With his phone in his pocket and his contract in his schoolbag, Hoshino Gen walked easily on the street bathed in the afternoon sun. Pedestrians were either oncoming or passing by.

There were students in school uniforms laughing and talking, tourists walking freely in their own clothes, office workers in suits hurrying, and elderly people pushing carts to buy groceries and going home. All kinds of human life were playing out on the streets of the city, and Hoshino Gen walked through them with a smile on his face.......

The train clanged forward, passing through the streets and alleys, and passing by tall buildings.

Hoshino Gen did not go home, but went to the antique shop.

Throwing his schoolbag aside, he sat behind his usual desk and took out the mobile phone wrapped with a red string again.

The phone belonged to Shiraha Shiraha, a familiar latest iPhone, with a cute little white rabbit pattern printed on the phone case.

Hoshino Gen turned it in his hand and looked at it for a moment, and finally his eyes returned to the screen in the gap of the red string.

Chi-chan, who looked like a dead body with pale face on the screen, was no longer moving. She just stood quietly in the screen, staring out of the screen with empty and dead eyes without blinking. Hoshino

Gen thought for a while, untied the red string on the phone, and before Chi-chan on the screen could make any move, he had already taken out a bright yellow talisman paper from somewhere and pasted it on the back of the phone.

Without the obstruction of the red string on the screen, Chi-chan's appearance was even more visible.

If you ignore the girl's dead-like loneliness and weirdness, to be fair, Qianjiang is really a very cute girl. She is wearing a blood-stained Lolita dress and a white choker around her slender pale neck. If most people want to see such a girl, they can probably only look for her on the live broadcast platform on the Internet.

"Can we chat?"

Gen Hoshino said with a smile while looking at Qianjiang on the phone.

In the silence, nothing happened. Gen Hoshino smiled in a boring way. Just when he was thinking about what the carrier of the evil ghost in the phone was, his phone in his pocket suddenly received a text message alert tone.

Gen Hoshino's number was obtained through connections, so it is not an exaggeration to say that it is"honorable". Thanks to this, he has never received meaningless spam text messages.

Gen Hoshino put Shirakawa's phone aside and took out his own phone to check the text messages.

And he was a little fascinated when he saw it.

The text message came from an unfamiliar number, and the link was a file.

As soon as Gen Hoshino opened it, the screen of the phone automatically jumped to the screen. It was a seemingly formal document. No.

C-104 [Internet Ghost]

Name: Michiko Hamada/Qianjiang

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Occupation: Student (on leave), YouTube anchor

Address: 43-6, Tosaka 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

Date of death: September 20, 2019

After the basic information, there is a long paragraph about Hamada Michiko or Qianjiang's life.

After filtering out some meaningless rhetoric, the content of this introduction in Hoshino Gen's mind is probably that

Michiko's biggest advantage since she was a child is her outstanding appearance. Born in a single-parent family, she knows how to use her advantages. When she was a child, she used her cuteness to find many people who are willing to protect her, including strange adults, classmates, and teachers in school.

Beauty is an advantage, but it is also a disaster.

Thirteen-year-old Michiko was violated by a teacher in school. Afterwards, she suffered from severe depression. Since then, she has been on leave from school and often suffered endless sarcasm and beatings from her mother.

In order to shut her mother up, Michiko chose to become a YouTube anchor and start making money.

Because of her innate advantage in appearance, Michiko went smoothly on the road of anchor. In just two years, she went from an unknown newbie to a well-known popular anchor in the"Lolita area".

When the anchor became famous, it was actually very easy to make money. With the money, Michiko's mother never beat or scolded her daughter again. Instead, she quit her job and spent the money her daughter earned from live streaming.

Life was getting better and better, and her mother's angry face was gradually replaced by a smile, but Michiko was not happy. The gossip and sarcasm on the Internet were a huge pressure for a little girl suffering from severe depression. The last straw that broke the camel's back for Michiko was the news that she had been sexually assaulted by a teacher at school.

When the comment section of her live broadcast room was filled with the greatest fear in her heart, her spirit naturally collapsed.

In the room that was decorated particularly cutely for live streaming, in front of the live streaming equipment and computer that she had spent a lot of money to purchase, she stabbed her throat with scissors, and large streams of blood dyed her gorgeous Lolita red.

Michiko's life ended at the age of fifteen.

The evil spirit code-named [Internet Ghost] was born from this young corpse.......

After reading this information, Hoshino Gen understood who had sent him this message. It was none other than the people from the special affairs team.

As expected, the official is the official, and they have an overwhelming advantage in intelligence.

Hoshino Gen let out a long sigh. In fact, he had a strong ability to empathize with others. After reading about Qianjiang's life, he also sympathized with this little girl who died at a young age from the bottom of his heart.

He turned off his mobile phone and put it back in his pocket, then picked up the iPhone that held Michiko again. He looked at the lifeless girl on the screen and spoke again:"Michiko?"


Chi-chan on the screen moved slightly, his expression was sometimes ferocious, sometimes calm, and sometimes full of noise. After a while, he returned to his lifeless look.

Hoshino Gen smiled:"You can hear me talking, why don't you chat with me?"

Michiko didn't respond.

Hoshino Gen didn't care, and turned off the screen of the phone and put it away.

I'm hungry, I'm going home to eat.

As for Michiko... Actually, Hoshino Gen originally planned to go to the antique shop to drag the ghost out of the phone and kill it. In his eyes, the carrier is much more valuable than the evil ghost itself.

But after reading the document sent by the special task force, he changed his mind. For a modern evil ghost that has only been born for less than two years, what kind of priceless treasure can the carrier be?

Just keep it by your side, maybe it will come in handy in the future. After all, the ability to travel freely on the Internet is quite rare.

His master in his previous life did teach him some tricks on how to ward off ghosts. The first step seemed to be to resolve the twisted resentment, so he decided to take some time to visit Chiyoda District.......

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