Because the contract had been kept in his schoolbag, Hoshino Gen only went to the antique shop to pick up the black sword and then rushed to yesterday's cafe without stopping.

It might be because Hoshino Gen said yesterday that he would come today, so when Hoshino Gen arrived, the cafe still had a wooden sign saying"temporarily closed".

This time, without the guidance of Asarai Mingxiang, Hoshino Gen pushed open the glass door and walked in with ease.

The crisp and pleasant sound of wind chimes rang, and the ethereal melody of piano music came from somewhere. The only few pairs of eyes in the museum immediately gathered.

There were three people in the room today, the familiar Asarai Mingxiang, the Kiryu Ruoye who had met before, and a strange old man with gray hair and a serious face.

""Oh, he's here!"

The sweet girl Kiryu Ruoha, whose appearance and age belong to the category of loli, pointed at Hoshino Gen who had just entered the room and exclaimed.

Hoshino Gen raised his eyebrows, not quite understanding why his appearance made others so excited.

At this time, Qianlai Mingxiang, who was more familiar with him, smiled and said:"You came at the right time, we were just talking about your topic."

Then, she introduced to Hoshino Gen the old man sitting on the chair next to her:"This is Master Nishida, also an alchemist and special consultant of our special group."

Out of respect for his predecessors and respect for a higher level of alchemy, Hoshino Gen smiled and nodded to Master Nishida.

But Master Nishida did not move, always staring at Hoshino Gen with his sharp and serious eyes like a hawk.

Qianlai Mingxiang continued to introduce Hoshino Gen to Master Nishida:"This is the genius ability user we just talked about, Mr. Hoshino.……"

"No need to say more." Master Nishida suddenly interrupted Qianlai Mingxiang's words and asked Xingye Yuan in a cold voice:"How did you do it?"

"……What do you mean?"Since the other party's attitude was not friendly, Xingye Yuan did not intend to use honorifics to talk to this old guy. He would never tolerate people who took advantage of their age.

Master Nishida showed a slightly ambiguous smile on his serious face. He glanced at the black demon sword in Xingye Yuan's hand, but his voice was still cold and hard:

"Heh... You have housed at least eighteen evil spirits, and you are so bold as to use untreated carriers as weapons. Why haven't you shown any signs of losing control until now? Are you really immune to"pollution"?"

If the pollution the other party is talking about is not the environmental issues that concern today's society, then this word is a bit intriguing.

Xingye Yuan suddenly thought of something, and he was a little surprised. He closed his eyes, and after a while, when he opened them again, his left eye was filled with a rich scarlet halo. He kept that smile, but there was an indescribable weirdness and seduction.

Tyranny, murderous desire, madness... All kinds of disturbing emotions boiled in his heart and mind.

The demon sword in his hand began to tremble uncontrollably.

Xingye Yuan's voice remained the same, but it was creepy:

"Is this the pollution you mentioned?"

The temperature in the cafe dropped several degrees in an instant and fell into silence. Only the piano piece was playing as usual.

After a moment, Master Nishida broke the uncomfortable silence:"It's interesting. The pollution level is so high, but you act like nothing happened... Are you too good at disguising yourself, or is your mental resistance incredibly high?" The red light in Hoshino Gen's eyes gradually faded, and he smiled lightly:"Who knows?"

After that, he took out the contract he brought back yesterday from his schoolbag. He threw it lightly, and the contract fell on the Teng table in front of Qianlai Mingxiang:"I have signed the contract. What do you think of yesterday's conditions?"

Qianlai Mingxiang grabbed the contract and flipped through it. After seeing the signature and seal, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The smile that was a little stiff just now became soft and enthusiastic again:"Of course there is no problem, right, Master Nishida?"

Master Nishida did not respond, but asked Hoshino Gen:"Boy, do you know alchemy?"

"I understand a little bit."Xingye Yuan said with a smile

"If you can do it, you can do it. If you can't do it, you can't do it. There is no vague answer in alchemy. All the half-knowledge will be fed back to the sorcerer when he succeeds."Master Nishida said this lightly, and then cast his eyes on the demon sword in the hands of Hoshino Gen, and finally showed some surprise in his eyes:"You can solve the demon knife by yourself, you really deserve the name of a 'genius'."

Hoshino Gen smiled without saying anything

"Leave the knife here, you can go, come back to pick up the goods in three days." Master Nishida stood up and said.

Hoshino Gen did not comment, but stepped forward and handed the knife to Master Nishida.

At this time, Master Nishida smiled and said,"Boy, are you so confident that we will steal your knife? You know, there are not many carriers of the level of Onikiri in the entire special team."

"Hehe." Hoshino Gen still smiled calmly:"Since I am confident in handing it over, I am naturally sure that I can get it back, whether you return it or not... But I still believe in the official credibility, what do you think, Master Nishida?"

"Hahahaha!" Master Nishida, who was always serious, burst into laughter, leaving Kiryu Ruoye and Asarai Nakamura dumbfounded.

After laughing for a while, Master Nishida patted Hoshino Gen's shoulder hard and said,"Good boy, you are so arrogant!"



The fingerprint lock opened and the sound of it was heard. Hoshino Gen opened the door and was about to walk in when he heard a burst of hurried footsteps, followed by a very cute voice, excitedly shouting in English:"Rin~"

Rin? Hoshino Gen was stunned at first, and then realized the pronunciation of this English word. He had lived in the United States for quite a long time in his previous life, and he was familiar with the language English. Although American English and British English are somewhat different, Hoshino Gen was able to instantly parse out the letter structure of the word Rin.

Then it was converted into the Romanization in Japanese. Rin represents the name of his cheap sister, Rin.

A series of thoughts lasted only a short moment, and soon a petite figure appeared in Hoshino Gen's sight.

Long and beautiful hair as bright as gold, a petite body like a doll, a delicate and cute face like an elf... A little British loli who was about ten years old appeared in front of Hoshino Gen.

When the little loli saw Hoshino Gen, the excitement on her face was instantly swept away, especially when she noticed Hoshino Gen's pair of heterochromatic eyes. After a brief daze, she frowned slightly, turned her head away, and walked away with a cold snort.

"Liz, is Rin back?" Mother Tilina asked in English from the kitchen.

The little girl... or Liz also answered loudly in English:"No, it's a stranger."

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