
Hoshino Gen was silent for a moment, then quietly went into the house, closed the door, and changed his shoes at the entrance. How should I put it? When I returned home, a stranger appeared at home, and the stranger called me a"strange guy".

It felt a bit subtle.

As soon as Hoshino Gen changed his shoes, Tilina came out of the kitchen. Seeing Hoshino Gen, she immediately showed a gentle smile on her face and switched back to Japanese:"Welcome back, the gift is in your bedroom, and we can have dinner when Xiaolin comes back."

Hoshino Gen nodded and said politely:"Okay, thank you."

Tilina's expression was slightly stiff, but she immediately pulled the little loli Lisi next to her and introduced Hoshino Gen:"This is your uncle's daughter-Lis."

After that, she lowered her head and introduced Lisi in English:"He is Rin's twin brother and your cousin, Gen."

Gen is the Romanization of Hoshino Gen's name, just like when they call Rin"Rin" in English, it is pronounced similar to"Rui".

Gen is pronounced in English, which is similar to"Jayne".

Little Lolita Lis glanced at Hoshino Gen, folded her arms like snow lotus roots without giving him face, snorted and glanced away.

Hoshino Gen didn't mind, and pretended not to hear his mother's introduction. He ignored the impolite little thing and went straight back to the bedroom.

Tilina looked at her son's closed door, then looked down at her niece who for some reason hated Hoshino Gen, and patted her forehead with a headache.......

As soon as Hoshino Gen returned to the room, he saw a black suitcase on the carpet.

This was probably the gift that Tilina mentioned. Hoshino Gen was a little curious about what was inside.

He went over to open the suitcase. Inside was a completely black box with no words on it, but the texture was indescribably high-end.

At this moment, Hoshino Gen had already guessed what was inside. He opened the box. As he expected, inside was a neatly stacked suit of first-class material, and it was placed in a packaging box without any merchant's signature. It was probably a handmade custom model.

Hoshino Gen didn't care about dressing up, let alone any interest in suits. It was not disappointing, after all, it was a gift from others for free. If you were not satisfied with something you got without paying anything, it would be too rude to the person who gave the gift.

Putting the box back into the suitcase calmly, and stuffing the suitcase into the locker, Hoshino Gen stretched and lay lazily on the bed.

Next, it was the Golden Week holiday, and Hoshino Gen was silently planning the plan for this precious time.

First of all, there is the problem of Qianjiang. It is not a good thing to carry a fierce ghost with you who has evil thoughts about you. Therefore, you must go to Chiyoda District as soon as possible to resolve Qianjiang's resentment and complete the prerequisite of the ghost control technique.

Secondly, he has to take the motorcycle driver's license test. In fact, even if his cheap sister does not suddenly give him a motorcycle, he also plans to buy one himself. After all, he is now sixteen years old and has reached the legal age to ride a motorcycle. Although it is not as good as a car, it is better to have a means of transportation than to take public transportation when traveling.

Then there is the matter of the special affairs team. The black demon sword... or should I say, the ghost cutter is still in their hands. After taking it back in three days, you can ask the special affairs team for some supernatural events that happened in Tokyo and start a new round of treasure hunting.

In short, this year's Golden Week should be very fulfilling.

Hoshino Gen was thinking about things when there was a sudden noise outside the room. From the sound, it seemed that Hoshino Rin was back.

Sure enough, after a while, his room door was knocked, and Rin Hoshino's sweet voice sounded from outside:"Onii-chan, dinner is ready~" Gen Hoshino got out of bed to open the door.

Outside the door stood two prostitutes, one big and one small.

It must be said that the genes of the Isabel family are really good.

Whether it is Tilina, Liz, or the brothers and sisters Hoshino Rin and Gen Hoshino, their appearance can almost be said to be"uniquely gifted".

Of course, the genes of the Hoshino family also contributed to the appearance of Gen Hoshino and Rin Hoshino.

At this moment, Liz was holding Rin Hoshino's arm, looking at Gen Hoshino coldly, pouting her little face, and saying nothing.

Rin Hoshino smiled and rubbed her cousin's blonde hair, and followed Gen Hoshino, who had already gone a step ahead, to the restaurant.

Wash your hands and go to the table.

There is a white porcelain plate on the table in front of the four seats.

There are steaming pies on the plate.

In the public area in the middle, there are green beans, salad...

and a large pot of main course - the fragrant and attractive Burgundy beef stew.

Burgundy beef stew is a famous French dish.

It is also a"hard dish" with complicated procedures and a long time.

If the cooking skills are not good, it is easy to make a complex and subtle hodgepodge.

But if the cooking skills are good enough, then the diners can taste the"limit of beef deliciousness".

Hoshino Gen sat in his usual seat. On the tablecloth under the plate, there was a pair of knives and forks, and there was a pair of chopsticks next to it. This is probably Tilina's habit of taking care of Hoshino Gen, because other people only have knives and forks.

Hoshino Gen is indifferent. Although he has lived in the United States for a long time and is quite skilled in using knives and forks, he does prefer to use chopsticks.

In Japanese families, people usually say"I'm going to eat" before eating. Unfortunately, three of the four people at the table grew up in Europe, and the other one has a complicated background. None of them have the Japanese habit.

As long as everyone is seated, they can start eating.

Hoshino Gen is very interested in food. Perhaps it is because Chinese people are foodies in their bones. The saying"I never tire of fine food, and I never tire of fine meat" left by our ancestors seems to be engraved in the bones of every Chinese.

Hoshino Gen grabbed the chopsticks and put a piece of beef into his mouth. Suddenly, a rich aroma exploded between the taste buds!

The meaty aroma of beef, the fragrance brought by various seasonings, the fruity aroma exuded from the red wine, the tender taste, the soft meat, and the wonderful senses brought by the rich soup flowing between the lips and teeth make every cell in the body seem to cheer. It's delicious! Hoshino Gen couldn't help but squint his eyes. After a piece of beef went down his stomach, it seemed as if a warm current was flowing in his abdomen.

It was really delicious. Without hesitation, Hoshino Gen raised his hand and stretched out his chopsticks to pick up the second piece. Are you kidding me? Who needs to be polite when eating at home? But before that, his eyes met his mother who was sitting opposite him and looking at him with a smile. Tilina asked gently,"Is it delicious?



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