In front of the classroom door was a blonde, blue-eyed British woman. It was hard to tell her age, maybe she was only in her twenties or thirties, or maybe she was already in her thirties or forties.

Her blonde hair was in big waves, her facial features were three-dimensional and delicate, and she was tall and well-proportioned. She was definitely a great beauty in both Asia and Europe.

With a confident and charming smile on her face, people always felt that the place to meet her was not in a classroom like this, but in Hollywood across the ocean.

In short, this was a beautiful lady as dazzling as an international star. Her appearance made all eyes in the classroom focus on her.

"No, you are on time." Fujiwara Risa came back to her senses and immediately said enthusiastically:"Please come in, Mrs. Hoshino."

The blonde lady, or the mother of Hoshino Gen, Tilina raised her eyebrows slightly, walked into the classroom, and said with a smile:"Oh, Mrs. Hoshino, it's a long-lost name, but it's not bad."

Her Japanese is actually not bad, but she is a little accustomed to the pronunciation of English.

Tilina came to the seat of Hoshino Gen, looking at her handsome son with a gentle smile:"Dear, don't you invite me to sit down?"

In fact, when Tilina appeared at the door, Hoshino Gen was a little confused, but thinking carefully, Tilina had been back to England for a few days. If she was just going to attend the funeral, it wouldn't even take that long. It was actually normal for her to come back at this time. Thinking about the inexplicable smile of Mr. Fujiwara before, Hoshino Gen probably figured out the cause and effect.

It's just that since the second generation, someone has come to attend his parent-teacher meeting...

How should I put it, it's a bit strange, and a bit... embarrassing.

Hoshino Gen stood up silently and stood beside his seat like other classmates.

"Thanks~" Tilina stretched out her hand to pinch her son's face, but Hoshino Gen silently took a half step back, cleverly avoiding the intimate action that would make him uncomfortable. Tilina pursed her lips a little helplessly, but still sat down on her son's stool.

Seeing this, Fujiwara Risa, who was paying attention to this side with a smile, coughed lightly and announced the official start of the parent-teacher meeting.

The main theme of this parent-teacher meeting was not the results of this monthly exam, but the school wanted to discuss with parents the future of each student. In the next three years, the school will work together with parents to help students pave the way for the future as much as possible. It tasted a bit like chicken soup with pie in the sky, but parents liked it very much. At least the atmosphere of the parent-teacher meeting was very warm.

Hoshino Gen stood beside his mother in a trance, and Tilina did not participate in the discussion like other parents. She just supported her chin with her hand and watched it all with a smile.

The fifty-minute class passed quickly.

At the end of the parent-teacher meeting, both the teachers and the parents felt that they were still reluctant to leave.

But after all, birds of a feather flock together.

Just as Hoshino Gen seemed out of place among the students, Tilina was also out of place among the parents.

Unlike other parents who were still teaching their children incessantly after leaving the classroom and describing how beautiful the future would be for their children, Tilina just calmly took Hoshino Gen out of the teaching building.

The mother and son strolled on the campus together. Tilina spoke first:"Dear, your grandparents really want to meet you and suggest that we send you to study in the UK. You know, in terms of education, the UK has always been at the forefront of the world... But of course, we will respect your opinion."

"It is my honor that my grandparents want to meet me. I can go to the UK to meet them during the summer vacation. As for studying there, I have no idea about it at the moment."Gen Hoshino's tone was flat and polite, as if the person talking to him was not his mother, but a strange elder to whom he had to show courtesy and respect.

Seeing her son's attitude, Tilina felt a little lost and guilty.

Her son was very polite to her and respected her, but other than that... he would not tell her any private matters, would not make any requests of her, and would not greet her politely. Unless she brought up the topic or asked questions, Gen Hoshino would never take the initiative to say even a word to her.

Although she had compensated for her debt to her son many times in material and action over the past year, unfortunately, the relationship between mother and son had not changed from beginning to end.

This made Tiana very sad.

However, Tilina was a career-oriented woman after all, and she quickly adjusted her mood. She smiled gently and said,"My car is parked outside, let's go home together. There will be a guest at home recently. She should be considered your cousin. Although you have never met, I think you will like her."

Xingye Yuan didn't care who was missing from the family, and he wouldn't go home with his mother. After all, he still had to deliver the contract and the demon sword to the coffee shop yesterday. This was business, and other trivial matters couldn't disturb him.

"No, I still have something to do, you go back first." Xingye Yuan politely and decisively rejected his mother's proposal.

Tilina was silent for a moment, and then asked:"What's the matter? Do you need your mother's help?" She really wanted to participate in her son's life.

"It's a private matter. No thanks."Xingye Yuan said politely.

"……"Tilina was completely speechless.

Whether in Britain or Japan, in the aristocratic circle or in the business circle, Tilina was a dazzling presence, capable, decisive, and unwavering; these were almost the unanimous evaluations of her by outsiders, but when she faced this son who owed her so much, all her aura and abilities seemed to have lost their effect.

No matter how hard she tried to make up for it and repair the relationship between mother and son, these actions seemed to be ineffective.

The teaching building was not far from the school gate. At this moment, the mother and son were already outside the school. Tilina sighed and reminded Hoshino Gen who was leaving her side to hail a taxi:"No matter what difficulties you have, remember to call your mother. Mom will help you solve them."

Hoshino Gen did not answer because a taxi was coming this way.

"I made beef bourguignon, remember to come home for dinner."

Hoshino Gen stopped a taxi, waved to Tilina, opened the door and got in.

The taxi went away quickly, and Tilina stood there for a while, until a few girls in school uniforms came over and asked her to take a photo with them, and she came to her senses.

After taking a few photos with a few girls from the same school as her son, Tilina drove her Maserati home.

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