Besides, Bai Nai mentioned in her later report that she smelled the scent of at least eighteen evil spirits in the private base of your classmate from the same school."

"If Shiranai's nose is not malfunctioning, then it can only mean that Hoshino-san is incredibly powerful."

"Eighteen!"Kiryuu Ruoye covered her mouth and couldn't help but exclaimed slightly, her beautiful big eyes full of disbelief. Chiname Yuto also froze, staring blankly at Asarai Naka who said this shocking word, and was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a long time.

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